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c8:summary [2021/07/21 10:03] Kylec8:summary [2024/09/02 10:17] (current) Kyle
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 {{section>wiki:headers#Campaigns&noheader&nofooter}} {{section>wiki:headers#Campaigns&noheader&nofooter}}
-======Untitled======+======The Ashlem War: Moranon's Gate======
 //Campaign 8// //Campaign 8//
-Thinking of starting a new campaign but currently awaiting PDF from [[https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mattcolville/kingdoms-warfare-and-more-minis|Kingdoms & Warfare]]. The PDF is scheduled for July and physical items scheduled for August/September although they aren't needed to start, would be nice though. I am still working on details of each potential campaign. I fear it's too many ideas, I am excited for each and want to provide potential players with choice, some are self-explanatory but others will need a description. Below is a list of titles in chronological order or [[resource:books#ordered|see here for the minis ordered.]] +**MCDM RPG Draw Steel | Level: 1**\\ 
-    12264 +**Setting: Ashlem Rise, 12270 | Length: Short (est. 7-13 sessions)**\\
-      Campaign: Land of Exilis begins +
-      * Ashlem War begins +
-  * **12270 The Ashlem War** +
-    * 12285  +
-      * Ashlem War ends +
-      * Race outlaw in Mor-Thir begins +
-    * 12286 +
-      * CampaignPromised Archipelago +
-      * Campaign: Land of Exilis ends +
-    * 12335 +
-      * Campaign: Rise of Narkul +
-      * Campaign: Greyhawk Rebellion +
-      * Campaign: The Queen's Monsters +
-      * Race outlaw in Mor-Thir ends +
-  * **12337 Ascension of Narkul** +
-    * 8 years between +
-  * **12345 MCDM content/Player driven** +
-    * 18 years between +
-    * 12335 +
-      * Campaign: City of Cinders +
-  * **12363 The Brightshore Curse** +
-    * 68 years between +
-  * **12431 Cthrion's Reign** +
- +
-**Depending on the players and their experience and preferences, the level campaigns can be started at level 3.** +
- +
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- +
-====The Ashlem War==== +
-//Demonic invasion//\\ +
-**Setting: Ashlem Rise, 12270 | Level: 5 | Length: Medium**\\+
 //Politics: Low | Roleplay: Medium | Combat: High//\\ //Politics: Low | Roleplay: Medium | Combat: High//\\
-War between the [[nation:covania|Kingdom of Covania]] and the [[nation:oxtrad|Crown of Oxtrad]] has been dragging on for six years so far, fighting for control of the resource rich Ashlem Rise, a once beautiful mountain range dividing the two nations. A recent skirmish has broken out in a narrow pass, you are facing down your enemy when suddenly the sky grows dark. Red lighting cracks overhead. Blinding flashes. Smell of sulfur. Screams ringing in your ears. After brief adjustment, you find yourself in an unfamiliar landscape surrounded by demonic and devilish figures. Time to fight like Hell+War between the [[faction:covania|Kingdom of Covania]] and the [[faction:oxtrad|Crown of Oxtrad]] has been dragging on for six years, fighting for control of the resource rich Ashlem Rise, a once beautiful mountain range dividing the two nations. You're in a encampment in a narrow pass dwarfed by mountains either side, when suddenly the sky grows dark. Red lighting cracks overhead. Blinding flashes. Smell of sulphur. Screams ringing in your ears. After brief adjustment, you find yourself in an unfamiliar landscape surrounded by demonic and devilish figures. Time to fight like Hell.
