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character:xelor [2023/10/10 10:49] Cindercharacter:xelor [2024/08/13 22:05] (current) – ↷ Links adapted because of a move operation
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 {{tag>rogue thrikreen npc feywild }} {{tag>rogue thrikreen npc feywild }}
-====== Zelor ======+====== Xelor ======
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 ^Name| Xelor  | ^Name| Xelor  |
-^Race| Thri-Kreen  |+^Race| Genie  |
 ^Gender| Male  | ^Gender| Male  |
 ^Nationality| {{:faction:flag-florale.png?35 |}}[[planes:feywild|Fey-Wild]]  | ^Nationality| {{:faction:flag-florale.png?35 |}}[[planes:feywild|Fey-Wild]]  |
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 === Family === === Family ===
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-^Partner:| [[Character:welington|Annabell Welington]] | +^Partner:| [[character:annabell|Annabell Welington]] | 
-^Daughters:| [[character:lidica|Lidica Welington]] \\ [[character:anais|Anais Welington]] \\ [[character:velvin|Velvin Welington]] |+^Daughters:| [[character:lidica|Lidica Welington]] \\ [[character:anaise|Anais Welington]] \\ [[character:velvin|Velvin Welington]] |
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 +Character: Xelor, the Twisted Genie
 +Race: Twisted Genie (Elemental)
 +Class: Warlock Patron (The Genie)
 +Background: Noble
 +Alignment: Chaotic Evil
 +Appearance: Xelor is tall, dark, and handsome with a well-built physique that exudes an air of high society sophistication. At first glance, he appears to be a perfectly refined humanoid, but closer inspection reveals his monstrous nature. His face is covered by a 'mask' resembling an insect, with antennae and a mane of moth fuzz. This mask can twist, writhe, and open up into a fearsome sight of blackness and teeth. Large moth wings sprout from his back, often draped like a cloak or cape. While most of his body is hidden beneath fine clothing, those who have seen beneath report a murky black elemental energy that mimics a mortal form.
 +Once a normal genie, Xelor’s life took a dark turn after he was freed and began living in the Feywild. The Unseelie Court sought to ruin him, but their twisted fey power only made him stronger and more terrifying. Transformed into something beyond his original elemental nature, Xelor emerged as a force of chaotic evil.
 +When Annabell sought to escape her contract with the Crown of Oxtrad, it was Xelor who answered. Unlike other genies, he was free and let his power run rampant. However, he appeared humble, containing his strength and leading it to those who sought power as warlocks. When the silver dragon asked for a deal, Xelor’s terms were simple: “To be mine and mine alone,” and the deal was struck.
 +Driven by a desire for the rare and unique, Xelor has amassed a massive collection of trinkets from all over the realms, including his wife, whom he now views as part of his collection. His personal museum houses these treasures, each one a testament to his greed, lust, and love for music.
 +Greedy and Possessive: Xelor's primary drive is his insatiable greed for rare and unique items. He views his possessions, including people, as part of his personal collection.
 +Cultured and Refined: Despite his monstrous nature, Xelor maintains an air of sophistication and high society manners.
 +Dark and Mysterious: He embodies a sense of dark mystery, often appearing humble and reserved while hiding his true, terrifying nature.
 +Skills and Abilities:
 +Elemental Manipulation: As a former genie, Xelor has control over elemental forces, twisted by the Feywild’s dark magic.
 +Fearsome Transformation: His 'mask' can open up to reveal a terrifying sight of blackness and teeth, capable of instilling fear in his enemies.
 +Warlock Patron: Xelor grants power to those who make deals with him, creating warlocks who serve his will.
 +Moth Wings: His wings allow him to fly and can be used defensively as a cloak or offensively to unleash dark elemental energy.
 +Hobbies and Interests:
 +Collecting Rare Items: Xelor’s primary hobby is collecting unique and rare trinkets from across the realms, which he displays in his personal museum.
 +Music: He has a deep appreciation for music and often surrounds himself with it, finding it a soothing contrast to his chaotic existence.
 +Personal Museum: Xelor’s collection is stored in his personal museum, a place filled with rare and unique artifacts from across the realms. This museum is a reflection of his greed and possessiveness, with each item meticulously curated and displayed.
 +Xelor is a powerful being whose twisted nature and insatiable greed make him a formidable villain. His refined exterior masks a dark and monstrous core, and his collection of rare and unique items, including his wife, stands as a testament to his lust for power and control.
 +Xelor's Deathly Symphony
 +Xelor orchestrates a concert like no other, reserved exclusively for Halloween night. As the eager crowd fills the concert hall, they anticipate a spine-tingling performance beyond their wildest nightmares. Once the performance begins, the doors are sealed shut, and no one is allowed to exit.
 +With a chilling melody, Xelor takes the stage, accompanied by his skeletal orchestra, their bony fingers creating haunting music. However, the audience is unaware that the performance is more than just a show. Slowly, they are enveloped in a gas that induces a peaceful demise.
 +The second act, named “Rave in the Grave,” commences as Xelor exercises his necromantic abilities. The lifeless bodies of the audience members are reanimated and compelled to dance at his command. They follow his sinister orders to wreak havoc on the town, turning it into a ghost town.
 +By the time dawn breaks, no one but Xelor is left alive, and its inhabitants are forever lost. Xelor has accumulated enough bodies to sustain his unnerving performances for some time, weaving a dark and deadly legacy with each sinister encore.
 =====History===== =====History=====
- A mysterious man with a desier for the rare and unique. Devote to the Genie warlock pateron.+A mysterious man with a desire for the rare and unique. \\ 
 +Tall, Dark and handsome, Xelor displays a high level of uptight posh society. Appearing as a huminoid of well built physic, on closer inspection his anatomy becomes much more monstrous. His face clad in a ‘Mask’ resembling an insect but some unfortunate souls have seen the mask twist, writhe and open up into a fearsome sight of blackness and teeth. He has insect antenna and a moth mane of fuzz/hair. Large Moth wings sprout from his back actings as a cape or cloak at times. Most of his body is covered in fine clothing but reports tell most of what is hidden a murky black elemental energy that has managed to resemble a normal mortal man. Xelor once was a normal elemental being known as a Genie however after being freed and living in the //Feywild//, The Un-Sele court moved to ruin him, yet that twisted fey power only made him stronger, something more, Something terrifying. 
 +When Annabell sought to rid her life of the contract committed to the //Crown of Oxtrad// the one who responded was a powerful Genie who's elemental nature had been twisted. Unlike others Xelor was free able to let his power run rampant. But rather unexpectedly he appears humble and contains his strength, Leading it to others seeking power gifted to them as Warlocks. \\ 
 +When the silver Dragon asked, Xelor offered a deal. //"To be Mine and Mine alone!"// those were the terms and the deal was struck. 
 +Xelor has a massive collection of rare, unique and odd trinkets from all over the realms. recently he as seen his wife as part of that collection. \\ 
 +A powerful being driven by greed, lust and music
-He and Welington were put together when a deal was made between the Dragon and Genie to free her of fate. Yet even when payment was fufiled the two did not seperate.+The collection is stored in his personal museum.
-Zelor seeing the dragon as a grand prize while Welington unable to bring herself to leave yet another relationship. 
-Although his love is not traditional it is true. 
-Zelor has a massive collection of rare, unique and odd trinkets from all over the realms. recently he as seen his daughters as part of that collection. 
  • character/xelor.1696897143.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 12 months ago
  • by Cinder