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item:consummate [2024/03/20 21:41] – removed Kyleitem:consummate [2024/07/07 11:02] (current) – [Consummate] Cinder
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 +{{tag>"Legendary" "GreatSword"}}
 +===== Consummate =====
 +[[item:start| Return to Items Page]]
 +//**Type:** Colossal-Sword, **Rarity:** Legendary, **Attunement:** Required // \\
 +<WRAP box right 20em>
 +^ Properties ^ Stats ^
 +^ Type  | Blade  |
 +^ Weight | Oversized  |
 +^ Range | 10ft  |
 +^ Hands | Two handed  |
 +^ Damage | 2d6 Slashing  |
 +| Heavy, Magical  ||
 +**Bane of the Gods**
 +  *This Weapon deals an extra 2d6 Necrotic OR Radiant((Your choice on hit)) damage against Celestials, Arbitrations or fiends
 +  *skill
 +More so a slate of rocky black granite rather than a blade. the sword is huge and weighs much more than it should. Ancient glyphs cover the blade's surface written in a long forgotten language (Abyssal). \\ The Handle of the blade seems to made of a pure precious meatal. its purity to stave off the necessary darkness of the blade.
 +// Ancient blade from a far away land, the name of the lord, land and kingdom have long been forgotten, Its a miracle this sword even exists... perhaps its not supposed too. \\ Said to be the original "Hex-Blade" that warlocks follow. Shards of the blade carved or split off to find worthy Warlocks but this is only said not fact.\\ Filled with ancient magic and hatred of a nation, those who would wield this weapon should do so with Caution.//
 +It was found by //Zyllis// when he was thrown into the abyssal lake. he returned with the dormmate blade but hardly used it, leaving its power untapped and controlled. \\
 +After the death of Zyllis the blade was lost once again. until a certain treasure hunter found it deep within an ancient catacomb.
  • item/consummate.1710936706.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 12 months ago
  • by Kyle