- +
-**Notes:** All races permitted, No Artificer class, guns, or other advandced technology. You can originate from either nation or can be someone else caught in the middle. +
- +
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- +
-====Ascension of Narkul==== +
-//Save the World//\\ +
-**Setting: Greyhawk/Reton - 12337 | Level: 12 | Length: Long**\\ +
-//Politics: Low | Roleplay: High | Combat: High//\\ +
-During early 12335 a group of adventures discovered an artifact known as the [[item:hand_of_narkul|Hand of Narkul]], and a plan by the [[faction:cult_of_narkul|Cult of Narkul]] to bring about his return from a nearly 1,600 year banishment. The group failed to stop the return of [[character:narkul|Lich King Narkul]], the group reformed themselves into the [[c1:start|Fellowship of the Alicorn]], lead by [[character:ironhide|Ironhide]], a Gnome Paladin to the Goddess Ulaa, the Fellowship discovered Dyndryd’s lair, Narkul’s closest ally. After a devastating encounter killing Ironhide and resurrected as an undead servant, [[character:delta|Delta]] pledged her services to Narkul in exchange for sparing the remaining members of the Fellowship. Many of the Fellowship split and went their own ways, with only [[character:drusilia|Drusilia]], [[character:ray|Ray]], and the Alicorn Audax returning to the [[character:toumond:heleste|Sage Heleste]] to continue the fight. +
- +
-It is now Seedmoot 12337. First month of the year, Spring is reviving the lush green landscapes of Greyhawk, 14 months after declaring its independence from Reton. Politics between the [[nation:greyhawk|Greyhawk Republic]] and the [[nation:reton|Reton Empire]] backed by the larger [[nation:conglomerate|Royal Conglomerate]] are still tense as both sides patrol the borders slowing trade and travel between the nations but are slowly easing. +
- +
-After the actions and exile of [[faction:blinding_spear|Blinding Spear]] a powerful group, only Tieflings remain [[culture:outlawed|outlawed]] within nations under the Conglomerate’s rule, however the damage had already been done, despite being pardoned Dragonborn, Changlings, and Aasimar are still seen as a lesser race among most of the population of the Royal Conglomerate. +
- +
-Heleste has made contact with [[character:alucard|Alucard]], the last known holder of the Hand of Narkul, which was attached to Sovereign when she and the hand were last seen. Sovereign is or was Narkul’s right hand((literally)) woman and leader of the Cult of Narkul. Heleste and Lord Thomas Rollo of the Greyhawk Republic have struck a deal with the Reton Empire to allow the Fellowship to travel into Reton to investigate and stop Narkul, despite much protest by the Empire this freedom of travel also includes any Tieflings who are a member of the Fellowship. +
- +
-Our story begins with the Fellowship entering [[town:mulburg|Mulburg]] on a cool and cloudy morning one day ahead of the planned meeting with Alucard. +
- +
-**Notes:** Tieflings outlawed, Dragonborn, Changlings, and Aasimar are looked down on. Technology is advancing greatly, Artificer class and gun are rare but becoming uncommon. +
- +
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- +
-====Player Driven==== +
-//Player driven//\\ +
-**Setting: Covania, 12345 | Level: 3 | Length: Long**\\ +
-//Politics: Depends | Roleplay: Depends | Combat: Depends//\\ +
-Strongholds, Followers, Kingdoms, Warfare, Guilds, Companies! Lead your own vast army or mercenary company or a humble guild, you name it! Many features will come from MCDM content such as Strongholds&Followers, Kingdoms&Warfare, and Arcadia magazine. The story will be mainly driven by players, tell me what you want to achieve whether it be forming your own nation, running a mercenary company for gold, glory, or both or run a guild of arcane for research, a band of thieves, or running an adventurer's league. +
- +
-**Notes:** 10 years after Narkul and Greyhawk Rebellion. All races & classes permitted. Tiefling still outlawed. +
- +
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- +
-====The Brightshore Curse==== +
-//Undead Curses//\\ +
-**Setting: Perditsula, 12363 | Level: 1 | Length: Short**\\ +
-//Politics: Medium | Roleplay: Medium | Combat: High//\\ +
-Whether born here or came from Mor-Thir, I welcome you to Perditsula. A land ruled by nature, shadowed in magic, with ancient history buried within. Civilisation struggles to maintain a foothold in the untamed lands. Where guilds hold more power than any nation. The original colony ships arrived to the three islands of Perditsula 37 years ago but tribal communities have been around much longer. Many guilds, businesses, and peoples seek to hire adventures, mercenaries, and other professionals to aid in their strifes and goals.  +
