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character:aldrun [2023/06/07 12:07] Kylecharacter:aldrun [2024/09/19 22:33] (current) – old revision restored (2024/09/19 22:32) Kyle
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-{{tag>fighter halforc player c6 covania}}+{{tag>fighter halforc player c6 covania undead}}
 ====== Aldrun ====== ====== Aldrun ======
 <WRAP box right 25em> <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP box right 25em> <WRAP centeralign>
-===== Aldrun, Slayer of Fiends ===== +{{ character:media:aldrun-prof-wip.png?200 |}}
-{{ character:media:Aldrun.png?200 |}}+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 ^ Player  | [[user:kyledot|Kyle]]  | ^ Player  | [[user:kyledot|Kyle]]  |
 ^ Name    | Aldrun  | ^ Name    | Aldrun  |
 +^ Titles  | Slayer of Fiends  |
 ^ Race    | Half-Orc  | ^ Race    | Half-Orc  |
 ^ Gender  | Male  | ^ Gender  | Male  |
-^ Nationality  |{{:faction:flag-covania.png?25 }}[[nation:covania|Covanian]]|+^ Nationality  |{{:faction:flag-covania.png?25 }}[[faction:covania|Covania]]|
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
 === Character Information === === Character Information ===
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-^ Class         | Fighter                                                             +^ Class         | Fighter                                                                                          
-^ Born          | Winter 11801                                                        +^ Born          | Winter 11801                                                                                     
-^ Alignment     | Neutral Good                                                        +^ Alignment     | Neutral Good                                                                                     
-^ Languages     | Common\\ Orcish\\                                                   +^ Languages     | Common\\ Orcish\\                                                                                
-^ Family        | Unknown (Father)\\ Orc (Mother)\\                                   +^ Family        | Unknown (Father)\\ Orc (Mother)\\ [[mcdm:character:dotty|Dotty]] (Partner)                       
-^ Affiliations                                                                     +^ Affiliations                                                                                                  
-^ Faith         | Gruumsh One-eye                                                     +^ Faith         | Gruumsh One-eye                                                                                  
-^ Profession    | Adventurer (12335-)\\ Dead (11826-12335)\\ Folk Hero (11816-11826)  |+^ Profession    | Town Captain (12338-)\\ Adventurer (12335-12338)\\ Dead (11826-12335)\\ Folk Hero (11816-11826)  |
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
 === Physical Description === === Physical Description ===
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 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
 === Appearances === === Appearances ===
-^ Story  ^ Role  +^ Story                                    ^ Role              
-^ [[story:aldrun|Mighty Tales of Aldrun]]  | Main Character  +^ [[story:aldrun|Mighty Tales of Aldrun]]  | Main Character    
-^ [[c6:summary|The Queen's Monsters]]  | Player Character  |+^ [[c6:summary|The Queen's Monsters]]      | Player Character  
 +^ [[story:body_and_soul|Body & Soul]]      | Main Character    |
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
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 See also the [[story:aldrun|Mighty Tales of Aldrun]], a narrative telling of Aldrun's adventures during his mortal life. See also the [[story:aldrun|Mighty Tales of Aldrun]], a narrative telling of Aldrun's adventures during his mortal life.
-====Campaign====+====The Queen's Monsters====
 509 years later he has been risen by Queen Wellington of Oxtrad to do her bidding, Aldrun finds his body gone and his soul bound to the suit of armour he died in, now he must seek a worthy foe to fell him and redeem his misfortune so he can then return to the afterlife in peace knowing he had a worthy and glorious death. 509 years later he has been risen by Queen Wellington of Oxtrad to do her bidding, Aldrun finds his body gone and his soul bound to the suit of armour he died in, now he must seek a worthy foe to fell him and redeem his misfortune so he can then return to the afterlife in peace knowing he had a worthy and glorious death.
  • character/aldrun.1686105446.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 22 months ago
  • by Kyle