This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. {{tag>new cg life strength}} ====== Glaren ====== <WRAP box right 25em> <WRAP centeralign> {{ wiki:media:template.png?200 |}} /*Symbol and or Depiction*/ </WRAP> ^ Titles | Lizard of Life | ^ Alignment | Chaotic Good | ^ Symbol | Tail of a lizard | ^ Domains | Life, Strength | ^ Worshipers | Lizardfolk | </WRAP> ==== History ==== /*Pre ascension, history, current, etc. */ ==== Worshipers ==== **Temples**\\ **Orders**\\ **Prophets**\\ **Other Notable**\\ new cg life strength religion/glaren.txt Last modified: 17 months agoby Kyle