Galatea's Stats Page


Feat: Background
Feat: LV4
Feat: LV8
Feat: LV12
Feat: LV16


Passive Perception: 00
Dark Vision: 00ft
True Sight: 0ft
Tremor Sense: 0ft
Blind Sight: 0ft


Slot 1:
Slot 2:
Slot 3:


Walking 00ft
Swimming 00ft
Climbing 00ft
Flying 00ft


Platinum Gold Silver Copper
0 0 0 0
Occupation Occupation
Income Lifestyle
+0 GpD -0GpD
Other Expences/Income

GpD = Gold per Day

Location Item Stats
Head -
Amulet -
Cloak -
Clothes -
Armour -
Arms/Hands -
Ring/s -
Belt -
Boots -
Weapon -
Shield/Ammo/Offhand -
Sub-Weapon -

Carrying Capacity
Strength x 15 = Carrying Capacity
Strength x 30 = Lift,Push,Pull Capacity

Carry Capacity Lift, Push, Pull Capacity Equipped Load
000ibs 000Ibs 000Ibs

Consumables & Useful Items

Item Name Details

Special Items

Name Detail

Misc / Junk Items

Item Detail
Attack Hit Damage
Weapon Attack +00 1d6+0
Unarmed Attack +00 1d4+0
Core Saves
STR +0 DEX +0 CON +0
INT +0 WIS +0 CHA +0
Spell Slots
1st 0 2nd 0 3rd 0
4th 0 5th 0 6th 0
7th 0 8th 0 9th 0
Skill Saves
Acrobatics +0
Medicine +0
Animal Handling +0
Nature +0
Arcana +0
Perception +0
Athletics +0
Performance +0
Deception +0
Persuasion +0
History +0
Religion +0
Insight +0
Sleight of Hand +0
Intimidation +0
Stealth +0
Investigation +0
Survival +0
Passive Ability Stat Source
Ability Name Stat Source
Ability Name Stat Source
Ability Name Stat Source
Ability Name Stat Source
Ability Name Stat Source
Ability Name Stat Source
Ability Name Stat Source
Ability Name Stat Source
Ability Name Stat Source
Ability Name Stat Source
Active Ability Description Action Usage/Recovery Source
Name Stat Action/Bonus/Reaction 1 per rest Racial
Name Stat Action/Bonus/Reaction 1 per rest Racial
Name Stat Action/Bonus/Reaction 1 per rest Racial
Name Stat Action/Bonus/Reaction 1 per rest Racial
Name Stat Action/Bonus/Reaction 1 per rest Racial
Name Stat Action/Bonus/Reaction 1 per rest Racial
Name Stat Action/Bonus/Reaction 1 per rest Racial
Name Stat Action/Bonus/Reaction 1 per rest Racial
Name Stat Action/Bonus/Reaction 1 per rest Racial
Name Stat Action/Bonus/Reaction 1 per rest Racial

Source: Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide

are the heir to something of great value – not mere coin or wealth, but an object that has been entrusted to you and you alone. Your inheritance might have come directly to you from a member of your family, by right of birth, or it could have been left to you by a friend, a mentor, a teacher, or someone else important in your life. The revelation of your inheritance changed your life, and might have set you on the path to adventure, but it could also come with many dangers, including those who covet your gift and want to take it from you – by force, if need be.

Skill Proficiencies:

  • Acrobatics, Medicine

Tool Proficiencies:

  • Your choice of a gaming set or a musical instrument


  • Any one of your choice


  • Your inheritance, a set of traveler's clothes, the tool you choose for this background’s tool proficiency, and a pouch containing 15gp


Choose or randomly determine your inheritance from among the possibilities in the table below. Work with your DM to come up with details: Why is your inheritance so important, and what is its full story? You might prefer for the DM to invent these details as part of the game, allowing you to learn more about your inheritance as your character does.

The DM is free to use your inheritance as a story hook, sending you on quests to learn more about its history or true nature, or confronting you with foes who want to claim it for themselves or prevent you from learning what you seek. The DM also determines the properties of your inheritance and how they figure into the item's history and importance. For instance, the object might be a minor magic item, or one that begins with a modest ability and increases in potency with the passage of time. Or, the true nature of your inheritance might not be apparent at first and is revealed only when certain conditions are met.

When you begin your adventuring career, you can decide whether to tell your companions about your inheritance right away. Rather than attracting attention to yourself, you might want to keep your inheritance a secret until you learn more about what it means to you and what it can do for you.

Your bond might be directly related to your inheritance, or to the person from whom you received it. Your ideal might be influenced by what you know about your inheritance, or by what you intend to do with your gift once you realize what it is capable of

A handy place for you to write notes as if your character was writing.
For Reference or Lore fill it how you want.

Maya was once a simple human living her life in the southern end of Reton until she seriously overestimated of her own abilities, leading her to the angry side of an ancient gold dragon who turned into a Dracona as punishment for poor attitude.
Maya Now scours the land looking for a way to change back
A self proclaimed scholar of old Giant Lore, she naturally apposes dragon kin including herself. She belives the dragons are responsible for the Giant's disappearance from Mor-Thir and has dedicated her life to the task of finding them.
during her long journey she will hopefully come to accept her new Draconic form and use it to her advantage, but at the end of her journey will the giants be everything she hopped they would be?

