Raishin's first job

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Written by: Sammy

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3rd Friday, Raindown, 12343

First Job

The afternoon glow soaked the town of AyeshenCliff The warm orange rays doing nothing to elevate the heat for locals and travelers alike. One such traveling cart has just pulled into its destination, Bringing an end to its 3 week journey. Three passengers disembarked as the driver headed to meet an Elf patiently waiting in the shade.
a female Oni and Male dwarf begun unloading crates from the cart. No special cargo, food and wine, ores and wood. as normal as you could get.
“Where did you find this one?!” The elf seems quite interested in the Oni employee, eyeing her over as a butcher does the meat.
“I found her on the path from Oxtrad's borders, Says she was heading south towards Hazelpost she stopped me asking for coins ha” he laughed “ Well its been a while since i had beggars so bold, instead I offered her a job. I could tell just by looking, she was strong and capable, also didn't talk much….wouldn't cause any unnecessary complications.” the driver says with a wink “Plus, You know Oni are rare this far from the mountains and i was down two men, it was a boon sent from Tyr”

Raishin continued unloading the cart, pretending not to hear the conversation about her, Her eyes are on the task but her ears are trained on their conversation.

Several weeks had past since Raishin started her journey to Reton, knowing little about etiquette in the world.
She took the first job she was offered, A great opportunity to 'Fit In'.
At first the Driver was belittling and rude although his attitude has softened its still obvious that Raishin is thought as lesser.
She doesn't talk much but always listening. the one other worker was a lone dwarf, Good friends with the traveler, apparently a favor had been called in.

The warm climate of Covania was undesirable to most visitors, but Raishin wasn't bothered by it.
the sun was setting to this day, last task before supper, then bed.
“Can the she-beast at least speak?” the Elf's piercing voice cutting through Raishin's thoughts. followed by laughter from both the Driver and Elf.
“Aye, she speaks but not well, but they don't need to speak, without them your goods would have never made it.”
The Elf looked over Raishin and she met her gaze, a glare, like a dragon, warning, intimidating, powerful.
Fear caught the Elf's throat like a vice and quickly looked away.
“cough cough, well if that's the case i am grateful. may you join me inside so we can finish the paper work?” The Elf and Driver disappeared into the store leaving Raishin alone with the dwarf.

The two continued to unload almost in silence save a few grunts. Raishin didn't have to see the number of eyes watching her to feel their focused gaze, the feeling of judgmental eyes is something she has grown familiar with in her short time among society.
she knew those eyes well, the same eyes her parents gave her younger sister long ago.
The thought quickly turned into a memory, the first time she caught them scolding her sister, doing nothing wrong other than being, She put herself between her parents and her sister, staring them down.
“get out of the way” her parents yelled but muffled, slowly getting louder. “get out of the way!, Raishin, Get out of the Way!!, GET OUT OF THE WAY” As the father raised his arm to strike.
Violently snapping back to reality the dwarf was shouting for her to move, the flashback halting her progress and it was holding the dwarf up.
“Ah jeeze, singe muh-beard, RAISHIN! Would ya move for Ula's sake?!” She quickly shuffles out of his way, Lugging the last of the cargo past her.

Work was finished, the cart and horses taken off the street. Raishin moaned, stretching for the heavens realizing how stiff she was. spending so long cooped up in the cart has done little to elevate her sore muscles.
bidding the Dwarf fare well she went inside to collect payment.
Squeezing through the doorway was just another obstacle to payday. Fitting through the door was the first test, Raishin standing close to 3 meters tall had trouble with most modern buildings, hunched over like an old beggar she shuffled through the building , ducking and shuffling as if it were an gymnastic test, Finally reaching her employer.
“The work is done, give what you owe and may our time together be at an end.” Raishin spoke firm, deep voice, similar to how a dragon speaks.
“Ah Raishin, so everything is unloaded, very well, give me a moment” The driver had a wash of nervousness over come him senses as he dug through his satchel, mumbling to himself until “Ahh, here it is.” pulling out a large case, plonking it on the table and revealing the contents inside.
There was a small exchange as the elf handed over what she owed to the driver. and he began counting out Raishin's wages, he kept glancing up at her as if checking how much was enough.
Eventually handing Raishin a coin purse.
“As promised”
Raishin looked at the purse, weighing it in her palm before her yellow eyes snapped back to the Driver. “And what of the bandits?”

