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Mirror Mail

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Type: Heavy Armour, Class: Mundane Rarity: Very Rare, Attunement: Required

Properties Stats
Size Full Body
Weight Heavy
Base Full Plate
AC 18
Charges 4 + (Proficiency bonus of the attuned wearer)
Re-Charge 1+1d4 Daily at Dusk

Reflected Spells

Refracted Spells

Reversed Spells

A suit of armor that shines with some unknown magical energy. Upon the metal a sea of enchantments seems to swirl in this silver sky blue set of armour.

Owner as Body
Currently in possetion of Aldrun as his spirit bound body.

One of the many powerful magic crafts from the smiths in Oxtrad. This one was crafted by one taught in the ways of Giant craft a very rare item even by Oxtrad standards.
During the war Oxtrad knew the dangers of magic on the battlefield being masters of magic themselves. so they crafted many items such as the mirror mail to combat enemy mages.
The Mirror mail was well known for being a double edged sword, as while wearing it mages couldn't effective heal you if you were wounded and so it fell out of fashion and only used by the bravest or most skilled knights as well as mages themselves if they could handle the heavy armour.