Pinga's Monastery

Part of Monk’s Monasteries

The Monastery was founded by a great Lizardfolk Monk named Pinga, it is located half a day north of Ruststille a largely Lizardfolk community where some Dragonborn to blend in and try to hide from the Empire although the town and monastery house Lizardfolk they live separately and don't communicate or visit each other often.

The monastery is also where Bemin studied and grew up, after departing the party after a close call with a giant constrictor he set out to return to the monastery

StructureTypeLevelOwnerper season
Pinga's MonasteryKeep1desha-

Demesne Effects

Barbarian1) Wildlife within the barbarian’s demesne grows especially large and fierce.

  • location/pingas_monastery.txt
  • Last modified: 7 months ago
  • by Cinder