Motto Through Moonless Night & Sunless Day we fight for those who cannot.
Location Covania
Leaders Zyllis
Estate(s) Nil
Formed 10749
Disbanded Unofficially: 12285
Officially: Frostmoot, 12335

Blinding Spear has officially been disbanded after the groups exile.
A Group of thirteen super elite soldiers that served the country of covania during the Ashlem War and some time post-war. The members hailed from all parts of Mor-Thir and even though they served Covania, not all were citizens. Members of Blinding Spear were all exceptionally powerful soldiers, holding skills and magic rarely seen in Mor-Thir.

Members of Blinding Spear held loyalty to the guild above all it was common knowledge that members of Blinding Spear would obey their leader above all others even against the Kings and Queens of the land. Even during their time in the Covanian army, they still had issues taking orders from other Generals.

Before the Ashlem War and before joining the Covanian army, Blinding Spear as a guild was only known as a local mercenary group. The name was not far spread, those that knew the name sung praise for the guild high and loud, and it was this that eventually sent word to the Generals of Covania. During their time with Covania the name Blinding Spear became legendary. Members of the guild were instantly recognisable and shot huge moral boost into the soldiers they fought alongside with. often treated as heros and celebrities despite most members of the guild rejecting these identities.
A memorial for Blinding Spear’s efforts in the war was created and is now on display in the south-eastern parts of Covania.


On the first Monday of Frostmoot 12335, Zyllis, Lucky, Sarren, Jin, and Alister took responsibility of the demonic invasion during the Ashlem War, as such the leaders of the Royal Conglomerate amended the outlawing to solely include Tieflings, absolving Dragonborn, Dialias, Aasimar, and Changelings from the outlawing. In the process the leaders exilied all members of Blinding Spear, past and present from Mor-Thir.

Aside from Griss and Lucky the remaining members left Mor-Thir from Sunwood.
During the voyage Zyllis mysteriously vanished. Through to have thrown himself overboard willingly with only the last chat with Sarren as evidence of his disappearance.

The remaining members arrived in Ostrov and seemingly go their separate ways without proper closure. Leaving Blinding Spear officially disbanded.

Attack - Defence -
Power - Toughness -
Morale - Size -
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog

Notable Members

Members of Blinding Spear are normally dressed in white and purple. They are known to be well mannered, formal and very firm when speaking. A certain level of manners is expected from members.

There are 13 members of Blinding Spear. Each name has been carved in a tablet located in the depths of Covania’s capital as a site of thanks, memory and legacy.

Seril, The Burning Hope
Status: Unknown
Remember Zyllis, People need protecting even from those that are meant to do it, we are greedy and selfish beings, we need to be kept in check, it’s now your job Zyllis, make me proud….please….I love you.
- the last words spoken between Zyllis and his master Serial before she charged alone into the hellfire that was the beholders engulfing his home. All he could do is watch helplessly. This scene burred into his memory and haunts his thoughts.
Asimar Women that originally formed Blinding Spear as the elite guard to protect Nabilhime. She was Tall and sturdy, black hair and black eyes with ash grey skin, she fought with a sword and shield, Its said that her blade was fast enough to slice spells.
She took Zyllis under her wing when he was very young and taught him everything she knew The original leader of Blinding Spear before it was passed down to Zyllis just before she gave her life to drive the Beholder Trio away, however her body was never found and so rumours of her survival surfaced.

Zyllis, The Blinding Spear
Status: Unknown
Under the light of the moon, and the shadow of the eclipsed sun, I judge thee
1st Member Recruited

Lucky, The Steal Storm
Status: Alive
Well….I mean since you went out of your way to save me….it would be rude to not swear my loyalty to you wouldn’t it? Don’t get the wrong idea, I still intend to be the greatest warrior this country has ever seen.
- During a skirmish by some very tough bandit clans Luck was left wounded and severely outnumbered, a sudden entrance by the leader of Blinding Spear turned the tide of the battle, both were impressed by the other’s skills with the blade and so a quick friendship was forged.
A highly skilled Elven lady with master over many types of weapons.
Her flexibility as a fighter made her an invaluable member, being able to fill almost any combat need Zyllis needed on the battlefield.
She was a bit bombastic, often bragging about how many foes she fell or about how many weapons she could use. A woman of average height, dark complexion, yellow eyes and long wavey white hair. Carrying around her assortment of weapons was a common sight.
2nd member to be Recruited
Status: Alive

