Emipharin 'Honey' Decota

Artist Credit


Name / Titles: Emipharin1) 'Honey' Decota
Baba Yaga
Class: EXAPLECLASS (SUBCLASS) Class Character is, Subclass in brackets. See Guides for a list of Classes and Class Lore for lore on the classes in Felwind.
Species: Tabaxi
Nationality: Reton
Home: - Where character’s actual building home is if they have one.

Character Information

Background: - Mechanical Background, Normally what the Character was/is outside of an adventure or something tied to an origin story. Mostly for flavor but allows some starting gear and a Feat (If Allowed by the DM).
Born: - (AGE) Day-Month-Year, Can exclude year. The Age of your character is mostly for Role Play but some mechanics do relate to ageing your character.
Alignment: - Alignment character tends to gravitate towards. Chaotic, Lawful, Good, Evil, Neutral. Mostly ignored in modern games of D&D but it may still come up depending on the DM.
Languages: Languages your characters speaks/Reads, dictated by race, Background and Class but most start with 'Common'.
Tools: - tools character is proficient with, Dictated by Race, Background and Class. Handy items to have tools often allow a character to carry out tasks they normally couldn't or grant a boost to skill checks.
Gear: - Gear character is proficient with, weapons, armor etc. This is dictated by Race, Background and Class. It determines what weapons and gear your character has knowledge In using. Trying to use something your not familiar with often ends in tragedy.
Saves: - Main Stat Saves character is proficient with, This is dictated by your class. All classes start with two main stat saves of the six available and they will help you in avoiding danger giving you a boost to those particular stat saving throws.
Profession: - How character earns money. Mostly for Role Play Purpose, may tie in with your background what your character does for coin. everything from baker to thief, Noble to prostitute or even if your only income is being an adventurer.
Affiliation: Honey & Stew's: Travelling Diner
Decota Family
Hourglass Coven
Faith: - Gods character follows or no gods at all, There are many Gods or godlike beings that a character can relate too, Clerics and Paladins gain their power from faith, Warlocks from their servitude and sometimes its just ice to know you have a big goodly being to give you support. The list of faith can be found here Faith.

Physical Description

Type: Beast
Height: 144cm \ 4.7ft
Weight: 98kg \ 216ibs (Over-weight)
Size: Small (1×1)
Complexion: - skin colour, Dark, Pale, Blue, Red, Glow-in-the Dark? normally dictated by Race but their are always mutations.
Texture: Soft Short Fur
Eyes: Sunset Orange
Hair: - Hair colour
Details: Cat Like Ears & Tail
Gender: Female


Partner: -
Parents: Teo Hazzak (Father)
Chaos Decota (Mother)
Sisters: Paprika
Minteah ‘Honoshin’
Brothers: Deltris
Galatea ‘Cherry’
Folgo ‘Chip’
Ginger ‘Snappy’

Other Quirks

Favorite Food: - Good for Role Play
Favorite Drink: - Good for Role Play, there is also quite rich D&D lore surrounding the various alcoholic drinks it could tie in to your character's story in some way.
Games: - Outside of hobbies, There are a few D&D games around but classics like cards and Dice are always fun to do during down time.
Hobbies: - Outside of Occupation, games, music. Things to flesh our your character narratively.
Sexuality: - what is the character attracted to if anything. Can be as simple or exotic as you like. If your not comfortable then you can simply delete the entire line.
Music: - Types character enjoys to listen or play

Stories & Campaigns

Whispers of the Wilds: NPC (The Helpful Chef from Act 1)
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A Tabaxi lady who up until recently called Reton her home. Like a stereotypical cat she is a very curious woman, always poking her paws into other peoples business, Often with a bowl of tasty stew or other satisfying warm meal. With her collection of strange items and odd personality, Honey has gained a reputation for being a quirky cat lady.
Recently Honey has become the reincarnation for one Hag many people know and fear, Baba Yaga. While most normal people would see this for the blatant issue it is, Honey and her family have taken it in strong strides.

Her Familiar, A Sentient Cauldron named 'Stew' ran away from Honey after her Hag Transformation. Finding a new home wit a sweet peaceful Myconoid by the name of Dusty. Stew was in the possession of a 'Hag' called Granny Slackjaw some years ago, It seems to idea of being with a new hag did not sit well with the little guy.

Even as a Hag Honey herself hasn't changed much personality wise. Still as cheery and quirky as ever but now she has a fondness for games and pranks, And with the nature of any Hag these practical jokes can rage anywhere from mild inconvenience to horrific life altering changes. She is relatively tough when it comes to customers, not tolerating rude behaviour but on the other and being very flirtations with any half decent man that she meets, constantly on the look out for a suitable partner to marry which has been unsuccessful for a number of years. Her chances going down dramatically after the Hag Inheritance.
Her cooking has also been affected by this change. Although it seems to taste better then ever, on the presentation side the food looks like something out of a Halloween party, Eyeballs, Tendrils, all kinds of pastel-Gothic colours. Honey has become quite inventive with her food and the theming of how she serves it.
The Hag Tabaxi is quite the shorty, a bit shorter your average Dwarf but very wide also. A very chubby lady ode to her indulgence in her own kitchen. Soft sort fur covers her body with cat like tail and ears to match her look.
Honey has a varied wardrobe consisting of short tops and short skirts to flowing slit dresses. Not much for pants or shorts. A common sight is her massive witch-esque hat and not seen far from her giant wooden spoon. Those that know say she takes after her mother. with long poofy hair and cat like features.

Honey owns a house on legs, another common thing that a Hag would own, its unknown of this was also stolen or simply created with her own magic. Whatever the case the house is known as The Traveling Diner That had a very limited menu. It only had two items, “Ice water” and “Stew of the day” up until recently where she also offers baked goods from her mother’s bakery.
The Stew is enchanted, changing depending on who is eating it, The customer's desired or favourite stew is what they taste.

The diner itself wanders around on a pair of bird legs able to clear most terrain with ease. its an unstable ride and anyone foolish enough to be passenger during this time is in for an uncomfortable experience often feeling worse then when the journey started.


Even before Honey was born she had bee touched by the Feywild. Perhaps by Baba Yaga Herself, It is unclear. But while still being carried by mother they had a strange encounter with an Elderly woman, Late at night just before baker was to close.
Back in those days mother Chaos experimentd having late night desert sessions on weekends.
The Elderly woman hunched low and covered by a dark robe.


A Fey Obssession
Honey has always been interested in the “Fey” and their world. Despite the dangers Honey would constantly chase stories and rumours about their kind.
At one point she managed to get one of her younger sisters taken by the Fey causing the family great distress. Yet not even a year later her sister turned up outside the home. A young adult and forever physically changed.

Yet this brush with tragedy did not deter her, if anything it bolstered her resolve and when she came of age she left home and got herself sucked into the Feywild

She took to the realm rather quickly, Its quirks and dangers still within her scope. The majesty and fantasy of the Fey Land was truly everything Honey had hopped for and more.

It was here in these lands that she found her diner. It was surely once a thing created by a Hag’s twisted magic yet no Hag was to be seen. Seemingly the house with chicken legs was abandoned. It seemed the fortune was not to last as soon after obtaining her new home her long time friend “Stu” was stolen by the Hag in the Swampland of the Bullywogs. It was quite the distressing moment and she had little strength to match a Hag so she search the swamps for assistance. Running into a group of adventures a fee days later.

  • character/honey.txt
  • Last modified: 5 weeks ago
  • by Cinder