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item:heart_of_cinnamon [2019/01/01 12:14] – created Kyleitem:heart_of_cinnamon [2024/03/26 12:03] (current) Kyle
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-===== Heart of <del>Sin</del> Cinnamon ===== +{{tag>Wonderous Neck Item "Uncommon"}} 
-//Type, Rarity, Attunement// \\ +==== Heart of Sin Cinnamon ==== 
-Description+[[item:start| Return to Items Page]] 
 +//**Type:** Wonderous**Class:** Item, **Rarity:** Uncommon**Attunement:** Not Required // \\ 
 +<WRAP box right 20em> 
 +^ Stat ^ Info ^  
 +| Style | Necklace |  
 +| Effect | Cold Resistance |  
 +**Warm Embrace** \\ 
 +  *While you are attuned to the heart, you have resistance to cold damage.  
 +**Warm Radiance** \\ 
 +  *All creatures within 30 feet of the heart are immune to the effects of extreme cold, as described in Chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. 
 +<WRAP clear /> 
 +This large, translucent red heart is fashioned from a magical gem of some sort. It radiates heat in a wide radius, but never grows too hot to the touch. \\ 
 +It has been recently turned into a necklace as an item of betrothal, Given to a large Tabaxi woman who said yes almost before she saw the item itself.
 ---- ----
-Lore+//A special item among the frosty planes of a frozen domain. It was rewarded to [[character:teo|Teostra Hazzak]] during various snow related games. He has kept it for many years as a keepsake of old adventurous fun. \\ When he became a father Teo aimed to put his adventuring life behind him, Just one more adventure to find the perfect engament gift for his now wife [[character:chaos|Chaos Decota]]. \\ His last adventure ended in failure but it was at this moment digging through old possessions he found the Heart of Cinnamon once again. \\ He had a jeweller craft it into a necklace and presented it to Chaos with "Will you marry me?"//
  • item/heart_of_cinnamon.1546310695.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)