
Mulburg is a sizeable town, and largest with the marsh land, the orginal town was built on a large area of raised ground, enough that it rarely flooded and dry enough to build on the ground, the further you head out buildings are built on stilts and paths floating on the marsh water linked to the buildings by rope.

The City's major exports are wood and rope followed by sugar and rice. Rare herbs and medicine only found only able grown in the swamp are a lesser export but are profitable.

Lord/Lady ?
Classification Town
Population 6000
Demographics Dominant: Lizardfolk (All districts)
Minority: Elves (Dry district) & Human (Wet district)
Groups: Covanian Embassy & Reton Empire
Singular: Vampire (Alucard)
Location Mulburg Marsh, Reton Empire





As one can guess the Dry District is named as such for it's distinct position on higher ground avoiding much of the flooding and rot found in the swampy marsh. This distinct is home to the social elite and higher end shops of Mulburg.

Owner: Alucard

High-end Tavern

Roklah elderly female Lizardfolk

Temple to the Lizard of Life, Glaren.

Mansion in the Dry District Read More

While closer to the marsh the stone circle has managed to build a foundation of earth and stone to give themselves drier and more stable land to work with.

Trand a large middle aged Lizardfolk, he has many scars and burn marks on his hands
Notable items for sale
Alchemy Jug
Mariner's Hide
Goggles of Night
Ring of Protection
Quaal's Feather Token Fan

Similar to the Dry District you can likely guess the meaning behind the name. Many of the buildings here are built on stilts to provide support and protection against the marsh, those which aren't built on stilts are subject to flooding and greater rates of rotting but many here cannot afford quality supplies to stave off or repair rot

Low-end Tavern & Inn
Bharzut a male Lizardfolk in his late 30s
This two story building has the inn on the ground floor and is not well kept, most floors are rotted and only shared accommodation is available. All bedding is in old hamocks as the floor is damp, you get the idea it might be best to avoid leaving anything on the floor else it gets flooded.
The top floor, the tavern, is more a like to a gazebo where there's railings instead of walls. The smell of booze has seeped into the boards mixing with the smell of swamp rot, not sure if solid walls would make it better or worse.

A small house used by the Order of the Lost Keep as a safehouse when conducting operations within Mulburg.

The farmlands is like the Wet District but more sparse in buildings, majority of the rice and cane fields are located here

  • town/mulburg.txt
  • Last modified: 15 months ago
  • by Cinder