Table of Contents

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Lidica Welington

If only I would

Content Used
[1] Player's Handbook
[2] Xanatha's Guide to Everything
[3] Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
[4] Eberron - Rising from the Last War
[5] Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft

Name / Titles: Lidica Welington
Class: Glamor Bard
Genie Warlock
Species: Genasi
Nationality: Griaca
Home: -

Character Information

Background: Free Spirit
Born: 1st Saturday, Frostwane
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common
Gear: Simple Weapons
Hand Crossbows, Long & Short Swords, Rapiers
Light Armor
Saves: Dexterity
Profession: Navigator
Affiliation: Welingotn Family
Faith: Djinni

Physical Description

Type: Fey
Height: 253cm \ 8.3ft (From Wither to Hoof)
353cm \ 11.5ft (From Head to Hoof)
Weight: 703kg \ 1551ibs (Average)
Size: Large (2×2)
Complexion: Heavy Tan
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light Green
Details: Hair is magically wavy like in water or made of cloud
Marking on back right leg
Gender: Female


Other Quirks

Favorite Food: -
Favorite Drink: -
Games: -
Hobbies: -
Sexuality: -
Music: -

Stories & Campaigns

Journey Through the South:


Level 6
(lv4 Bard)
(lv2 Warlock)
Base Total
InitSpeed Prof
+030ft +00
Health Armor ClassP.Perception
00 00 00
10(0) 10(0) 10(+0)
10(0) 10(+0) 10(+0)

Bold Stat = Proficiency in Stat

+0 Medicine
Animal Handling
+0 Nature
+0 Perception
+0 Performance
+0 Persuasion
+0 Religion
+0 Sleight of Hand
+0 Stealth
+0 Survival

Bold Stat = Proficiency in Skill

Spell/Ability Modifier

Ability: Charisma
Save DC Modifier
00 00


A deal was struck.

The Queen of Oxtrad wanted her binds broken, Despite all her strength she could not break the Crown's hold and so she turned to higher powers.

Bratty, Rude, Carefree and lacks responsibility. Several words used to describe Lidica. Possibly the worst house guest you could imagine. Never staying in one place too long, Likely due to her wearing out her welcome quicker than most.
Centaur's are quite rare even in the Feywild. Most knowledge tells how they are one of the oldest species, Throughout the generations they have barely changed.

A Genasi Centuar, the story behind Lidica's heritage is an interesting one full of bad choices.
A traveler of the planes, follower of the wind. Despite the twisted start to her life Lidica has become very carefree. Her time is mostly spent traveling the continent of Ostrov. finding small villages or settlements, Secret caves and ruins, Marking their locations on maps then selling those details to her sister Galatea as she lives in Mor-thir and unable to navigate two continents at once.
She teaches isolated communities ways to improve their living but mostly is traveling for the thrill. being what she is gathers unique reactions from people.
Some think her a spirit or God come to bless or curse their small village. Others think her a wild creature to be tamed or captured. The reactions and results are a guilty pleasure for Lidica to experience.
loves to be the 'centaur' of attention. Her arrival is often followed by offerings or sacrifices. Everything from food, treasure to livestock and even the occasionally mortal. Lidica never refuses an offering, its unknown what she dose to the living offerings…

Never in the same place for too long, Traveling from place to place like a nomad or backpacker aiming to spread her name among the people the simple goal to see the reactions of common folk as she trots into their village and takes advantage of their hospitality.
Not every village is so welcoming though. Some see her as a beast or curse, An omen of bad tidings. Either chased away or Lidica doubles down, Playing into the people's fear to get more reactions and free food.

Her Childhood was spent raised in the Feywilds most of her social interactions being learned from other fey, Normally being tricksters or charlatans. Learned quickly not

Lidica inheritor

Lidica born as part of a pact with a higher power

Background: Free Spirit

Lidica was raised in they Fey-Wilds as per the agreement made for her conception. Her mother and father giving her great freedom with minimal guidance leaving her more naïve than most but learning important lessons younger than most. Matured quickly but acts childish learning most of her social integrations from other Fey who are normally tricksters and charlatans.
She holds great respect for her parents mainly out of fear. especially her mother. Love is real but she can be frightening.

Taught Draconic by her Mother as it was her natural spoken language. Annabell always held great pride in Draconic heritage and all her children are taught Draconic