Table of Contents

Alucard's Manor

Located in Mulburg in the Mulburg Marsh




Name Detail Job Cost
Alucard - Lord -
Haldir Sylric Male Elf, 642 Lead Caretaker 2GP/day
Vodnik Male Dragonborn, 68 Head of Security 2GP/day
Iris Edove Female Human, 49 Chef 2GP/day
Zilwin Male Gnome, 182 Cleaner 2SP/day
Loryn Female Gnome, 173 Cleaner 2SP/day
Shoth Male Lizardfolk, 26 Guard 2SP/day
Narico Female Half Orc, 35 Guard 2SP/day
Nilben Edove Male Half Elf, 16 Errand 2SP/day
Total per day 7GP/day


9,280 GP
Fine artwork and furniture
5x Bottles of ~200 year old wine