Ozrelia & Adventure

Home | Part 2: Ozrelia & the Uncooth

2nd Monday, Seedmoot, 12337

It had been weeks or maybe even months since Ozrelia stowed away on a ship bound for Mor-Thir. Being found within the first few days of the voyage was not part of the plan, Managing to bargain against being thrown overboard, for her service and labour around the ship.
Ozrelia has almost finished the long journey accross the sea, From her home in Gracia to the nation known as Covania. With no foot holds, no family or friends to meet and no established plan Ozrelia aimed to make a new home within this continent and establish her name as a well know and powerful Druid.

“Aarakocra were never meant to sail” She would repeat, constantly! trying to justify the sever case of sea sickness she was plagued with throughout the whole journey. The salty sea air stuck to her feathers and with hardly any traveling provisions to herself She was miserable.

The sun was just beginning its trip over the sky when the ring of “Land hooooooooooo!” covered the ship.
Awoken from her slumber Ozrelia quickly gathered her things ready to finally be on solid ground again. anticipation and relief swept over her as she eagerly awaited at the bow of the ship. Sea breeze filled her feathers as the port of Ferrabreeze came into view.

Ozrelia, an Aaracokra standing just under 7ft tall, Bright yellow feathers cover her body with a deep blue seeping on the tips of her wings, tail and crest. Dressed in sturdy but minimalist traveling outfit with staff and backpack. She carries herself proudly and delicately, constantly keeping her feathers neat and tidy. Large feathered hands, strong avian talons and a few accessories decorate her neck and legs.

She bid the captain farewell as Ozrelia left the boat, stepping onto the dock, finally, officially in Covania.
The docks are bustling with activity, Boats of all origins arriving and departing, it is easy to get lost in the organized chaos. Quickly becoming too much for Ozrelia she took flight and perched on a nearby lamp pole to get a better view.
“Aye ahye, alright, first off I need to find a place to stay and something to eat, I am so sick of berries and soup, Oh and somewhere to bathe pleeease, Gods i am dying for a good wash.”
Ozrelia scoured the area seeing the pathway leading out of the docks, “There” she thought to herself as she took flight once again. a few powerful flaps then gliding down.
“Hault!” a commanding voice rang out from behind “You there! Aarakocra! Stop!”
Ozrealia quickly turned to see a trio of Covanian soldiers storming her way, her heart raced as she fumbled about. “Oh hey..h hi whats going on?”
“You there! a new arrival corrected? the boat from Gricia. You need to report to border control for an interview.” The soldiers open up a path behind them. “if you would follow us miss”

The soldiers lead Ozrelia back down the docks, one behind and two in front keeping a close eye on her. they lead her down into an open building where there were que of visitors waiting to enter Covania. Ozrelia was being lead past the que, making her worry getting special treatment like this, was it because she was a stowaway? did the captain rad her out? was she gonna be locked up? She technically hadn't paid for the trip.
Past a checkpoint and into a well guarded room, Ozrelia having to duck through the doorway.
The room looked as any soldier barracks would, hardly any natural light but well lit with magic torches, stone walls, weapon stands along the wall, Two soldiers at the entrance and exit. This room had two heavy looking steal doors in the middle of the far wall with sturdy tables lined with paperwork and random items. Several large chests stood behind the table as well as what seemed to be a small bag, with a sign above labeled Disposal
Ozrelia with her expertise recognized it as a bag of holding? no, a bag of devouring, possibly for the disposal of foreign food or other products that would risk bio security.
“Please, place all your items with the Lady over there then follow me for questioning” The soldier gestured and Ozrelia followed obediently.
“This all seems very intense and strict for little ol me” she fluttered her eyes attempting to soften the soldiers up with little luck.
The soldier straitened up. Ozrelia was taller than everyone in the room and seeing the massive Aarakocra flirting has not swayed any hearts.
“Ma'am…You have attempted to avoid border control, given the circumstances we have been very lenient”

