Astral Born: [3]
Creatures born in the void are called Astral Born. abominations to all material and ethereal plains their existence alone is considered un-natural. there are many ways an Astral born may come into existence and a variety of grotesque ways they may look. but common traits shared is powerful psionics, telepathy, and a nature to cause problems for mortals.

Physical Appearance
A creature of Dragonoid like appearance. Livion is bipedal with a massive set of wings that look and behave like giant hands. Her thick hide is a bright sickly pink while exposed flesh is a deep purple like the sky at night there seem to be astral displays within her flesh, the stars being souls of those she has devoured.
she has 4 pairs of eyes, Two on her face with a much larger pair on strange antenna head flap appended that extend Livions head into an elongated shape. Her whole face can open up completely exposing a mass of tendrils capable of grappling unfortunate victims and swallowing them whole.
the last set of eyes are in the palms of her wing hands, all eyes are functioning and move independently from each other giving Livion a wide range of vision.

  • Ability Score:
    Increase Intelligence score by 2 and Constitution Score by 1
  • Creature Type:
    Your classified as a Aberration.
  • Lifespan:
    It’s unknown how long Astral born live or even if they age. Most born where time does not flow it’s safe to assume most simply ignore the ravages of time.
  • Alignment:
    Most Astral born exist harmlessly in the void, never really considering themselves as a being. but those that do tend to think o themselves as the center of the universe, Leading them to be Immoral or chaotic in nature. they don't think of cause and effect, leading to their actions or mere presence causing issues for those around them and even if drawn attention to it they are unlikely to change it. some may see this as Evil while others Neutral.
  • Size:
    Astral Born come in many shapes and sizes, Livion is classified as Huge (3×3)
    This mans that normal equipment would not fit Livion if she wear to use any.
  • Speed:
    Livion has a walking speed of 40ft, Also Livion has a levitate and flying speed of 60ft
  • Languages:
    You can also communicate telepathically with a number of creatures up to your Intelligence score in a 60ft range. Livion's anatomy is incapable of producing recognizable speech, Roars, nips, moans and screams are her normal audible ways to communicate outside of telepathy.
  • Mind Sense:
    Livion is aware of the presence of creatures within 1 mile of her that have an Intelligence of 3 or higher. She knows the distance and direction of each creature, as well as the creature’s approximate Intelligence (within 3 points), regardless of physical barriers. Creatures under the effects of magic that protects the mind or protects from divination cannot be detected by Livion.
  • Virus Incarnate:
    Personified infection you gain the following effects
    • You are immune to Poison, and Acid.
    • You have a weakness to fire and cold damage.
    • You are immune to the poised & Disease condition
    • You are classified as being diseased at all times, spells such as Detect poison and disease may be used to locate you.
    • You are immune to the charmed or frightened condition.
    • You have disadvantage against saves made against planner shift effects such as the Banishment spell
    • If your body is killed or destroyed you may reform after 2D20 Days in an area suitable infected. Double the amount of days if the only suitable area is in another dimension.
  • Superb Magic Resistance:
    You have natural resistance to hostile magic effects you gain the following benefits.
  • You have advantage on saving throws against magical or psionic effects
  • You have a +2 to all your saving Throws.
  • You Cannot be possessed or polymorphed against your will, This does not prevent attempts to, creatures that may try to possess you find themselves drowning in a sea of madness and lost souls infected by the virus.
  • Mind Blast:
    Livion can magically emits psychic energy in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 19 Intelligence saving throw or take Proficiency Bonus D8 + DCModifier (6d8 + 14) psychic damage and be stunned for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
    You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, recovering all uses after a long rest.
  • Devour
    Livion can make a Melee Weapon Attack (d20+INT+PROF) On a Incapacitated/Paralyzed creature.
    The creature hit by the attack takes 10d10+10 piercing damage1). If this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, You kill the target by devouring it whole.
  • Mind Lock
    as a free action You can cut your mind off from all hostile forces. You become immune to psychic damage, any effect that would sense your emotions or read your thoughts, divination spells, and the charmed condition. examples as following
    • Scrying, Message spells or similar, telepathic communication, Locate person.
    • Likewise you cannot perform any of these skills or spells yourself. you still have full access to telekinetic abilities.

You are unable to attune to any magic items you may find, this effect cannot be nullified or removed.

This Damage ignores resistance
  • character/livion/species.txt
  • Last modified: 16 months ago
  • by Cinder