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location:sea_spire [2024/01/05 09:50] – [Sea Spire] Cinderlocation:sea_spire [2024/04/23 12:45] (current) Cinder
Line 9: Line 9:
 ^ Location | West Coast of Archipelago | ^ Location | West Coast of Archipelago |
 ^ Region | [[region:eroded_archipelago|Eroded Archipelago]] | ^ Region | [[region:eroded_archipelago|Eroded Archipelago]] |
-^ Owner | [[character:stem|Kazrai Stem]] |+^ Owner | [[character:cinder|Cinder Stem]] |
 ^ Students/Employees | - | ^ Students/Employees | - |
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 **Closure** \\ **Closure** \\
 +__Coming into effect 1st Monday, Deepsnow, 12342__ \\
 With declining student numbers as well as more pressure from the Reton Empire. The Sea spire sets to cease its operations as a proper place of learning. \\ With declining student numbers as well as more pressure from the Reton Empire. The Sea spire sets to cease its operations as a proper place of learning. \\
 The tower will remain open as a public Space though the entrance to the lower floors will be magically sealed and the tower will be cleared of all valuables aside from learning equipment. \\ The tower will remain open as a public Space though the entrance to the lower floors will be magically sealed and the tower will be cleared of all valuables aside from learning equipment. \\
  • location/sea_spire.1704414035.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 14 months ago
  • by Cinder