Ozrelia removed her backpack and staff leaving them with the soldier. she sighed, not wanting to part with her items but as a guest in this country she thought it best to follow their rules.
Being lead to one of the steel doors.
“After you Ma'ma”
Ozrelia stepped into the roo, ducking through the doorway again. finding a chair in front of a large desk, opposite another. The room was very clean, it seemed to be paved with a slightly lighter stone than outside. the desk decorated with a few magical candles that emitted light but no heat or smoke. several quills, and ink pot and plenty of parchment. there was another door on the back wall.
Ozrelia herd the door close and lock behind her as the soldier took his seat opposite her.
“So…shall we begin? this is all very normal, all visitors to Covania must be subject to an interview and documentation registration”
The soldier took off his helmet and doft his weapon placing them on the desk, reaching for a quill and taking one booklet. writing some things down then tapping the crystal, creating a zone of truth.
Ozrealia easily resisted the spells effects, causing the crystal to vibrate and turn a dull red.
“Ah, please if you would submit to the spells effects this will start quicker, otherwise I will keep trying until you fail”
Ozrelia sighed and nodded, as the soldier deactivated the crystal and reactivated, Ozrelia let the spells effects take effect and the Crystal turned Green. “Great, now we can begin…Your name, your profession, why you have come to Covania, where you have come from?”
Ozrelia caught a bit off guard from the rapid questions.
“uhh aahh,…Oz..Ozrelia Lockheart is my name. I am a druid by study and trade. I..uhh I have come to Covania for a change of scenery, i have spent all my life in Griaca and wanted to move to try and set up a small service business in this land”
Ozrelia nodded to herself, satisfied with her answers, they were the truth she felt no need to lie…yet.

The Soldier seemed to write the answers down while glancing at the crystal. Tapping his foot a few times.
“What kind of Druid and what services do you aim to provide?”
Ozrlia sat back in the chair. “A druid type of druid, commune with the trees, talk with the animals, stuff like that…as a powerful spell caster my services could be desirable by those less experienced.” She deliberately didn't elaborate however the guard seemed to accept those answers, possible not fully a wear of the different druid circles.

“Do you have any identification on you?”
“O oh yes..its all in my bag” upon answering there was a knock on the back door and another soldier entered the room, placing Ozrelia's bag on the table. the one interviewing begins to rummage through it.
Ozrelia pipped up “Its a mag of tremendous holding…there is quite a bit in there”
The soldier started pulling all manor of things out, talismans, lots of rare spell ingredients, a very ornate box full of rare seeds. Several picture frames of another Aarakocra, A Hefty coin purse of 200+ platinum, a few pieces of unique wood, many many books, so many in fact the soldier gave up pulling books out after the 20th.
The soldier spent close to half an hour pulling out items before finishing. “so no live animals or fruit? i see you have a fair few plants and seeds here. i understand you are a druid however we have strict controls for our ecosystem.”
Ozrelia nodded “Oh i agree yes, i have all the proper documentation.” Ozrelia grabbed one of the books flipping it open then handing the open page to the soldier “I am no Simpleton sir…i always have the correct paperwork on hand…i am sure you will find everything in order”
Ozrelia nodded holding her head high.

The soldier looked through “i assume your travel documents are here as well”
after a few minuets the soldier was satisfied and placed the book back on the table. “Everything seems to be in order”
“Of course it is” Ozrelia said confidently. “Is there anything else? I am hoping this isn't going to take much longer”
The soldier sighed. “yes yes”
Ozrelia was tapping her talons, her patience wearing out quickly.
The soldier asked Ozrelia a few more questions, any family, did she intend to stay in Covania, more details on services she hopes to provide. The interview lasted another 20 miniuets before the Soldier was fully satisfied.
Ozrelia had to register as a foreign mage, filling out some paperWork as well as providing one of her feathers. She received a special magic mark on her soldier. it was quick and painless and vanished from sight after it was applied.
“This will let anyone identify you as a visitor and a mage if your identity comes into question or…you end up in trouble with the law..it will only last a year by then if you are deemed safe you will instead be offered physical documentation.”
Ozrelia nodded looking at her soldier, “But how will it show up? its invisible now?”
The soldier took out a small rod then held it over her solder, revealing the mark, as the rod was removed the mark vanished again.

Ozrelia took her staff and tapped her bag, all her belongings that were removed gently floated back in and the bag zipped itself up. She was escorted out back to the docks where she was officially in Covania.

Free of the docks and into the more open streets Ozrelia got a better view of FerraBreeze, the city is built primarily around the coast, local fish and other sea life is being pedaled by small yet loud stalls, Magic signs that would change slogans as people approached. there were a few constructs around conducting manual labor for their impatient masters. and soldiers casually patrolled the streets dressed in the Covanian colors of Black and Orange.
It was exciting, completely different from her home in Griaca It was far more rugged and free flowing. during her people watching she spied a small inn hidden amongst the rest of the busy buildings. Thinking about weather she should try her luck here or deal with something more populated.
“Why not” She thought, as she strutted towards the front door.