- +
-A powerful arcane guild 'The Preservation Coalition' has put out a call to their members and the public, before the Bightshore Incident they were known as 'The Order'. The incident was caused by radical members of The Order only half a year ago, since then the guild underwent large changes to vet out members that were partially involved while members that lead the incident are missing. The Brightshore Incident was a massive arcane blast originating deep underground that killed every person, animal, and plant within a day's journey from the city, however 1 hour later all became undead. Everyone retained their memories, abilities, personalities, etc. but are starting to rot away both physically and mentally, some faster than others. The clock to save everyone effected and right the wrongs has begun and is not slowing down. +
- +
-**Notes:** All races & classes. You can be one of the undead, there are no flaws or boons for being such in the beginning. +
- +
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- +
-====Cthrion's Reign==== +
-//Dragons & Dragons//\\ +
-**Setting: Ostrov, 12431 | Level: 1 | Length: Unknown**\\ +
-//Politics: Low | Roleplay: Medium | Combat: Medium//\\ +
-Over the last decade Dragons have been intruding on the towns within [[nation:Uthasil|Uthasil]], while others say that it is civilisation that is intruding on numerous Dragon territories, and as such has forced Dragons to take residence in each other's territories. This has reached a boiling point where Metallic and Chromatic Dragons have begun a war with towns caught in the middle. Rumours have stirred of sightings of a rare third kind of Dragon, Gemstone. Local forces have petitioned the people to aid in the resolution of the Dragon War before it is to late. +
- +
-A Brass Dragon, Ivnarth. Has landed in the town square, demanding to speak with any who will listen. Guards are immediately called and an intense stand off begins. Do you drive off the menace or listen to it's demands? +
- +
-**Notes:** All races & classes. +
- +
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- +
-/* OLD Perditsula +
-====Welcome==== +
-Whether born here or came from Mor-Thir, I welcome you to Perditsula. A land ruled by nature, shadowed in magic, with ancient history buried within. Civilisation struggles to maintain a foothold in the untamed lands. Where guilds hold more power than any nation. These stories take place 45 years after the end of the Ashlem War, the original colony ships arrived to the three islands of Perditsula 37 years ago but tribal communities have been around much longer. Many guilds, businesses, and peoples seek to hire adventures, mercenaries, and other professionals to aid in their strifes and goals. Join a guild, make your own, or stay independent. +
- +
-Our adventures begin in Cessanding, largest city and the first established from the colony ships, two of the major guilds have their main base here: Chalwen & Mormont, a once noble court now divided but working together to maintain their limited rule, and Springwell Holdings, a trade guild who aided in the initial transport of people and supplies, now control and maintain the flow of resources. A recent influx of troubles have caused the two major guilds and many minor guilds and peoples to post contracts seeking help. +
- +
-This game won't have a central campaign, focusing more on character stories, shorter quests or adventures and downtime driven by either player or DM, this could be related to your character's goals, seeking the murderer of a close family or friend, a rumour you heard while at the tavern of a buried ruin where a beast guards a mighty hoard, or during your downtime a conflict that arises and now you're in a race to beat a rival or find the missing ingredient to a potion. +
- +
-Levelling is through XP and each player will track their own, meaning you can complete solo tasks or team up with others to take on greater tasks at the weekly game. +
- +
-Read more about the three islands and the guilds here: [[nation:perditsula|Perditsula]] +
-====Character==== +
-To help reduce chaos please try to keep to PHB + 1 other source, this is not a hard rule but helps keep balance and ease of tracking details for both player and dm. This applies for: Race, Class, Feats, & Starting spells.\\ +
