Narkul the Risen

Name: Narkul
Race: Human Lich
Gender: Male

Character Information

Born: Estimated 10600-10610
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Languages: Common
Affiliations: Cult of Narkul
Profession: the Risen (12335-)
King (10625-10654)

Physical Description

Height: 190cm (6' 3“)
Skin: Sickly grey and decaying
Eyes: Marble white
Hair: None
Left-Hand: Missing

Much of Narkul's past remains hidden away, between the process of becoming a lich, his downfall, and the formation of the Reton Empire very little documentation and personal accounts have survived the 1685 year gap between banishment in 10650 and his return in 12335.

While little remains of dates and names it is theorised the last King of Armton Dynasty was killed and usurrped by Narkul and who then took over the Armton Dynasty. Sparse documentation suggests that Narkul was initially banished sometime in 10653 but returned a year later but a group named Defenders of Reton had prepared and banished Narkul once again. Names of the members have been lost to time.

Working from the Shadow Realm otherwise known as the Far Realm, Narkul grew his strength and a following in the Cult of Narkul, using this planar connection a ritual from the Book of Vile Darkness was used to return Narkul to Felwind. Shortly after his return he was struck down by a group of adventurer's later known as the Fellowship of the Alicorn. This caused Sovereign, leader of the cult to be captured but allowed Narkul to regenerate and formulate plans.

The fellowship found Narkul within the Golden Caverns, tucked away in the reaches of mountain range of Reton, Narkul's oldest friend and advisor, Dyndryd an ancient blue dragon made quick work of Ironhide, causing the remaining members to stand down and Ravi pledging her services to spare the lives of remaining members, Narkul accepts and the fellowship left the cavern. Narkul then resurrected Ironhide under his control and to be used as a general in his new Kobold army.

Two years later


  • character/narkul.txt
  • Last modified: 15 months ago
  • by Kyle