Maya was born to a military family, both her mother and father were soldiers in Reton's army
As such she didnt get much time with them, they were often dragged away to serve in other parts of Reton for months at a time it was the normal for her family, her parents were loyal to the clongoermant and she was loyal to them, despite the missed birthdays and achievements Maya knew that they loved her. The laws of the clongoermamt were heavily in-forced in their household, Patriots to the flag and ready to fight for anything they were told to. teaching her as all other children were raised in modern Reton, to look down on the illiagle races. she was the perfect daughter to a perfect nuclear Reton family.

While Maya's parents were away serving their country she spent the majority of Her time with her grandparents.
They were not as serious or strict as her parents which allowed her to see a different way of living. The thing Maya most looked forward to when living with her grandparents was their vast book collection and the ancient stories they would babble on about for hours, her favourite being tales of the Giants. Maya unwaveringly sat and listened to everyone.

While not at school or training hand to hand combat Maya would spend her time reserching these mythical Giants,
where did they come from?
Where did they go?
Maya could be called obsessed with the Giants as well as anything to do with them. She studied their legends religiously, thier work and most importantly, thier enemies the dragons.
It was hard work. Most, if not all history of the Giants was only kept in story books, most thought they were a mere myth while others think they are a ruse or some sort of illegal race story. She knew they were real and somewhere along the line it seems dragons had won against the giants since they were still in Reton while Giants had seemingly vanished completely.
Several clues point towards the once great city of Nabilhime along the Oxtrad Covania Borders but it was destroyed thousands of years ago and nothing seems the be left.

How she despised to dragons and thier kin, lizardfolk, dragonborne and especially kobolds. How dare they fight against a noble race such as the giants, all the things that the adults said about the evil races was justified as far as she was concerned.
Reading story books was only going to get Maya so far, she would have to journey far to find more information, and who better to ask about the Giants than their sworn foe, The Dragons.
She trained by herself for many months in preperation to track down a gold dragon she had learned of that lives within the mountains of north Reton, it would be maybe a week or two of journey but it would be worth it. Up in the mountains it had not caused much if any trouble for the locals but Maya was convinved it was scheming, waiting for the right moment to strike.

During her preperation and training Her parents were called away at the orders of duke Miguel to fight some uprising, unknown to Maya at the time that woukd be the last time she saw her parents for they would be killed in the upcoming battle for….

Packed and ready to go she was armed and prepered for her journey to gather information from the gold Dragon then slay it.
Anyone would say she was in way over her head, thinking she coukd take on a gold ancient dragon alone but nobody is able to doubt you if you do not tell anyone your plans, the story she instead told was that she was journeying to the capital and will be a few weeks.
The trip to the dragons nest was long and trecherous but she was a skilled Ranger, prepared for the rougest terrain. eventually finding herself at the entrance of the dragons lair.
weapon drawn poised and ready she entered to slay the beast.

Meeting the elder gold dragon face to face drained her confidence considerabley. The dragon pinned her with magic and asked her why she had come to slay him.
Maya confessed that her original intention was to ask about the Giants before slaying him but as soon as she laid eyes on the Dragon she felt an insatiable urge to kill it. spilled her hatred for dragon kind, what she thought of them and why she felt that way.
there was a reason Dragonborne were iliagle just like the other evil races.
The dragon took pity on her and how naive she was, in order to change her ways and teach her a life long lesson he cast the wish spell changing Maya from human into a unheard of race known as Draconda with only one piece of advise, Talk to your leaders about your precious Giants with that Maya blacked out.

Maya awoke in the empty cave with a body unfamiliar to her, scales, sharp teeth, horns, wings, claws and even a tail,finding a nerby puddle to confirm her fear she was indeed a dragon…or something close to it.
Shaken by the change she was now what she hated most, after freaking out and cursing the gold dragon that did this to her she struggled to grasp control of her new body. Claws, tail and even wings, a whole bunch of new and altered limbs that her mind was not at all ready to control. She spent the majorty of her new life flailing around like a fish out of water until she finally managed to get a hold of herself and calm dowm.
at the edge of the cave there she lay for many hours slowly testing movments, keeping her eyes closed the whole time, ams then legs, then tail then wings, she cycled through some slow stretches for each limb.
Her wings were massive, she figured they had to be and the thought of being able to fly was pushed back from her mind as she focused. Her body felt heavy and dence, as if she was wearing armour but still the cold air felt piercing against her, right she was probally now cold blooded amd would explain why the sun felt so comforting.
Her tail was also strong, she would imagin it would be able to support the rest of her body alone. Maybe even break down doors. Her fingers and toes adored with sharp claws, she went to bite one as if she was biting her nails and realised how sharp they were as just a brush cut her tung. Her forked tounge, it was much much wider then before, her teeth almost as sharp as her claws and strong, she felt like she could easily bite into flesh…meat…food.
around this time Maya realised how hungry she was, she opened her eyes to see a diffrentworld. she had cravings for meat this was a first being a vegitarian most of her life. Concern turned to fear as she realised she would have to start in order to survive.
she closed her eyes again and breathed deeply to calm down then slowly sat up. It was getting dark, problems arose, she was hungry, a reptile out in the cold and as of now an illegal race. She looked down at her clawed hands taking notice that she might be able to walk on all fours now, shaking her head to focus the real problems.

After the huge and less than gracefull task of reaching the bottom of the mountain was complete the sun had begun to set Maya felt like she was in a blizard thinking of the poor lizards that must go through this every time its cold.

Maya unsure of her next step decides to head to a new nation of Greyhawk feeling she had no other choice.

  • character/galatea/stats.txt
  • Last modified: 21 months ago
  • by Cinder