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story:ozrelia_company [2024/01/24 11:52] – [Chapter 5: Onlooker to the Story] Cinderstory:ozrelia_company [2024/07/19 21:29] (current) Cinder
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-======Ozrelia & Company====== +======Ozrelia & Adventure====== 
- +=====Part 1: Ozrelia & Company===== 
-[[story:start|Back to Stories]] [[character:oz|More About Ozrelia]] \\ +[[story:ozrelia|Home]] [[story:ozrelia_uncooth|Part 2: Ozrelia & the Uncooth]] ->
-//Written by: Sammy //\\+
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 //2nd Monday, Seedmoot, 12337// //2nd Monday, Seedmoot, 12337//
-Ozrelia has made the big trip accross the sea from her home in Gracia to Covania's CapitalKnowing no one and little of the contries customes Ozrelia aims to find a new home for herself and establish her new service.+It had been weeks or maybe even months since Ozrelia stowed away on a ship bound for Mor-Thir. Being found within the first few days of the voyage was not part of the plan, Managing to bargain against being thrown overboard, for her service and labour around the ship. \\ 
 +Ozrelia has almost finished the long journey accross the sea, From her home in Gracia to the nation known as Covania. With no foot holds, no family or friends to meet and no established plan Ozrelia aimed to make a new home within this continent and establish her name as a well know and powerful Druid.
-It had been weeks or maybe even months since Ozrelia stowed away on a ship bound for Mor-Thir. Being found within the first few days of the voyage was not part of the plan, She managed to bargain against being thrown overboard for her service around the ship.+//"Aarakocra were never meant to sail"// She would repeat, constantly! trying to justify the sever case of sea sickness she was plagued with throughout the whole journey. The salty sea air stuck to her feathers and with hardly any traveling provisions to herself She was miserable.
-//"Aarakocra were never meant to sail"// She would repeat constantly, trying to justify the sever case of sea sickness she was plagued with throughout the whole journey, She was miserable. +The sun was just beginning its trip over the sky when the ring of "Land hooooooooooo!" covered the ship. \\
- +
-The sun was just beginning its trip over the sky when the ring of "Land hoo!" covered the ship. \\+
 Awoken from her slumber Ozrelia quickly gathered her things ready to finally be on solid ground again. anticipation and relief swept over her as she eagerly awaited at the bow of the ship. Sea breeze filled her feathers as the port of [[town:ferrabreeze|Ferrabreeze]] came into view. Awoken from her slumber Ozrelia quickly gathered her things ready to finally be on solid ground again. anticipation and relief swept over her as she eagerly awaited at the bow of the ship. Sea breeze filled her feathers as the port of [[town:ferrabreeze|Ferrabreeze]] came into view.
 Ozrelia, an Aaracokra standing just under 7ft tall, Bright yellow feathers cover her body with a deep blue seeping on the tips of her wings, tail and crest. Dressed in sturdy but minimalist traveling outfit with staff and backpack. She carries herself proudly and delicately, constantly keeping her feathers neat and tidy. Large feathered hands, strong avian talons and a few accessories decorate her neck and legs. Ozrelia, an Aaracokra standing just under 7ft tall, Bright yellow feathers cover her body with a deep blue seeping on the tips of her wings, tail and crest. Dressed in sturdy but minimalist traveling outfit with staff and backpack. She carries herself proudly and delicately, constantly keeping her feathers neat and tidy. Large feathered hands, strong avian talons and a few accessories decorate her neck and legs.