Rozie Helway, The Final Word
Status: Dead?
Your efforts are valiant and your skills are extraordinary, however you lack focus. I shall take it upon myself to guide your efforts in the right direction from here to death.
Blinding Spear's 2nd in command, a ranger with high skill in tracking and tracing the enemy. 3rd Member Recruited

Sarren, The Conjurer
Status: Dead
More info or read a short story Sarren's Gambit
“I agree.” -Sarren's only words spoken while apart of Blinding Spear, once when joining, the second when leaving.
A High Elf Conjuration Wizard, skilled with teleportation, he moved fellow soldiers behind enemy lines and back again when the objective was complete. Sarren is quiet, not one for talking, he prefers gestures and written communication. He has short white hair, shaved on the sides, those who spend a short time with him grow uneasy as he never seems to blink.
The 4th member Recruited

Grit, The Unstoppable
Status: Dead
I never expected one such as you would best me, Very well. I am a man of my word. I shall serve you until my body ceases to draw breath, I swear it. No matter the obstacle, no matter the foe, we shall fight and overcome them together.
An extremely bulk Lizardfok that excels in hand to hand combat, One of the noblest members he is helpful in solving diplomat problems and has a wealth of Know large on all lands laws and political stance.
5th Member recruited
A lust for revenge drove him to seek Exiles once again, but what he found was too much, he fell to the Virus and was eventually putdown by Delta's crew. The final blow by Zyllis himself.

Status: Unknown, Assumed Dead
The Pen is always mightier than the sword Zyllis, things are simplified when decided by Ink rather than blood… Though blood does make a fine writing medium
A very elderly Elven man many years older than any other member of Blinding Spear, he was the man for covert ops requiring more pen work than sword work, able to forge almost any document imaginable. He is skilled with stealth by blending into a crowed rather than the shadows and can quickly change pockets, worlds or poisonous with any target. Very well educated. A tall man with very long white hair and beared, a chiseled but aged face holding glasses. 6th Member recruited

Jin, Our Angle of Death
Status: Alive
7th Member recruited

Eryn Galanodel
Status: Alive
Sibling to Bryn the Elven children grew up in a fine posh house hold. Their skills with blades and magic gave them a craving for something outside the simple life and so joined Covania’s army. Their house hold status gave them favouritism by generals and the two were quickly promoted to captains, however with no knowledge about battle it was quickly noticed they were not cut out to lead and instead were placed under Zyllis’s command.
During a battle Zyllis was badly wounded protecting the twins. With this single act they risked their lives to bring Zyllis home for medical attention, causing a bond to forge and never be broken. 8th Member Recruited
Status: Alive

Bryn Galanodel
Status: Dead
9th Member Recruited

Parker Knight
Status: Dead
You won’t regret this Zyllis, I promise.
The pivot point of Blinding Spear disbanding and Zyllis’s greatest mistake.
Parker was a very well read intellectual. He had many contacts and could easily sway opinion with his words. He was often partnered with Rozie for Intel gathering and normally the one to relay information between Blinding Spear’s members and other generals. What nobody knew until it was too late was that Parker had started manipulating messages and information for his own benefit. This lead to members being injured or killed and was responsible for the deaths of many innocent people during post-war.
Zyllis and the remaining members only realized too late and Parker fled to Exiles. Zyllis and a couple of other members gave chase, Un-officially disbanding Blinding Spear on that day.
Yet none of Blinding spear will have the satisfaction as Parker's brother Robert cut him down chasing his own revenge. 10th Member Recruited

