Honoshin Yonari Decota

Content Used
*Player's Handbook

Name / Titles: Honoshin Yonari
Minteah Decota
Class: Ghostslayer Hunter
Phantom Rouge
Species: Tabaxi
Nationality: Feywild
Home: -

Character Information

Affiliation: Xiangjian Warriors
Decota Family

Physical Description

Type: - Beast, Monstrosity, Fey etc
Height: - in ft & CM
Weight: - in ibs & KG, also what build the character is (Under-weight, Average, Muscular, Tone, Over-Weight, Obese)
Size: - Mechanical Size 1×1, 3×3 etc
Complexion: - skin colour
Texture: - Scales, flesh, fur etc
Eyes: - Eye colour
Hair: - Hair colour
Details: - Extra Anatomy, wings tails, Markings, scars, extra texture such as patches scales, magic hair etc
Gender: - identified or Biological, Pronouns if preferred


Partner: Anaise
Mother: Chaos (Mother)
Teo (Father)

Other Quirks

Favorite Food: -
Favorite Drink: -
Games: - Outside of hobbies
Hobbies: - Outside of Occupation, games, music
Sexuality: - what is the characteriser attracted to if anything
Music: - Types character enjoys to listen or play

Stories & Campaigns

-: -
-: -


Level Base Total
InitSpeed Prof
+030ft +00
Health Armor ClassP.Perception
00 00 00
10(0) 10(0) 10(+0)
10(0) 10(+0) 10(+0)

Bold Stat = Proficiency in Stat

+0 Medicine
Animal Handling
+0 Nature
+0 Perception
+0 Performance
+0 Persuasion
+0 Religion
+0 Sleight of Hand
+0 Stealth
+0 Survival

Bold Stat = Proficiency in Skill

Spell/Ability Modifier

Save DC Modifier
00 +00

You often hear tales of naughty children getting lost in the forest and being swept away by dancing lights. Honoshin was one such child, Taken from his family while he was just a baby. A fox-like Tabaxi who has lived in the Feywild for a majority of his early life.
Found by servants of The Thorn Throne.

Honoshin was raised as a woman in these Fey lands, so too did the soil’s eerie magic effect him. His features grew feminine his body changed to include the woman anatomy, though he would still introduce himself as a man. The odd Intersex life was all he knew and in the land of fantastical creatures it was rather normal to be not-normal.
Raised and trained by the Xiangjian Warriors he would join their ranks as a fine warrior. He spent his youth with Xiangjian masters learning their ways of spirit manipulation and blade-dancing. He would take these skills home with him to become a up-incoming warrior in Mor-Thir.

He is mostly reserved, keeping his voice quite to keep up the female façade. Anyone looking at him would justifiably think Honoshin is a lady its his voice that breaks that illusion so he keeps silent around most, Rather than explain or start a whole thing he avoids the subject with random people all together.
Those who do know him he is quite the chatter box and very flirtatious, after a few drinks its hard to get him to shut up, a few more and its hard to keep his clothes on.

As a self titled Spirit Guide Honoshin will offer his services to forgine travellers of the Feywild such as adventures seeking stories or lost mortals stolen away by Fey. Even the occasional Wizard who had wound up thrown between dimensions when a spell went wrong.
His talents did not stop at the Feywild border. Honoshin's skills with spirits and other such themes made him quite the desired face when dealing with things of an ethereal nature.
Sometimes spirits are vengeful. Not willing to move on peacefully, if at all. Actively causing problems for the living and even going as far as to seek revenge upon those who felled them.
Most spirits only linger for they are lost or have some semblance of unfinished business. But as spirits grow older or are exposed to tainted Arcane then they must be dealt with in a more violent fashion.
Honoshin has a set of skill perfect for dealing with the undead. able to phase between planes and strike the ethereal he is a modern day exorcist.

As with most Xiangjian Honoshin wields a Katana like blade, Though his is as strait as a normal long sword and often soaked in a black ink. The blade is called Maobi (Mah-Oh-Bee).

Speaking in Rhyme in a poor Façade, He isn't very good at rhyming on the spot and even struggles to kept to a script. Fumbling his words and long pauses between sentences but he keeps at it. Maybe one day it will come fluently to him with practice.


Stolen by the mischievous Fey of the Feywild as a baby, Honoshin spent his first twenty years living amongst the whimsical if horribly apathetic world of Fairies and their tales.
Its a event well known, For the Fey to steal new-borns or children from the mortal plains and bring them to the Feywild Some are swapped with Fey children but others are simply spirited away.
A cruel fate for the parents, Powerless to alter the outcome and without resources for a rescue mission. Curler still is these parents pleas often fall on deaf ears. Though the tale is often known amongst adventures the common folk still believe the Fey to belong to the realm of fairytales.

The Xiangjian fought for King Magnus during the Florale Thorn War. When the King fell, The price slain and the princess gone mad, The Xiangjian dispended, Dishonoured and Lord-less. Those remaining scattering to different parts of the worlds.
Honoshin stayed within the Feywild to find a new calling as a Spirit Guide.

Eventually returning home soon after his 20th birthday to find only a year or so had gone past. His parents over joyed to see him safe and welcomed him home with open arms.
Re-Learning the world with the help of his family he caught on quick and became a fully fledged member of the Decota family.


Xiangjian Blade Masters

The Florale Thorn War
Honoshin only joined the war effort in its last days. Deemed too young by the masters he was refused to join the bloodshed until his 18th birthday. Not long after he joined the war was over with the Thorn Throne Defeated.
Honoshin stayed in the Feywild. With his identity hardly known he found it rather easy to avoid further conflict

Returning Home

Dragged Back
During C10
Honoshin took contract work at Redgull's Fishery as a hired Slayer for the fleets crown ship. His skills quickly earning him respect amongst Redgull sailors and became acting first mate to Captain Redgull himself.
A few weeks before the end of his contract The Runaway was swept up in a tear of reality, Being dragged into the Feywild when the Hourglass covern's magic began to bleed the different realms together.
It has been a few months since the ship and Crew have become stuck in the Feywild finding work at the City of Glass as charters and cargo the crew has managed to get by rather easily. despite the major adjustment to Fewyild lore.
ake no mistake everyone of the crew want to get back home.

Honoshin goes by the name Yonari while in the Feywild, learning the hard way that using your true name causes all kinds of problems. His name was taken by a mischievous Fey in exchange for some special magic. Though the effects of the Feywild now slowly alter his body e hopes to find his name and get it back before his sense of self is completely lost.
With Remington a Singora who was a gift from his Grandmother he takes up a gig as part of the Witchlight festival at the City of Glass as one of the opponents in the sky race. Though it was quickly found that he was just too good a flyer on Remington and Festival goers don't like to loose.
To keep the festival moral up Honoshin was paid to deliberately loose. It hurt his and Remi's pride but it was easy coin.

During this he met the adventuring party of C10, Gimbelhorn, Caligos and Issoz

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  • character/honoshin.txt
  • Last modified: 4 weeks ago
  • by Cinder