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Type: Colossal-Sword, Rarity: Legendary, Attunement: Required

Properties Stats
Type Blade
Weight Oversized
Range 10ft
Hands Two handed
Damage 2d6 Slashing
Heavy, Magical


Bane of the Gods

  • This Weapon deals an extra 2d6 Necrotic OR Radiant1) damage against Celestials, Arbitrations or fiends


  • skill

More so a slate of rocky black granite rather than a blade. the sword is huge and weighs much more than it should. Ancient glyphs cover the blade's surface written in a long forgotten language (Abyssal).
The Handle of the blade seems to made of a pure precious meatal. its purity to stave off the necessary darkness of the blade.


Ancient blade from a far away land, the name of the lord, land and kingdom have long been forgotten, Its a miracle this sword even exists… perhaps its not supposed too.
Said to be the original “Hex-Blade” that warlocks follow. Shards of the blade carved or split off to find worthy Warlocks but this is only said not fact.
Filled with ancient magic and hatred of a nation, those who would wield this weapon should do so with Caution.

It was found by Zyllis when he was thrown into the abyssal lake. he returned with the dormmate blade but hardly used it, leaving its power untapped and controlled.
After the death of Zyllis the blade was lost once again. until a certain treasure hunter found it deep within an ancient catacomb.

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  • item/consummate.txt
  • Last modified: 8 months ago
  • by Cinder