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religion:new_gods [2019/12/05 10:23] – [Shigru] Kylereligion:new_gods [2023/10/24 12:05] (current) – removed Kyle
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-======New Gods====== 
-[[religion:old_gods|Old Gods]] - [[religion:patrons|Patrons]] \\ 
-The Majority of the New Gods were born and grew to power during the start of the Magic Era but on rare occasions beings from newer ages can become Gods. 
-The New Gods are classified into the power they hold and the amount of followers they have. \\ 
-**Greater Deity** These Gods have tremendous world changing powers but it is rarely seen, typical follower numbers are in the millions \\ 
-**Lesser Deity** Able to influence change in the world through their followers usually in the 100,000s \\ 
-**Demigod** Typically only just achieved godhood and or have a low number of followers estimated to be under 10,000 \\ 
-==The Three== 
-The Three Refers to the accepted national beliefs put forward by the Royal Conglomeration. \\ The Three Include; \\ the Stone Wife Ulaa, Shown as a shield in symbolism. \\ God of Justice Tyr, Shown as a Sword in symbolism. \\ Kelemor, Judge of the Dammed, Shown as a set of scales in symbolism. 
-While each of these Gods have their own followings in the land they are all recognised as a single religion according to the Rulers of Mor-Thir, not all believers agree with this however being vocal about such opinions can get someone killed. 
-The Three is symbolised with a Trident 
-=====Greater Deity===== 
-//The Morninglord// \\ 
-Lathander is a male Human and is a god of dawn, renewal, birth, and youth. \\ 
-**Alignment:** Neutral Good \\ 
-**Domain:** Life, Light\\ 
-**Symbol:** Road traveling into a sunrise \\ 
-**Primary Followers:** Humans, Merchants, Travelers \\ 
-**Notable Followers:** [[character:vivacious|Vivacious]] \\ 
-//God of Justice// \\ 
-Description \\ 
-**Alignment:** Lawful good \\ 
-**Domain:** Order, War \\ 
-**Symbol:** Balanced scales resting on a warhammer \\ 
-**Primary Followers:** Judges, Knights, Paladins \\ 
-**Notable Followers:** [[character:robert|Robert]] \\ 
-//Judge of the Damned// \\ 
-Kelemvor is a human man who was a mercenary \\ 
-**Alignment:** Lawful neutral \\ 
-**Domain:** Death, Grave \\ 
-**Symbol:** Skeletal arm holding up scales in balance \\ 
-**Primary Followers:** Undertakers, Mercenaries \\ 
-**Notable Followers:**  \\ 
-//The Stonewife// \\ 
-Ulaa herself is of unknown origin. Built like a dwarven woman but with the facial features of a gnome, she is worshiped by both of those races in addition to humans. She cares for the hills, mountains and gemstones despising any undead that may taint the lands \\ 
-**Alignment:** Lawful Good \\ 
-**Domain:** Nature, Order, Protection \\ 
-**Symbol:** A mountain with a ruby heart \\ 
-**Primary Followers:** Dwarves, Gnomes\\ 
-**Notable Followers:** [[character:Ironhide]] \\ 
-====The Wild Mother==== 
-//Mother of nature and wilds// \\ 
-The Wild Mother cannot speak any languages but knows all, she 'speaks' through nature using the earth, water, wind, and animals to convey her messages and knowledge. \\ 
-**Alignment:** Neutral Good \\ 
-**Domain:** Knowledge, and Nature \\ 
-**Symbol:** A mighty oak with sprawling branches \\ 
-**Primary Followers:** Elves, Druids \\ 
-**Notable Followers:** [[character:varis|Varis]], [[character:drusilia|Drusilia]] \\ 
-=====Lesser deity===== 
-//Lady Greyhawk// \\ 
-Aerith is a female high elf who dedicated her life to following one's heart and staying true to it, shortly before Aerith ascended she created the nine [[item:sword:greyhawk|Swords of Greyhawk]], and a tenth personal sword. Aerith has long gray hair and wears pale green robes and carries the tenth sword by her side. \\ 
-**Alignment:** True Neutral \\ 
-**Domain:** Ambition, Solidarity \\ 
-**Symbol:** Nine swords in a circle pointing inward \\ 
-**Primary Followers:** Elves, Adventures \\ 
-**Notable Followers:**  \\ 
-Aim is to have 2 or 3 gods of each domain, each god will be apart of 2 or 3 domains \\ 
-Please create gods as need and update the below with number of gods in that domain \\ 
-Arcana Domain \\ 
-Ambition Domain (1) \\ 
-Death Domain (1) \\ 
-Forge Domain \\ 
-Grave Domain (1) \\ 
-Knowledge Domain (1) \\ 
-Life Domain (2) \\ 
-Light Domain (1) \\ 
-Nature Domain (2) \\ 
-Order Domain (2) \\ 
-Protection Domain (2) \\ 
-Solidarity Domain (1) \\ 
-Strength Domain \\ 
-Tempest Domain \\ 
-Trickery Domain \\ 
-War Domain (1) \\ 
-Zeal Domain \\ 
-====God Template==== 
-//Title// \\ 
-Description \\ 
-**Alignment:**  \\ 
-**Domain:** \\ 
-**Symbol:**  \\ 
-**Primary Followers:** \\ 
-**Notable Followers:**  \\ 
  • religion/new_gods.1575507234.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
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