Collecting what she was owed she left to find a tavern, normally she would steer clear of such a public location however it was the source of food tonight, craving a meal outside the realm od stale bread and soggy fruit.
once again squeezing her way through the doorway of a well lit tavern. light chatter filled the room until the giant Oni made herself present. Raishin paid the stares no mind, finding a place to sit. the roof was high in this building so the hunched beggar look was minimized.
clearing the chairs away and sitting on the floor near a table awaiting service.
eyes slowly falling from her, confirming she was safe and the mild tavern chatter resumed.

Taking the time to reflect while her meal was cooking. During the first few days of the trip the cart is attacked by bandits.
Raishin fighting the group alone came out victorious. the dead are tossed to the forest while those who still lived were bound and tossed also.
The horses were injured during the attack, falling on Raishin as the only thing capable of transporting the cart she did as was paid for. least to say her physical prowess was astounding, Easily pulling the cart.
It sounded like the legendary stories of the great hunter Gaston.

The food arrived, Raishin cleared the plates, paid and left the tavern.
Night had begun to coat the sky, Torches lit and the streets beginning to empty of everyone other that the soldiers on watch. some instinctively grasping their weapons at the sight of the Oni, Raishin only scuffed as she scanned the area for a decent place to sleep.
Most common folk would nistake her for a goliath on first glance, but the features unable to be ignored, horns, tail, crimson complexation. led her to looking more out of place than most.
It wasn't long before her short walk would be interrupted.

A stocky fellow, perhaps human or a mixed breed, Rasihin didn't care too much.
“Halt” the soldier said, standing Infront of 5 others. “beast you must vacate this town at once, your kind is n-not welcome here.” a hint of nervousness in his tone, the small stutter gave way that fear was clouding his thoughts. A handful of races where outlawed in these lands, and although Goliath were free, Tieflings were not Oni being the offspring of Demons (Tieflings) and giants (Goliath) were close enough to be treated unfairly.
“why?” Raishin answered slow and firm, looking down upon the obstacles in her way, folding her arms displaying the raw muscular power she had at her disposal, it would be hard not to be intimidated by such a creature.
“w-well you see…its quite complicated…b-but the law says your kind is not allowed in our lands…and so..rather than arrest you we decided to simply let you off with a warning..and tell you to vacate…please?”
Raishin leaned down bringing her face in for a closer look, sharp teeth, long goblin like ears, long demoness horns, piercing yellow eyes against a black background, crimson skin that seemed to show signs of scales? all covered by wild ash black hair falling to her knees, Tatoos covered her body from horns to tail, these being the natural markings that appear on most Goliath. locked eyes with the soldiers for what seemed like eternity as tensions grew rapidly
“Very well” Raishin straightened as a few of the soldiers sighed in relief. she walked on past heading to the other side of town, trailed by a few soldiers making sure she did in-fact leave.

Leaving the gate as the moonlight illuminated the sand and shrubbery around. a full moon, up-ahead seemed to be a ruined house, a sanctuary for a weary Oni in desperate need for shelter.
Worn by sandstorms but enough for the night. Raishin began setting up camp for the night. hopping to sleep in the barn with the horses but alas the cold stone and old ruined wood would be her bedroom this evening.
The fire started with a wave of her hand, uttering the words for Produce flame as the fireplace ignited. there she sat. staring into the flames as thoughts raced through her mind and a voice made itself heard once more.
“Why did youi yet Tear them Apart? you have the Strength.”
Raishin made no response as she manipulated the flames, the Astral energy swirling around her until the form of a dragon appeared around her, dull red and white astral energy swirling in rage.
“Answer me!”
“They are but men in uniform, they no nothing better then the rules. what am i to say but deny their whole lifehood teachings as wrong?”
The draconif form shifted its head close to the flames. “They are but men, they will not change their ways without violence. violence is what teaches us, brands us”
Raishin moves into a meditation form “the Monastery teaches me to control you, to control my rage and so control my violence. i have been taught-”
“THATS A LIEE! Don't lie to me Zerker! lying to me is lying to yourself!” the astral spirit flared up, like a living inferno swirling around Raishin yet she remained still in meditation. “Grafted to your soul I am Zerker, you known nothing that I do not. I see your memories and i know you do not forget them.”
Flashes of the pain inflicted to her younger sister, the abusive parents, and what happened for them to escape, penetrated her thoughts like spears of hot iron, fighting against it until she slammed the ground with mighty strength roaring in anger, the Astral spirit vanishing and the fire disappearing as she is plunged into the moonlit darkness again.
Raishin looking into the flames once again until eventually sleep overtook her, falling into her nightmares.

