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faction:start [2023/07/21 12:20] – [Testing only] Kylefaction:start [2023/11/20 19:43] (current) Kyle
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-====Testing only==== +====== Factions ====== 
-++++ View | +====by Size==== 
-<WRAP third column>+<WRAP quarter column>
 **Nation**\\ **Nation**\\
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +<WRAP quarter column>
 +<WRAP quarter column>
 +<WRAP quarter column>
 +<WRAP clear />
 +====by Location====
 <WRAP third column> <WRAP third column>
 +{{:faction:flag-retonemp.png?30 }}**Reton**\\ 
 +{{:faction:flag-covania.png?30 }}**Covania**\\
 {{topic>faction?covania&simplelist&header&sort}} {{topic>faction?covania&simplelist&header&sort}}
 +{{:faction:flag-oxtrad.png?30 }}**Oxtrad**\\
 +{{:faction:flag-greyhawk.png?30 }}**Greyhawk**\\
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP third column> <WRAP third column>
-**nation & faction**\\ +===Ostrov=== 
-{{topic>faction?covania nation?covania&simplelist&header&sort}}+{{:faction:flag-athein.png?30 }}**Athein**\\ 
 +{{:faction:flag-uthasil.png?30 }}**Uthasil**\\ 
 +{{:faction:flag-griaca.png?30 }}**Griaca**\\ 
 +{{:faction:flag-meshela.png?30 }}**Meshela**\\ 
 +{{:faction:flag-perditsula.png?30 }}**Perditsula**\\ 
 +{{:faction:flag-promise.png?30 }}**Promise**\\ 
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-++++ +<WRAP third column> 
- +===Planes=== 
-====== Factions ====== +{{:faction:flag-arcadia.png?30 }}{{:faction:flag-thorn.png?30 }}{{:faction:flag-florale.png?30 }}**Feywild**\\ 
-Split intoNations, Guilds, Groups, and Families.\\ +{{topic>faction?feywild&simplelist&header&sort}} 
-**Nations** are large political powers who control land.\\ +{{:faction:flag-ninehells.png?30 }}**Nine Hells**\\ 
-**Guilds** are large, established groups that can hold power over cities and towns.\\ +{{topic>faction?ninehells&simplelist&header&sort}} 
-**Groups** are smaller and not always officialy recognised by greater powers.\\ +{{:faction:flag-exilis.png?30 }}**Exilis**\\ 
-**Families** are well.. families.\\ +{{topic>faction?exilis&simplelist&header&sort}} 
- +===Other===
-To see all faction flags and their meanings[[Faction:flags|Flags]] +
- +
-===== Nations ===== +
-==== Royal Conglomerate ==== +
-The alliance between, the Kingdom of Covania, the Crown of Oxtrad, and the Reton Empire formed after during and after the Ashlem War in 12264. \\ +
-[[nation:conglomerate|Read more...]] +
- +
-==== Reton Empire ==== +
-The Reton Empire reigns over the land of Reton. \\ +
-[[nation:reton|Read more...]] +
- +
-==== Kingdom of Covania ==== +
-The Kingdom of Covania, leads the largest army of the three nations on Mor-Thir\\ +
-[[nation:covania|Read more...]] +
- +
-==== Crown of Oxtrad ==== +
-The Cold brutal lands of the north overseen by a single ruler. These lands are home to leaders in magical advancments and Techknowlegy. With the unusual properties of some minerals in the mountains Oxtrad has made its name as the forefront of magic smithing and spell crafting. \\ Oxtrad has the lowest population of the three nations. \\ +
-[[nation:oxtrad|Read more...]] +
- +
-==== Greyhawk ==== +
-An independence formed from Reton, fighting against the tyranny of the Royal Conglomerate.\\ +
-[[nation:greyhawk|Read more...]] +
- +
----- +
- +
-===== Major ===== +
-==== Greyhawk Rangers ==== +
-The Greyhawk Rangers are the protectors of Greyhawk Forest in Reton, often sent on diplomatic missions to protect or to destroy threats to the land\\ +
-Members include[[character:caelynn|Caelynn]], [[character:victoria|Victoria]], and [[character:varis|Varis]] \\ +
-[[faction:greyhawk_rangers|Read more...]] +
- +
-==== Greyhawk Rebellion ==== +
-[[faction:greyhawk_rebellion|Read more...]] +
- +
-==== Fellowship of the Alicorn ==== +
-[[faction:alicorn|Read more...]] +
- +
-==== Cult of Narkul ==== +
-A Cult devoted to bringing Narkul a powerful lich back from his banishment so he can reclaim his lost throne and restore the land he once ruled. \\ +
-[[faction:cult_of_narkul|Read more...]] +
- +
-==== Black List ==== +
-Black list is a massive underground thief and Assassin guild that spans across Reton and Covania. \\ [[faction:black_list|Read more...]] +
- +
-====Cult of Eyes==== +
-A Twisted cult following One of the Old Gods, Lead by a Trio of Beholders called Sharax, Vorg and Gomen. Most of their doings are kept hidden and secret from the rest of Mor-Thir \\ [[faction:watching_eyes|Read more...]] +
- +
-==== Remon's Academy ==== +
-The largest and well established arcane guild within Mor-Thir, heavily funded by the Kingdom of Covania during it's early days but has since run a successful enterprise of stores and services [[faction:remon_academy|Read more...]] +
- +
----- +
- +
-===== Minor ===== +
-==== The Forsaken ==== +
-A small group of bandits based in South Reton near the Greyhawk forest. \\ +
-[[faction:the_forsaken|Read more...]] +
- +
-==== Order of the Lost Keep ==== +
-A group of Outlawed Dragonborn and Tieflings in the Mulburg Marsh. \\ +
-[[faction:order_of_the_lost_keep|Read more...]] +
- +
-==== Vein ==== +
-A once large and powerful pack of Blood Hunters located in the forests south of Covania. \\ +
-[[faction:vein|Read more...]] +
- +
-==== Blinding Spear==== +
-A small super elite group of Soldiers under the command of Zyllis during the Ashlem war. \\ [[faction:blinding_spear|Read more...]] +
- +
-==== The Grim Accord ==== +
-Also known as the Feeders of Crows has four members, Fire, Shadow, Blood, and Bone. This group seeks power and gold and will destroy anything in their path\\ +
-[[faction:grim_accord|Read more...]] +
- +
-==== Blackfyre Corp ==== +
-A thieves guild established in Ostrov and recently made its way to Mor-Thir to make a foot hold.\\ +
-[[faction:blackfyre|Read more...]] +
- +
----- +
- +
-==== Band of the Black Albatross ==== +
-A small army of around 100 mercenary soldiers \\ +
-[[faction:black_albatross|Read more...]] +
-===== Families ===== +
- +
- +
 +<WRAP clear />
 +====by Type====
 +<WRAP half column>
 +**Adventuring**((Player parties, dungeoneers, etc.))\\
 +**Martial**((Military, Mercenary, etc.))\\
 +**Merchantile**((Banks, Shops, etc.))\\
 +**Mystic/Arcanum**((Magic colleges, guilds, etc.))\\
 +<WRAP half column>
 +**Nature**((Druidic or natural communes))\\
 +**Noble**((Nations, Royalty, Rich, etc.))\\
 +**Religious**((Churches, Cults, etc.))\\
 +**Underworld**((Thieves, Assassins, etc.))\\
  • faction/start.1689907813.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 20 months ago
  • by Kyle