-She bid the captain farewell as Ozrelia left the boat, stepping onto the dock she was officially in Covania. \\+She bid the captain farewell as Ozrelia left the boat, stepping onto the dock, finally, officially in Covania. \\
 The docks are bustling with activity, Boats of all origins arriving and departing, it is easy to get lost in the organized chaos. Quickly becoming too much for Ozrelia she took flight and perched on a nearby lamp pole to get a better view. \\ The docks are bustling with activity, Boats of all origins arriving and departing, it is easy to get lost in the organized chaos. Quickly becoming too much for Ozrelia she took flight and perched on a nearby lamp pole to get a better view. \\
-//"Aye ahye, alright, first off I need to find a place to stay and something to eat, I am so sick of berries and soup"// \\+//"Aye ahye, alright, first off I need to find a place to stay and something to eat, I am so sick of berries and soup, Oh and somewhere to bathe pleeease, Gods i am dying for a good wash."// \\
 Ozrelia scoured the area seeing the pathway leading out of the docks, "There" she thought to herself as she took flight once again. a few powerful flaps then gliding down. \\ Ozrelia scoured the area seeing the pathway leading out of the docks, "There" she thought to herself as she took flight once again. a few powerful flaps then gliding down. \\
 "Hault!" a commanding voice rang out from behind "You there! Aarakocra! Stop!" \\ "Hault!" a commanding voice rang out from behind "You there! Aarakocra! Stop!" \\
 Ozrealia quickly turned to see a trio of Covanian soldiers storming her way, her heart raced as she fumbled about. //"Oh hey..h hi whats going on?"// \\ Ozrealia quickly turned to see a trio of Covanian soldiers storming her way, her heart raced as she fumbled about. //"Oh hey..h hi whats going on?"// \\
-"You there! a new arrival corrected? the boat from Gricia. You need to report to border controller for an interview." The soldiers open up a path behind them. "if you would follow us miss" +"You there! a new arrival corrected? the boat from Gricia. You need to report to border control for an interview." The soldiers open up a path behind them. "if you would follow us miss"
-The soldiers lead Ozrelia back down the docks, one behind and two in front keeping a close eye on her. they lead her down into an open building where there were que of visitors waiting to enter Covania. Ozrelia was being lead past the que making her worrywas she gonna be locked up? She technically hadn't paid for the trip she was a stowaway. \\ +The soldiers lead Ozrelia back down the docks, one behind and two in front keeping a close eye on her. they lead her down into an open building where there were que of visitors waiting to enter Covania. Ozrelia was being lead past the quemaking her worry getting special treatment like this, was it because she was a stowaway? did the captain rad her out? was she gonna be locked up? She technically hadn't paid for the trip. \\ 
-Past a checkpoint and into a well guarded room, having to duck through the doorway. \\+Past a checkpoint and into a well guarded room, Ozrelia having to duck through the doorway. \\
 The room looked as any soldier barracks would, hardly any natural light but well lit with magic torches, stone walls, weapon stands along the wall, Two soldiers at the entrance and exit. This room had two heavy looking steal doors in the middle of the far wall with sturdy tables lined with paperwork and random items. Several large chests stood behind the table as well as what seemed to be a small bag, with a sign above labeled **Disposal** \\ The room looked as any soldier barracks would, hardly any natural light but well lit with magic torches, stone walls, weapon stands along the wall, Two soldiers at the entrance and exit. This room had two heavy looking steal doors in the middle of the far wall with sturdy tables lined with paperwork and random items. Several large chests stood behind the table as well as what seemed to be a small bag, with a sign above labeled **Disposal** \\
 Ozrelia with her expertise recognized it as a bag of holding? no, a bag of devouring, possibly for the disposal of foreign food or other products that would risk bio security. \\ Ozrelia with her expertise recognized it as a bag of holding? no, a bag of devouring, possibly for the disposal of foreign food or other products that would risk bio security. \\
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 ==== Chapter 5: Onlooker to the Story ==== ==== Chapter 5: Onlooker to the Story ====
-As commotion began stirring, Heavy boots rumbling the floor, Calls of sailors leaving port, the sticky heat of the sun pouring through the window. Ozrelia was quickly up and about. Checking her belongings and the door to make sure they were as she left. Confirming they were she gathered her items and got dresses+(2nd Thursday, Seedmoot, 12337) 
 +As commotion began stirring, Heavy boots rumbling the floor, Calls of sailors leaving port, the sticky heat of the sun pouring through the window. Ozrelia was quickly up and about. Checking her belongings and the door to make sure they were as she left. Confirming they were she gathered her items and got dressed. \\ 
 +Despite trying to fill her mind with Breakfast and her pans for the day, The altercation she witnessed last night refused to leave her thoughts, Like a festering desire, There was a story to experience and she wanted to know more. 