a scream.
her scream? no, younger? her sister? no someone else.
Raishin's eyes snapped open dragged back from sleep violently as a piercing scream vibrated withing her ears. Raishin jolted to a stance, ready to fight yet her opponent was a a small Tiefling girl, no older than 5 or 6, tears rolling down her face and blood. she looked worried, scared, terrified, horrified, not of Raishin though.
Then the roar of people, angry people came into notice. Raishin slowly peacing together what's going on. Danger Her senses flared up. she moved quick to see the orange glow of an angry mob approaching quickly.
“This way! into the house! I saw the monster go there!” Drawing weapons.

Raishin looking at the little girl, seeing her lost younger sister. she growled to herself and then softened her expression.
“This way little one. please”
The Tiefling girl shook her head clutching her torn stuffed toy, the crowed approaching quickly and she took notice.
“There is no time to argue little one. i will not hurt you a promise” gesturing for her to come over, The young girl did. Raishin wrapped her in a blanket and took her deeper into the house. finding a closet still intact somewhat she smuggled her inside.
“do not leave until i say so” the young nameless girl nodded still with tears in her eyes but a glint of hope.

Raishin walking out of the house and standing in the middle of the road, her face covered by shadow. a tower, a wall to protect.
the mob slowed as they approached. out stepped the same guard from earlier in the day.
“You will leave, return to your homes, hold your families and pray the night is short” her voice echoed over the moonsoaked sand and there was pause before laughter. “We are here for the girl, the devil. We found her filthy parents within our towns walls. Expunge them we did but she escape. The lords work must be complete” Several voices erupting from the crowed as more chimed in with further filithy comments and slander. riling up. then the comments turned to Raishin. “She is a beast too. A DEVIL. probably related. They are spawning too rapidly”

They had killed the girls parents, probably right in front of her. Raishin's thoughts turning into the draconic voice bound to her soul
“You see Zerker, only violence teaches, they will NOT be swayed by your words…only…your…ACTIONS”
The same fiery Astral energy began to manifest around Raishin once again.
“Filthy swine” Forming a mane of austral energy over her own hair. and a mask depicting the demons from lands far over the horizon.
“You are corrupt. DISGUSTING”
Her voice boomed, making the ground shake and torches held by the mob extinguished as some of them lost their balance. A Draconic Astral form manifested around Raishin with its maw gaping open.
“You cannot be allowed any further”
She plunged her arm into the maw, pulling out a steel KanaBo' laced with orange sunset ore. the weapon would have weighed a horse yet the Oni swung it around as if it were a twig. sweeping it around until in plunged into the ground, cracking through he stone road.

The crowed looked shaken but wouldn't back down. “Its a trick! Demon Magic! it is trying to shake our resolve!”
“That's right…dog fuckers. i am but a trick, come! test your metal, I will show you true strength” her voice booming, two voices talking the same Raishin's and the Astral dragon enveloping her flesh in Astral energy.
A soldier on horse back was first to charge, Spear drawn, A small side step had it fly past her, a mighty punch delivered strait to the horses head, crushing it, pulverizing it as it squealed and buckled under the force of a giant. blood splattered from the creature as its rider flu right over head, collected by the draconic claw and splattered against the road in pieces.
Rasihin Began to laugh as the horse spasmed and fell over twitching, Her chuckle erupting into a bellow, the madness of rage and hate drenched her expression.
She raised her weapon to the mob ,“Which one of your vile swine fuckers is next?!”

  • story/raishin_first_job.txt
  • Last modified: 14 months ago
  • by Cinder