The Inn bore a sign, “The Inns & Outs” a curious name, quite cleaver. She entered without hesitation.
The inn was more lively than Ozrelia had expected. most of the tables were full with fair chatter filling the room.
Only the innkeeper behind the bar glanced her direction, disappointed that her feathers didn't make much of an impression she posed a bit in the doorway, When that failed Ozrelia pouted and went to the inn keeper.
“These people have no taste….or maybe i look hideous from the trip” Ozrelia thought to herself.
Fear quickly gripping her that she may not be as presentable as she thought.

“uhh ah, sir? please a room for a few nights” Ozrelia asked, her mind split between the conversation and her appearance.
The Keeper merely grunted, busy talking with other customers. Ozrelia frowning as she clicked for attention.
“Helloooooow? keepeerrrr? i asked for a room?! Today if its not an issue?!”
The keeper sighed as he reached to the back of the bar where a rack of keys sat. The keeper picked a set up and placed them infront of Ozrelia. “2 gold per night, pay upfront”
“How Much?!” Ozrelia cried out in shock, causing some attention to come her way “Thats more than some people make in a month! its outrageous!”
The in keeper shrugged. “You are more than welcome to find another inn”
Ozrelia pouted, she knew there were probably no other inns with cheeper prices, this place was full and it was well hidden.
“Tella ya what Miss….pay for your room and i may be able to work out a refund later tonight when my guests quieten down, sound fair?”
Ozrealia looked over the inn keeper trying to read his motives, noticing he was scanning her from tail to beak, blushing a bit she hid her face while digging through her bag. “v-very well sir….give me but a second.” She pulled out 4 gold pieces and placed them on the counter. the inn keeper nodded and slid her the key.
“Number on the key matches the number on the room. down the hall” he gave her a wink then left to tend to another customer.

Ozrelia headed down the hall, finding her room with relative ease.
It was a lavish room, very well decorated, huge high-quality bed, Study desk, storage and even an outdoor balcony that lead to a small garden in the center of a few other rooms. Ozrelia feeling much better about the cost she collapsed on the bed falling into its soft cool embrace.
“This is quite fancy, very much my style….i only dread what a commoner room would be like.” She shudded at the thought.

The Night was uneventful, Ozrelia undressed and bathed in the small bathhouse provided to the fancier rooms. over an hour passed before Ozrelia returned to her room. Drying and tending to her supplies. Removing everthing from her pack of holding taking stock as it had been serched by the border security.
“Everything seems to be in order..quite surprising..” Returning everything to her bag she checked to make sure the door was locked. then whispered to the wooden walls causing vines to grow inbetween the door, holding it shut.
Satisfied Ozrelia turnined in for the night.

2nd Tuesday, Seedmoot, 12337

Ozrelia woke as sunlight began to coat the sky in its gentle warmth.
Getting dressed and planning her movements for the day. A map was top priority. Traveling supplies she had used up on the boat trip. her next stop was Sunwood.

Out into the tavern Ozrelia ordered some breakfast, some fruits, Bread and cooked tomato where on the menu this morning. Ozrelia tended to stay away from various meats and dairy due to an “intolerance”.
The morning was set and Ozrelia was ready to tackle the day.

The hustle and bustle of the port town had not subsided even the slightest. Ozrelia was quick to take flight, to free herself from the crowds. Landing upon a roof catching the sight before her. Scanning the various buildings in sight she could not catch any resemblance of a general store. “Perhaps closer to the center of town?” thinking allowed to herself she took flight once again.

The crowds thinned the further away from port she was until the ground looked safe to land. She caught a few snide remarks made by some grumpy bystander but she paid no mind, Turing her chin up, Heading towards the large open town square.
People wandering around minding there own business, chatter, mumbling, footsteps. It was all very different from her home. Ferrabreeze felt alive, not like a calm overgrown forest but a well maintained machine.
Ozrelia looked around spotting what seemed to be a general goods store, feeling triumphant, quickly strutting over.

