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homebrew:class:sugar_alchemist [2018/12/16 22:37] Kylehomebrew:class:sugar_alchemist [2020/10/13 17:34] (current) – external edit
Line 2: Line 2:
 ^Level^Proficiency Bonus^Trifle Dice^Features^ ^Level^Proficiency Bonus^Trifle Dice^Features^
-|1 |+2|| | +|1 |+2||[[homebrew:class:sugar_alchemist#featurered_cordial|Red Cordial]]
-|2 |+2|2 | |+|2 |+2|2 |[[homebrew:class:sugar_alchemist#featuresweet_mixtures|Sweet Mixtures]]|
 |3 |+2|3 | | |3 |+2|3 | |
-|4 |+2|4 |Ability Score Improvement|+|4 |+2|4 |[[homebrew:class:sugar_alchemist#Ability_Score_Improvement|Ability Score Improvement]]|
 |5 |+3|5 | | |5 |+3|5 | |
 |6 |+3|6 | | |6 |+3|6 | |
 |7 |+3|7 | | |7 |+3|7 | |
-|8 |+3|8 |Ability Score Improvement|+|8 |+3|8 |[[homebrew:class:sugar_alchemist#Ability_Score_Improvement|Ability Score Improvement]]|
 |9 |+4|9 | | |9 |+4|9 | |
 |10|+4|10| | |10|+4|10| |
 |11|+4|11| | |11|+4|11| |
-|12|+4|12|Ability Score Improvement|+|12|+4|12|[[homebrew:class:sugar_alchemist#Ability_Score_Improvement|Ability Score Improvement]]|
 |13|+5|13| | |13|+5|13| |
 |14|+5|14| | |14|+5|14| |
 |15|+5|15| | |15|+5|15| |
-|16|+5|16|Ability Score Improvement|+|16|+5|16|[[homebrew:class:sugar_alchemist#Ability_Score_Improvement|Ability Score Improvement]]|
 |17|+6|17| | |17|+6|17| |
 |18|+6|18| | |18|+6|18| |
-|19|+6|19|Ability Score Improvement|+|19|+6|19|[[homebrew:class:sugar_alchemist#Ability_Score_Improvement|Ability Score Improvement]]|
 |20|+6|20| | |20|+6|20| |
Line 43: Line 43:
   *2 Daggers   *2 Daggers
   *3d4 x 10 gp   *3d4 x 10 gp
 +  *[[item:bag_of_sweets]]
 ---- ----
 +===== Feature: Red Cordial =====
 +At 1st level, you gain the following benefits if you have had sugar in the last 6 hours:
 +  *You can use Dexterity instead of Strength on checks and savings throws 
 +  *Movement speed increased by 10 ft
-**Feature: Sweet Alchemy** \\ +===== Feature: Sweet Alchemy ===== 
-Chaos’s Alchemy is very biased. \\ +Any alchemy recipe you attempt to follow will result in a cake with a random effect. The effect is determined by a dice roll when a creature first eats a slice. The cake has 6 slices in total, after 24 hours the cake becomes stale and inedible.\\ 
-Any alchemy recipe Chaos attempts to follow will result in a cake with a random effect. \\ +[[homebrew:rules:alchemy cake|Random cake effects]]
-It takes 10 Gold and a full day for Chaos to make a recipe and the effect is determined by a dice roll when a creature first eats a slice. The cake has 6 slices in total. \\ Unless stated otherwise the cake and any effect it creates  vanish after 24 hours.+
-**Feature: Sweet Interest ** \\ +===== Feature: Sweet Mixtures ===== 
-Chaos’s begins her adventure with a magical bag she revived from university\\ +At 2nd level you gain the ability to use Trifle diceYou can retrieve the number of trifle dice from your [[item:bag_of_sweets]] equal to your level as per the class table. Trifle dice are restored upon completing a long rest.
-The bag is an endless source of small lollies and candy of all kinds. \\ any item put in the bag aside from more lollies including creatures will be lost forever.+
-**Feature: Red Cordial** \\ +===== Ability Score Improvement ===== 
-Chaos is hyperactive due to all the sugar she has. \\ +When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
-Dexterity increased by 2 \\ +
-Movment speed increased by 10 ft+
-**Feature: Sweet Mixtures** \\ +---- 
-As a Sugar Alchemist most of Chaos’s abilities are fueled by Trifle dice. \\ + 
-Chaos can make a trifle  dice by mixing a random assortment of her magical bag candy.\\ + 
-To make a trifle dice chaos must have her alchemist supplies and 20 minuets of prep time. \\+ 
 +===== Sam's Original Stuffs  =====
 **2nd Level: Candy Hoard** \\ **2nd Level: Candy Hoard** \\
  • homebrew/class/sugar_alchemist.1544965665.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
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