-If you wish to have multiple characters all of them will start at the low end of the tier most players are in, except when taking over a retainer or follower after a character death or departure. eg. If you are level 10 with a level 7 follower and your character dies, you can if you wish turn your follower into a 7th level player character. +
- +
-**Level** 1\\ +
-**Race** [[resource:list#race|Any listed here]]\\ +
-**Class** [[resource:list#class|Any listed here]]\\ +
-**Stats** Standard array or point buy\\ +
-**Gear** Normal starting gear +
-   +
-====Rules==== +
-===Game=== +
-**[[homebrew:rules:injuries|Lingering Injuries]]**\\ +
-25% chance of sustaining lingering injury on criticals or roll a 1 on saving throw. +
- +
-===Optional Content=== +
-**Foraging & Brewing**\\ +
-[[https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-LZZ_rmIIa2wOfnTle6v|Kingsmill Materia Medica (Chrome)]]\\ +
-[[https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-LleWczblJcjif0KpjPb|Kingsmill Materia Medica (Other)]]\\ +
- +
-**MCDM**\\ +
-  * [[https://thebakery.net.au/downloads/dnd/Homebrew/Books/Strongholds%20&%20Followers%20v1.12.pdf|Strongholds & Followers]] +
-  * Kingdoms & Warfare (ETA July 2021) +
-  * [[https://thebakery.net.au/downloads/dnd/Arcadia|Arcadia]] & [[https://thebakery.net.au/downloads/dnd/Homebrew/Class/Illrigger_v2.4.pdf|Illrigger]] +
- +
-**[[homebrew:rules:downtime|Downtime]]**\\ +
-Downtime activities take real time, excepting any agreed upon time skips with other players.+
-**[[homebrew:race:human|Human Variants]]**\\ +===Extra info=== 
-All humans gain **Magical Intuition.** An innate ability to tell if there is magic or undead nearbythis comes naturally as goosebumps, hair on neck and arms standing up, etc. Most do not realise what causes it but scholars and magically inclined know of this natural reaction.\\ Note. You cannot tell direction, distanceschooletc. only that it is there.+**Key moments**\\ 
 +Conscription in Covania had been in place since start of the Ashlem War (six years before campaign start)\\ 
 +Oxtrad started conscription five years after the war started (one year before campaign start)\\ 
 +The Love Accord was established 10 months after conscription was brought in for Oxtradseeing that leaders don't intend to deescalate some defectors create the Love Accord to defend civilians and wounded no matter their allegiance.(two months before campaign start)\\ 
 +Many more mercenariesadventuresand heroes travel the Ashlem Rise and it's surrounds aiding civilians, separate from the Love Accord\\
-Includes Covanian, Oxtradian, Retonite, and now the new Perdite below. +**Timeline** 
-===Perdite=== +  * 12264 
-You hail from [[nation:perditsula|Perditsula]], a land full of untamed wilds and faltering communities. As such you gain the below traits:   +    * Covania makes first attack on Campnora Mine controlled by Oxtrad 
-  * **Languages.** You can speak, read, and write Common (Tsulan) and one other language. +    * Ashlem War begins 
-  * **Skills.** You gain proficiency in Animal Handling and Persuasion. +    * Conscription in Covania introduced 
-  * **Islandborn.** You have advantage on saving throws involving non-magical water. +    * Oxtrad retaliates by destroying the Campnora Mine entrance 
-*/+    * Multiple skirmishes begin in the region 
 +  * 12265 
 +    * Covania deploys [[faction:blinding_spear|Task Force: Blinding Spear]] 
 +    * Oxtrad retakes Nabilhime Fortress and establishes powerful defence 
 +    * Oxtrad blocks multiple passes trapping and starving out Covanian forces 
 +  * 12266 
 +    Covania razes unprotected city on Frigid Coast, killing civilians and disrupting food supply  
 +  12267 
 +    Covania awakens and allies with an unknown dragon who takes control of Nabilhime but allows none to enter 
 +    * Oxtrad Arcanists discover new mass production method for potions and minor enchantments 
 +  * 12268 
 +    Oxtrad breach Kings Strait and attack Sunwood, Capital of Covania 
 +    Covania able to repel attack after large losses 
 +  12269 
 +    Oxtrad starts conscription after large losses 
 +  * 12270 
 +    * Love Accord created by defectors who are sick of fighting in a War 
 +    * **Campaign: The Ashlem War: Moranon's Gate** 
 +    * Demons invade the Ashlem Rise 
 +    * Treaty between Covania and Oxtrad formed 
 +  * 12272 
 +    Royal Conglomerate is formed, turning treaty into official alliance 
 +  12285  
 +    Ashlem War ends 
 +    Race outlaw in Mor-Thir begins 
 +  12335 
 +    * Race outlaw in Mor-Thir ends
 ---- ----
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