An elderly woman held the door as Ozrelia approached. “ah thank you miss.”
“Not a problem…always nice to see unfamiliar faces in our fair city” Leaving out the same door.
Ozrelia ducked through the doorway having a look around. The store was surprisingly empty. Perhaps a slow day only 2 other customers browsing wears while a young boy stocked some shelves. A portly man with eyebrows so thick they covered his eyes. large and strong he leaned on the counter eyeing off Ozrelia as she entered. Meeting his gaze Ozreia waved happily with a smile. she came over towering above the man.
“Hoihoi good sir, I am in the market for a map of this land, i am newly arrived from Ostrov and have very little idea of this fair country”
The store-man didn't seem to move an inch as the two simply stood their in silence for a few moments. Ozrelia looked around awkwardly and just as she was about to say more the Store-man grunted and tapped the counter loudly. From behind something fell over, The boy stacking shelves dropped something in response, perhaps caught off guard or merely clumsy. he spook quickly.
“Ä aye, yes sir. maps, Right away” The boy dashed off to a large pile of scrolls. gathering a few before coming to the counter for their delivery. Dumping the scrolls on the counter. Backing up very slowly as his eyes climbed Ozrelia. “Jeeze miss, you sure are a big bird aye?”
The store-man slammed his hand down “BOY!”he yelled making the young one jump.
“M my apologies I was outta line yeehh” The boy darting off to the back of the store out of sight.
The store man rubbed his face. “forgive the boy, he is young and has yet to learn to filter his words.”
“There is no issue, his eye sight is strong and he merely speaks truth. rare traits for someone so young”
The various scrolls were a variety of maps, ranging in scope and detail. Ozrelia scanned the various ones but settled on the full map of Mor-thir. as well as one for Oxtrad and Covania separately as she intended to travel north.

With the maps decided Ozrelia gathered some other supplies before paying the coin and bidding the store farewell.

The sun had reached its peak, beginning its decent over the horizon, Ozrelia decided not to return to the inn but instead find travel arrangements for Sunwood.
She could simple make the trip herself, flying and resting the whole way but she was still not familiar with the landscape. studying the maps there would be plenty of opportunity to spread her wings later in the journey. She thought a simple cart may be the best way for this trip.
Heading towards the gates of Ferrabreeze in search of travel. A horse drawn cart seemed to be the obvious choice but with no clear sign as to which ones were for hire and which ones were personal Ozrelia approached a nearby guard for assistance.

“Helloooo Sir ” Ozrelia approached with a joyous expression, Stark contrast the the Guard who seemed to be watching the sun, waiting for his shift change.
“Yes, hello Druid. was wondering if i would see you. leaving our fair city so soon?”
Ozrelia's expression turned puzzled, thinking for a moment. “News of my arrival has spread quickly i assume?”
“Yes, we were all notified of your arrival yesterday. Most forgine powerful spellcasters are made common knowledge arriving on Covania's shores.”
Ozrelia was not sure how to respond, several thoughts raced through her head, Shaking the mess out she returned to her original process. yes well…anyway I was wondering if you could point me to a suitable cart that's available for hire? I intent to travel to Sunwood“
The guard pointed out a large stable near what seemed to be an open Bar. Ozrelia thanked the guard then rushed over.

Approaching the stable there were two human ladies and a Kenku manning the area, The kenku seemed to be with one of the ladies talking to a customer while the other lady was saddling up horses to a rather large well made cart.
Ozrelia butted in the conversation between the Kenku and customer, Taken off guard they asked Ozrelia to wait her turn. in a grump she turned and walked away heading towards the horses.

Ozrelia bargained for a trip to Sunwood

2nd Wednesday, Seedmoot, 12337

The oldest city in Covania, Sunwood, the countries Grand capital. The cart approached the south gate, Lambert Gate on the trip Ozrelia was advised this gate was overseen by the Gold Alliance a group of wealthy merchants who manage most of the profitable trade in Sunwood.

The driver pulled over to the side as they reach the attention of the guards. “Alright everybody out for inspection” the drive announced and the passengers started to disembark including Ozrelia.
Seeing the passengers line up by the side of the road Ozrelia went to join them. Guards approached the cart and the driver as they began their inspection. This was all routine, the guards seemed disinterested at best just simply going through the motions. Ozrelia's destination was the Tulip District but to save time they were going through the south gate.