 +Downstairs she ordered some fruit and grains from the tavern, Taking a seat near the back to study some of the maps she had purchased earlier. \\ 
 +Covania it seemed was mostly desert, aside from some greener coasts. Reton looked the most suitable place to set up shop but the one who sold Ozrelia the maps did mention that they were out of date as Reton had on the last few years had a civil war and a new country declared independence. She was not keen to approach a country fresh after a war. \\ That left the northern lands of Oxtrad. South seemed to be more desert while north was bitterly cold. However the central land, at least according to the maps was mostly tundra forests. Heavy old pine trees forrest-ed most of the land and it was rather uncharted save a few settlements. It seemed like the most suitable place for her at the moment. 
 +As her mind flooded with different plans unable to focus she patted her face in frustration rolling up the map. //"The pathway is so obvious yet..grrrr"// Like a parasite the altercation from last night plague her mind. She had to know what happened next. \\ 
 +She finished her meal and cleared her items on a stubborn mission.  
 +Returning to the area last night it was alive with movement. she could still clearly remember the whole scene. Yet trying to remember specifics was difficult, all the faces were a blur, all the voices were muffled. She realised she never focused on any of others and never made direct eye contact. Realising she had nothing to go off instead thinking a view from the air would reveal something. The air was salty and warm, Full of life and energy, It carried Ozrelia into the sky with ease. Despite the brilliant view there was still no clues to be found. 
 +A combination of frustration and boredom was quickly overtaking her. With nothing obvious to go on the mystery became the Sour grapes she was unable to reach. Now with nothing planned Ozrelia searches for a quest board. 
 +Asking around Ozrelia was quickly directed to //Renfry Gate// on the west side of //Sunwood//. Here an adventuring guild known as [[faction:silver_band|Silver Band]] was located. Nothing to snuff at, It was the largest adventuring guild in all of //Covania// and here in //Sunwood// was their headquarters. \\ 
 +The district was like walking into a new city. there was a different atmosphere here, Far more..'Noble'? Ozrelia couldt quite find the right way to describe it. The people around here seemed a whole mixture of big hopes and crushed dreams. \\ Quite a few parties of people around here. Adventures getting ready to leave or returning from a story. Almost everyone was armed with something and it seemed the guard patrols here were far fewer. \\ 
 +A few peddlers on carts offering ordinary things for extra ordinary prices. It was true that most adventures do tend to earn much more than common folk. Its to be expected when putting your life on the line as an occupation.\\ 
 +Finally the building came into view. //Silver Band's// headquarters. \\ 
 +A stunning stone building almost like a small castle. High peaks and a brilliant shining hue. Flags fluttering in the wind and fine specimens of warriors guarded the entrance.....\\ 
 +At least that's what Ozrelia was expecting. Instead it was a simple two stories of disappointment. The building with the //Silver Band's// logo, Sturdy and well maintained. A commission desk out the front and the familiar sounds of a tavern within. 
 +Ozrelia groaned making her way reluctantly over to the commission desk. 
 +There were some interesting jobs, Something about a cannibal, Another requesting help with grave robbers. A few more that remained undescriptive. \\ 
 +Ozrelia letting curiosity get the better of her spoke to the desk clerk who seemed even more intimidated up close. //"How much would it cost for me to put a job up?"// \\ 
 +There was no response at first, The clerk simply staring at Ozrelia, Almost sweating. She waved in his face. //"Hey? Hey! attention please!"// 
 +The discussion was very one sided but she learned the price of application as well as some basic info about the Guild. She grabbed a few jobs from the board unable to decide on a single one 
 +She retired for a late lunch then returned to the inn for the night. staying up in her room going through her books. the light of the moon began to creep into the salty sky, How she had lost track of time. rather than savour the night Ozrelia decided to turn in early. once again locking the door and stashing her belongings. tomorrow she would chase down a quest or two. 
 +Wants to plant a druid tree within sunwood. 
  • story/ozrelia_company.1706062970.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 14 months ago
  • by Cinder