Status: Alive
An Elven man, the youngest in the group with a skill and fondness for summoning magic often being the start or end of conflicts. A sorcerer by nature, and a twisted one at that.
He is a master of Alchemy and was able to craft potions suited for any situation during missions. It was noted that he had to be watched at all times, driven mad by something long ago he lacks fear or empathy to his foes, Despite this he was undoubtedly loyal to Zyllis but not so much the other members. A young man with scruffy brown hair, large round glasses and a pale completion. A scare runs from the side of his neck down his torso. Often wearing a heavy layered hooded cloak.
11th member Recruited

Kilvar Hammerstone, The Stalwart Vigilant
Status: Dead
I have searched far and wide for someone worthy of my protection. I did not imagine when you saved me that you would be that person, but these last few months by your side has proven this so. I, Kilvar Hammerstone, swear to follow and guard you, Zyllis, Captain of Blinding Spear, with everything I have, be they possessions, body, mind or spirit, until the day I no longer live. Kilvar is male dwarf paladin who chose to abandon his homeland of Oxtrad and swear his oath in servitude of Zyllis. Standing at 4“2 with dark tan skin, brown dreadlocks and well-groomed beard, Kilvar serves as Blinding Spear's Front Guard, using his radiant energy and trusted shield to protect his allies.
He trusts Zyllis and respects who he allows to join Blinding Spear for their strengths. Kilvar always gives his all when he fights to show that he has earned his place under Zyllis.
Near the end of the Demonic Invasion, Kilvar was struck down and perished protecting his allies as he wanted.
Full Bio
12th Member Recruited

Nabilhime has Fallen
The Border fortress between Oxtrad and Covania fell to the trio of beholders, Zyllis still young could only watch on in helpless horror as his master gave her life tp fend them off, never to be seen again.
Zyllis fled Nabilhime going further north into Oxtrad as one of the many refugees from Nabilhime.

Lucky skirmish In the North
Acting as a Mercenary he takes a job that a woman called Lucky had also taken, they didn’t mesh well and eventually Zyllis thought the job wasn’t worth putting up with her. Only to come back and save her when she was against the wall. From there they formed an instant friendship and what originally created annoyance now lead to chemistry.

Dogs without leashes
Lucky and Zyllis run into trouble with the Oxtrad military after their mercenary antics ended up clashing with soldiers, brought before a Captain of the Sothern soldiers. Rozie she placed them under her command for an allotted time as punishment rather than go to jail. Rozie ended up bonding with the two and was impressed by their skills, so far above any soldier she had the pleasure of commanding. After the week was up, she gave her evaluation and ordered that she be put on as 2nd in command to keep the two of them in line, relinquishing her previous post.

Elf of minimal words
Rozie introduces the two to a strange Elf. Never talked much, instead wrote everything. Rozie best thought his skills would be unmatched and highly effective for the group, and after some field runs they quickly recruited him.

Something to prove
Another contact, this time from Lucky, a huge brute of a lizard known as Girt. Him and Zyllis didn’t get along at all when they first met. It took a battle to finally win Grit’s respect.

Odd jobs, Odd friends
An odd task for the ever-growing group lead them to a man simply known as Red. he was mighty helpful if a bit creepy and when he saw the opportunity, he insisted that he join the group of mercenaries.

Angel of Death
The growing group meant supplies were spread thin. In search of an expert medic they ran into Jin. she has a very roundabout way of healing her comrades but it promotes not making reckless decisions and it was dam near perfect at completely healing members.

Simple Madness
An odd young man with a knack for causing destruction, Zyllis saw an opportunity to keep his destructive habits pointed at the enemy rather than friends, Nobody in the group really trusts him but it’s no doubt that Alister and Zyllis made some sort of bond that could never break, a bond coated in the death of their loved ones.

Dogs of the Military
Word of blinding Spear had reached Covania's top Generals who had sent them personal invites. The group was made an offer they couldn't really refuse and joined as Task force: blinding Spear into Covania's Army.

Show me what you can do
The generals put Blinding Spear to work as they are tasked with front line duty.

Covania's military are having problems communicating with blinding Spear and so appoint a recon officer known as Parker Knight to the squad.