A guard approached the passengers. “spellcasters please state your name and school.”
There was silence for a moment before an elderly lady announced, Francine! Wizard!. Ozrelia waited for a moment before following suite.
“Ozrelia! Druid!”
After a few more moments The guard walked over to inspect, holding a tool that looked similar to the ones Ozrelia saw at border control. Shining the tool over each passenger's face until reaching the wizard. writing something down and continued on. reaching Ozrelia, stopping, wrighting something down then moving on.
The guard stopped at the passenger next from Ozrelia. “You there, why did you not identify yourself?”
Ozrelia looked down to see the man's face had a mark, reviled by the tool. he stuttered and mumbled beginning to shake, taking a step back to find another guard was already behind him and grabbed him. “your coming with us sir” The man was lead away by two other guards as the one who was inspecting continued until everyone was done.

Once everyone was cleared they piled back on the cart as they officially entered sunwood.
Tulip heights, the area had been split into heights and downs, Downs being more densely populated. Ozrelia free of the cart began exploring.
The city was bustling with noise and movement. not unlike Ferrabreeze but more plain. the Multicultural density of the international visitors had mostly thinned out, Elves, Dwarves, The odd Lizardfolk or Genasi but mostly human and half-Breeds. Ozrelia stuck out like a sore thumb. Seemingly the only Aarakocra in the whole district, Her large stature and bright feathers doing nothing to help blend in.
Making her way to the side street, looking for some breathing room. down one alley, a right then another turn, Down another alley, down stairs, two more turns…wait. She was lost.

Locals often warn visitors that the Downs of Tulip heights were maze like and like a typical tourist Ozrelia had fallen into the trap. well at least for a flightless tourist. As she prepared to spread her wings feeling quite smug they smacked against the tightly packed buildings. not even enough room to flap she groaned in annoyance.
“I need to find some where more open, these streets are far to compact”

Eventually freeing herself from the tight back streets she burst into the air taking flight for the first time in days. Looking around noticing the buildings had become much more organized. this must be the Heights of Tulip Heights. Catching her eye was the huge Temple, From memory the decoration shows its a temple to Tyr, God of Justice. Ozrelia never gave the religious beliefs much thought.

After a bit of flying around getting her bearings of the city she landed in the open area around the temple of Tyr A few more eyes drawn her way but none stuck around. Simply a glance to check if the big bird lady was a threat.
The day quickly disappeared leading to Ozrelia finding a new in for the night. This one much nicer and less sleezy. Near the docks once again.

She stayed late in the tavern eavesdropping on the various conversations happening around her. Eating and drinking her fill. The stuffy air of the tavern leaving her woozy so she decided to clear her head with midnight sea air.
The Docks in Sunwood seemed much less busy that Ferrabreeze, But maybe that was because it was very late at night. Half drunk, half tired the sound of the waves and the sway of her steps trying their hardest to lull her off to sleep.
But then. A crash?
Some shouting and banging, It sounded like a fight, Ozrelia perked up and hurried on over to see what was going on.

Some sailors seemed to be in a tussle with some animal-Kin? a lady? Ozrelia couldn't get a clear view. Hiding around the corner and the poor moonlight leaving much to be desired. The sound of blades, a few cries of pain and then a shape started to head down the alley towards the Docks, towards Ozrelia. She panicked and ducked behind the wall just in time to see the Shifter come past the corner and get caught with a few bolts in the back. Ozrelia caught the Shifter's eyes only for a second before she fell over the docks and into the salty water bellow.
Ozrelia took a step with the intention of helping the victim but was stopped when she herd triumphant shouting and running footsteps. Ozrelia turned heading back the way she came to not look conspicuous, Unfortunately that was easier said then done for the 2 meter tall yellow Aarakocra.

“Oi, Aye! you! Aarakockra” One of them shouted as the other two began to fish the Shifter out of the water.
“ayyye…uuhhh meh?” Ozrelia turned around staggering her steps and slurring her words to give the impression she was drunker than she was.
“You didn't see anything tonight did ya?” The sailor still with his crossbow drawn was loading another bolt as he spoke.
Ozrelia looked around. sizing up the compitition. surely a powerful Druid such as herself could blow these ruffians away and save the damsel in distress, But she wasn't going too. Mostly because Ozrelia didn't care. “Aye ya noooope. Yall just hellpinnn thwat ladyy owut of her swiinim yea?” Adding esagurated gestures and pretending to trip over herself to fluff up the performance. “Mwy partner iws waitnnn for me too”

After that the sailors let Ozrelia go with no trouble and after all that excitement Ozrelia found it rather easy to drift off to sleep.

