This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. {{tag>group reton religious}} ======Order of the Lost Keep====== Order of the Lost Keep is a small group of 10 to 15 members made up of [[culture:outlawed|Outlawed races]] who are trying to fight against the [[faction:conglomerate|Royal Conglomerate]] and the [[faction:reton|Reton Empire]], while they are able to make a full attack against the Empire they are able to hold their ground when needed. Their main operations involve smuggling or rescuing other outlawed race out of danger. All members are seen as equals but many defer to Burldries the founder of the Order. A few members worship him as a god in the making, naming him the Saviour of Dragons, Destroyer of Men. =====Members===== **Burldries** Male Black Dragonborn, mid 70s. Large figure and build, has many scars. \\ **Beldrith** Female Green Dragonborn, early 30s. Lots of scars, most notably a large scar across her throat. \\ **Zortrin & Saqrin** Male Blue Dragonborn twins, early 20s. Always stay close together. \\ **Nesrann** Female Topaz Dragonborn, late 20s. Very rare breed of Dragonborn with psionics. \\ **Johime** Female Silver Dragonborn, mid 30s. Scrawny and weak looking for a dragonborn but carries many books. \\ **Bagar** Male Black Dragonborn, late teens. Youngest and most naive of the Knights. \\ **Happy** Female Blue Tiefling, late teens. Newest member, willing to learn and help. \\ **Akzer** Male Blue Tiefling, mid 30s. Missing tail and a horn, looks recent. \\ **Hymn** Male Purple Tiefling, mid 40s. Tries to resolve conflict peacefully even when not possible. \\ **Ariki** Female Red Tiefling, late 20s. Treats wounds and keeps fellow Knights in good health. \\ **Baz** Female Changeling, early 20s. Takes form as a human, and is primary scout/contact in Mulburg. \\ =====Locations===== [[location:Liberty|Camp Liberty]] \\ [[location:howlester|Howlester Castle]]\\ [[town:mulburg|Whiteheart Sanctum]] \\ Small safehouse in the lower wet district of Mulburg. group reton religious faction/order_of_the_lost_keep.txt Last modified: 18 months agoby Kyle