Triton Species

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The Triton species encompasses a variety of sea-dwelling people. The most common form in Felwind being the Aquarian Triton otherwise known as a Sea Elf. Typically a very proud and closed off people thier interactions with the rest of Felwind throut history is limited. Aside from their place as employment around Ocean based occupations such as Sea-fearing ship crew, FIshermen, Sea-Hunters or even Guides they have otherwise avoided most major events in Felwind's history.
Their capital being off the northern coast of the Promised Archapeligo where most if not all Triton consider home. Very small amount of Triton make settlements outside the Triton Capital, When they do its often small villages of Shell and Coral made in or around shipwrecks.
Far more rare Species of Triton come in the form of Mermen and Octoopie. These people are known for their captivating beauty or monstrous behavior. Though they are intelligent and sentient they have little sense of their own culture. Piggybacking off Aquarian Triton culture. They can be found in numbers within the Triton Capital.

Title Detail
Species Class: Humanoid
Population: Rare
Homeland/Origin: Realm, Nation Etc
Average Hight: Cm , Feet
Lifespan: Years
Physical Traits: Tails, Wings, Fur, Pointy ears, Scales etc
Source: Volo's Guide to Monsters p.115



Triton Capital

In the territory of the Promised Archapeligo lies a grand underwater city, Far bigger than most settlements in Felwind it holds over 30,000 Triton as citizens and is considered the homeland of most Triton in Felwind.

Unique Felwind Lore If Any.


The most common form of Triton found in Felwind. They Resemble basic humanoids but with gills either on their neck or torso. Webbed hands and feet and sometimes extra webbing on limbs. Some have additional fins.
They are referred too as Sea Elves In some cultures but this is considered a derogatory term for most Tritions, Not wishing to be lumped in with another species.
These Tritons tend to be a rather proud people and never far from the ocean, Because of this its very rare to find any Triton deep in the mainland, Sticking to Costal settlements or Archipelagos of Islands.
A Common joke “What do you call a Triton in the middle of the desert? Lost.”
Triton in Felwind are offten hunters or traders. Selling fish and other Undersea resources to those on-land. They are also often employed as crew for sea-fearing ships or employees in harbors, Anything that involves close work with the Ocean.
Importantly they can also be found as underwater guides to Scholars or Adventurers. But the Proud nature of a Triton means this task is rarer.

Also known as Sirens, Mermen are a very rare species considered a Triton Subspecies.
The Female, Mermaids are the most well known. Often depicted as beautiful mortal females with a fish tail replacing the legs. Though real Mermaids are a bit more monstrous they still follow that original depiction.
The Male, Mermen are even more rare. Much like Male Drider, Mermen live in isolation only really joining their counterparts for procreation before being sent back to their isolation.
Female Mermen are often found in packs. living around isolated islands and are infamous for luring sailors into the depths to devour them.
Not all Sirens are born. A very rare parasitic fish known as a Mermuglan can latch on to a humanoid's lower half becoming fused with the flesh in a matter of minuets. They often target simple mortals such as Humans and Elves, The result is a Siren, Often a Female even if the target was male. This transformation cannot be reversed after completion, But in the small window of transformation can be prevented with simple magic.

A very rare Sub-Species of triton that has a massive variance of appearance and nature. Lumped together for having the common trait of being a Deep Sea species.
you will find them along the deep dark ocean floors of Felwind. Often singular with their own abode created out of coral, Rocks, ship wrecks or bones of marine life
They get the name ‘Sea Hag’ as Triton that are either Re-birthed Hags or practice the corupting hag magic are offten turrned into something resembling a Deep Sea Triton.
They can also be found in teh dark waters of the Underdark and deeper still in the Shadowfell



  • culture/triton.txt
  • Last modified: 7 weeks ago
  • by Cinder