Chapter 5: Onlooker to the Story

(2nd Thursday, Seedmoot, 12337)

As commotion began stirring, Heavy boots rumbling the floor, Calls of sailors leaving port, the sticky heat of the sun pouring through the window. Ozrelia was quickly up and about. Checking her belongings and the door to make sure they were as she left. Confirming they were she gathered her items and got dressed.
Despite trying to fill her mind with Breakfast and her pans for the day, The altercation she witnessed last night refused to leave her thoughts, Like a festering desire, There was a story to experience and she wanted to know more.

Downstairs she ordered some fruit and grains from the tavern, Taking a seat near the back to study some of the maps she had purchased earlier.
Covania it seemed was mostly desert, aside from some greener coasts. Reton looked the most suitable place to set up shop but the one who sold Ozrelia the maps did mention that they were out of date as Reton had on the last few years had a civil war and a new country declared independence. She was not keen to approach a country fresh after a war.
That left the northern lands of Oxtrad. South seemed to be more desert while north was bitterly cold. However the central land, at least according to the maps was mostly tundra forests. Heavy old pine trees forrest-ed most of the land and it was rather uncharted save a few settlements. It seemed like the most suitable place for her at the moment.

As her mind flooded with different plans unable to focus she patted her face in frustration rolling up the map. “The pathway is so obvious yet..grrrr” Like a parasite the altercation from last night plague her mind. She had to know what happened next.
She finished her meal and cleared her items on a stubborn mission.

Returning to the area last night it was alive with movement. she could still clearly remember the whole scene. Yet trying to remember specifics was difficult, all the faces were a blur, all the voices were muffled. She realised she never focused on any of others and never made direct eye contact. Realising she had nothing to go off instead thinking a view from the air would reveal something. The air was salty and warm, Full of life and energy, It carried Ozrelia into the sky with ease. Despite the brilliant view there was still no clues to be found.

A combination of frustration and boredom was quickly overtaking her. With nothing obvious to go on the mystery became the Sour grapes she was unable to reach. Now with nothing planned Ozrelia searches for a quest board.

Asking around Ozrelia was quickly directed to Renfry Gate on the west side of Sunwood. Here an adventuring guild known as Silver Band was located. Nothing to snuff at, It was the largest adventuring guild in all of Covania and here in Sunwood was their headquarters.
The district was like walking into a new city. there was a different atmosphere here, Far more..'Noble'? Ozrelia couldt quite find the right way to describe it. The people around here seemed a whole mixture of big hopes and crushed dreams.
Quite a few parties of people around here. Adventures getting ready to leave or returning from a story. Almost everyone was armed with something and it seemed the guard patrols here were far fewer.
A few peddlers on carts offering ordinary things for extra ordinary prices. It was true that most adventures do tend to earn much more than common folk. Its to be expected when putting your life on the line as an occupation.

Finally the building came into view. Silver Band's headquarters.
A stunning stone building almost like a small castle. High peaks and a brilliant shining hue. Flags fluttering in the wind and fine specimens of warriors guarded the entrance…..
At least that's what Ozrelia was expecting. Instead it was a simple two stories of disappointment. The building with the Silver Band's logo, Sturdy and well maintained. A commission desk out the front and the familiar sounds of a tavern within.

Ozrelia groaned making her way reluctantly over to the commission desk.

There were some interesting jobs, Something about a cannibal, Another requesting help with grave robbers. A few more that remained undescriptive.
Ozrelia letting curiosity get the better of her spoke to the desk clerk who seemed even more intimidated up close. “How much would it cost for me to put a job up?”
There was no response at first, The clerk simply staring at Ozrelia, Almost sweating. She waved in his face. “Hey? Hey! attention please!”

The discussion was very one sided but she learned the price of application as well as some basic info about the Guild. She grabbed a few jobs from the board unable to decide on a single one

She retired for a late lunch then returned to the inn for the night. staying up in her room going through her books. the light of the moon began to creep into the salty sky, How she had lost track of time. rather than savour the night Ozrelia decided to turn in early. once again locking the door and stashing her belongings. tomorrow she would chase down a quest or two.

Wants to plant a druid tree within sunwood.

  • story/ozrelia_company.txt
  • Last modified: 8 months ago
  • by Cinder