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c6:summary [2020/05/21 09:34] Cinderc6:summary [2024/09/12 10:16] (current) – changing Sarren to Theren Kyle
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-=====Campaign Title=====+~~NOCACHE~~ 
 +=====The Queen's Monsters===== 
 +//Campaign 6// 
 +[[character:Aldrun|{{:character:media:aldrun.png?100 |}}]] 
 +[[character:Gwyndolin|{{:character:media:gwyndolin.png?100 |}}]] 
 DM: Sam \\ DM: Sam \\
 Players: Amber, Ida, Luke, Kyle \\ Players: Amber, Ida, Luke, Kyle \\
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 Characters: \\ Characters: \\
 +[[character:theren|Master Theren]] , [[character:aldrun|Aldrun]] , [[character:gwyndolin|Gwyndolin]] , [[character:silvester|Silvester]]
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 Queen wellington mentions that you are still infact undead and may wish to hide that fact from normal people. she has also outfitted you with a variety of starting equipment and funds as well as managed to dig up a special artifact that was buried with you. Queen wellington mentions that you are still infact undead and may wish to hide that fact from normal people. she has also outfitted you with a variety of starting equipment and funds as well as managed to dig up a special artifact that was buried with you.
 +==== Unceremonious Epilogue ====
 +During this time Queen Welington rose four somewhat renowned heroes from times past for them to carry out a special mission. The Queen chose these adventures due to them being unknown names in todays ears and highly skilled adventures. She wanted little ties back to Oxtrad for this mission incase something went wrong and needed able bodies that had undoubted loyalty, what better then undead servants. \\
 +At this time the queen already had powerful foes moving against her inside her own kingdom. a member of another nations royalty had come to visit and was due to go back home soon, But the Queen knew is she did not step in them the Boy would go missing and it would be used to upset her leadership most likely having her removed as leader by the Conglomerate. Being that Oxtrad's relatio0nsip with Covania was never a solid one and with recent international upsets something like that would surly have her removed or even executed for failure to lead. \\
 +But even with The Queens plan word still reached to the traitors in Oxtrad's walls and they moved against the party of adventures during a strong Blizzard. Taken the royal son away. The party were hot on his trail learning of the city e had been taken too. He was somewhere here they just had to find him before they were moved again. \\
 +Though some strategies did not work very well and the party ended up getting involved in the cities trial by combat to defend Gwyndolin. \\
 +**The Unceremonious Epilogue** \\
 +Gyndolin and Silverster were slain during this Trail, //[[character:Aldrun]]// and Theren walking away bruised but alive. But with their resources spent and their images tarnished by the trial there was little they could do to find their missing escortee. The two decided to cut their losses with failure and part ways risking the wrath of the Queen. \\
 +For a unknown reason neither Aldrun or Theren ever suffered from the Queen's threatened power. Perhaps her attention was drawn away to the political scandal that was now unfolding. or it was the nature of how the party was resurrected meaning she didn't have as much power over them as she claimed.
 +Its unknown what happened to Theren but //[[character:Aldrun]]// Headed south, Eventually meeting a Orc by the name of //[[mcdm:character:Dotty]]// a few years later in the [[region:sera_sand-sea|Sera Sand-Sea]].
 ====Character Creation==== ====Character Creation====
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 Any race or class \\ Any race or class \\
-**Undead* \\+**Undead** \\
 Your character is undead this means a few things. \\ Your character is undead this means a few things. \\
 Your character will be noticed by normal citizens as an undead if you fail to cover obvious things such as your face. Masks, hoods, cloaks or disguise kits/ spells are recommended. \\ Your resistances to elemental spells are normal except for necrotic and radiant, no matter your race you will have resistance to necrotic and weakness to radiant. \\ You have advantage against disease saving throws. \\ Healing spells such as lesser restoration and healing potions deal damage instead of healing, However you may tamper with a potion costing half the price of the potion and 10 minuets to make it heal undead. Your character will be noticed by normal citizens as an undead if you fail to cover obvious things such as your face. Masks, hoods, cloaks or disguise kits/ spells are recommended. \\ Your resistances to elemental spells are normal except for necrotic and radiant, no matter your race you will have resistance to necrotic and weakness to radiant. \\ You have advantage against disease saving throws. \\ Healing spells such as lesser restoration and healing potions deal damage instead of healing, However you may tamper with a potion costing half the price of the potion and 10 minuets to make it heal undead.
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 Guidelines for this item. \\ Guidelines for this item. \\
 Any magic item can be an artifact item. A magic item converted into an artifact will have Artifact pros and cons rolled for it and a unique name. \\ The Artifact should have some relation to your character and past life, More lore the better. \\ The prefix of artifact means there is only one of this item, it can't be crafted or further enchanted. you cannot use an Artifact that has already been established in Mor-Thir lore (Example the deck of many things) \\ The Pros and cons for an Artifact will be Rolled by the DM and kept secret until the player learns of the details through gameplay. Any magic item can be an artifact item. A magic item converted into an artifact will have Artifact pros and cons rolled for it and a unique name. \\ The Artifact should have some relation to your character and past life, More lore the better. \\ The prefix of artifact means there is only one of this item, it can't be crafted or further enchanted. you cannot use an Artifact that has already been established in Mor-Thir lore (Example the deck of many things) \\ The Pros and cons for an Artifact will be Rolled by the DM and kept secret until the player learns of the details through gameplay.
 +**Starting Gear** \\
 +As corpses given new life all the starting gear you would normally get from your class and background is forfite. \\ Instead the Queen will supply you with supplies and equipment for your long journey.
 +Weapons: \\
 +Any non-magic martial/simple weapon. This weapon will have a natural +1 to its Hit+Dmg being forged from Oxtrad steel.
 +Armour: \\
 +Leather \\
 +Scale \\
 +Plate \\
 +**Tampered Potions** \\
 +2x Healing potion (tampered) \\
 +1x Greater healing potion (tampered)
 +**Food** \\
 +1 weeks supply of Rations per character
 +**Supplies** \\
 +Rope \\
 +Torches \\
 +Bags of Holding x2 \\
 +Any other supplies characters can think of can be requested \\
 +**Transport** \\
 +Choice between a mount each or a wagon to share.
 +-Mounts are war horses fitted with saddle bags and strong saddels.
 +-Cart is pulled by four war horses specially bread for Oxtrad's conditions.
 +**Money** \\ 700 Gold, 200 Silver each.
 +**Accessories** \\ Extra stuff that the characters may want, Trinkets, Glitter, paper etc.
 +[[c6:start|Technical page]]
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