Ok Boomer
Zyllis is put in charge of helping some young generals learn the art of war. After a skirmish goose wrong Zy is badly injured and the twins Bryn and the other one risk their lives to bring him back to safety.

Blinding Shield
Blinding Spear is sent to investigate another squad that is overdue for returning. They find the last survivor Kilvar and help him get revenge.

Hell let forth
The portals to the 9 hells open as streams of demonic invaders poured from the depths. An alliance was formed as they fought the new threat.

Dear Sister
Zyllis learns that it’s his sister leading the charge. With a heavy heart, he leads his squad to a direct confrontation with her in a bitter battle.

False Victory
The demon lords dead and the portals closed, but a few members of the group lost their lives. The first time Zyllis lost people under his command starting him on a downward spiral.

Post Ashlem War

Orders are Orders
Orders from command passed on my Parker that there are still many strangling demons left in the lands, they have taken disguised as Dragonborn, Tieflings and other demonic races. Zyllis and the remainder of his team split up into two groups and spend the next few weeks tracking and killing these demons, not knowing that they had been lied to.
Zyllis, Grit, Sarren, Red, Jin

Rozie, Parker, Lucky, the twins, Alister

Rivers of Blood
Zyllis and his part of guiding Spear learn of the atrocities they were blindly following. Gripped by despair and anguish the team breaks down, Zyllis orders them to return to Blinding Spears home as he goes to find the other team of the squad led by Rosie.

“Zyllis Answer me!” Grit shouts looking around at the mess they were in, bodies of simple citizens, could it be true? Grit was doing everything in his power to negate the thought, but it all made complete horrible sense.
Zyllis was frozen. Eyes wide in horror, Jin’s quiet sobs were the only sound between the ramblings and shouting from the other members.
Red was speechless for the first time in a long time, standing away from the rest.
Grit looked at his hands to find them shaking violently, feeling dizzy as he realised he wasn’t breathing, he caught his breath as he fell to his knees.
Jin kept repeating “I’m sorry” quietly.
Whispers in Zy’s head growing louder as a whirlwind of emotions gripped his core, Guilt for dragging his squad into this, anger at the leaders, hatred at himself for following blindly, dread at what he had done all the while the same words whispered in his head.
“Soldiers are expected to kill when ordered, Soldiers are expected to kill when ordered”

Shattered Spear
Zyllis finds that the other group had figured out what was going on but were far less lucky, chain of command had broken and all the members were missing. Zyllis found Rosie in the heart of a village of the outlawed races and other such races.

A Line Crossed
The townsfolk had murdered Rozie. The sight of this Zyllis lost control, giving into his rage and slaughtering the entire village and burning it to the ground.

I am no longer fit to be your leader
Zyllis, not half the leader he once was, brought the bodies of Rozie back to the others and buried her alongside Kilvar. Zyllis shattered and broken with the rest of the squad figured out where they went wrong and then Zyllis disbanded the squad.

Final Orders
“I am your leader, and as your leader these are my final orders. You will leave, run, never speak of this to anyone ever again. Blinding Spear is no more.”

Journey to Exilis
Zyllis takes Two others with him to track down Parker and put him through a hell so great it will make the Old gods notice.

Disobeying Final Orders
Grit refuses to sit quietly and demands his revenge on Parker be satisfied, however what he finds is beyond his abilities and he looses his life.

Hatred breeds Hatred
Parker's Brother Robert beat Zyllis to the punch, ending Parker's life, with no outlet for his anger Zyllis Wandered endlessly with no ability to recall who he was. Eventually waking up in the hospitality of the Duke of Greyhawk.

Post Ashlem-War

War machine in peace time


Task Force: Guiding Spear

Task force: Guiding Spear was created sometime later during Zyllis’s work for Duke Federic Rollo. Consisting of 7 members, including Zyllis himself, their operations were less about tactical warfare and more about covert rescue missions. Going across the border into Mulburg and rescuing outlawed races in danger.

The group was forcefully disbanded after a few of the members including Zyllis went MIA, it is unclear what became of the group after that.

  • faction/blinding_spear.txt
  • Last modified: 2 months ago
  • by Cinder