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religion:old_gods [2020/07/18 16:33] – [Syn-Silgrak] Cinderreligion:old_gods [2023/11/02 09:08] (current) Kyle
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 ======Old Gods====== ======Old Gods======
-[[religion:new_gods|New Gods]] - [[religion:patrons|Patrons]] \\ 
 Long ago before the magic era before the idea of life was even thought about the world and most other dimentions drenched in endless deep oceans and were filled by beings known as Apolith. Long ago before the magic era before the idea of life was even thought about the world and most other dimentions drenched in endless deep oceans and were filled by beings known as Apolith.
 Ancient alien like creatures with power over mind and body alike. Hyper intelligent creatures that had thrown off the shackles of death. Ancient alien like creatures with power over mind and body alike. Hyper intelligent creatures that had thrown off the shackles of death.
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 **// All Old ones loose their child, still birth of ideals or miss carriage of beliefs. forever searching for suitable surrogates of their orphans. \\ Maidens are chosen during the setting of an Eclipsed Moon to be new mothers. \\ A blessed fate of the unhinged mind//** **// All Old ones loose their child, still birth of ideals or miss carriage of beliefs. forever searching for suitable surrogates of their orphans. \\ Maidens are chosen during the setting of an Eclipsed Moon to be new mothers. \\ A blessed fate of the unhinged mind//**
-=====The Challenge of Valkaries===== 
-The land of Exilis, Old magic, The Outer Gods and a long forgotten race known as Valkaries. 
-Long long ago in the early centuries of Mor-Thir’s Collinisation were a great civilisation from the eastern lands known as the Valkaries. They were said to be a race of beings directly decindent from gods. Beings of energy that build flying fortresses and magical weapons capable of laying waste to cities. They had kept to themselves for the duration of their time, not interacting with any other creature, most believed they were just a fairy tale or much more hyped up then they actually were. \\ these beings quested for a great unknown power known to be the flowing essence of the Old gods themselfs. For unknown to the rest of the world, Valkaries we’re perishing from an unknown illness and whither the rotation of the planet they would all be gone. In a desperate attempt to save their race they journey to the land of Mor-Thir with knowledge that Old magic had sprung up. 
-The Great flying fortresses of the Valkaries soared across the ocean, landing in the promised lands of Mor-Thir and as they had hopped, they found the Eldritch energy they were so desperately looking for. \\ but these were holy lands and the Valkaries were not welcome. \\ 
-The natives to this land and worshipers of the great Eldritch gods saw the Valkaries presence alone as sacrilegious and so wasted no time as an all out war broke out. 
-//The Watcher// \\ 
-To put such a being into descriptive text is certainly a challenge even for me but i will do my best \\ imagine, if you can... a creature covered in the trypophobia skin disease and every hole is home to one or even two unblinking constantly shifting eyes, a body like ebb and flow of wind and water, ideas if blue and grey, a grub body of something more unseen, teeth of man yet ideas of serenity and acceptance. it sees all that has yet to be seen and has already seen what has yet to be known. \\ as it floats or stays, it has always been where it is but can phase from your sight at any moment and you will cry out that you have seen it since the beginning but have never seen it before. \\ you will question everything your eyes tell you as the ebb and flow infects your sight. \\ Most mortals rip their eyes out after coming into direct line of sight with the watcher. sometimes more then once as the swear even after they scoop their eyes out they still see the countless visions of the watcher plaguing their sight. \\ 
-**Alignment:** True Neutral \\ 
-**Domain:** The lakes between Dimensions \\ 
-**Symbol:**  A Sea of Eyes \\ 
-**Primary Followers:** Followers of the Watcher \\ 
-**Notable Followers:** \\ Followers of the watcher normally sacrifice their eye sight as a show of faith to the great old God, most lesser followers simply cover their eyes with fabric or metal but the more devoted have their eyes removed and offered as sacrifice for the Old God. these most faithful do not need to see as the watcher sees for them. \\ these devoted are often trained as clerics or monks are through there devotion are granted a minds eye by the Watcher. 
-**Death?** \\ At a moment when this great entity was at its most vulnerable hit with a idea that it not anticipated Norgrazath's corpse lies on the land of Exilis, at least the idea or it, torn down the middle by a violent shift in time and reality has rendered this great old god in a state of a sort of Half-life, It is not dead nor alive, its not even correct to say it currently exists in a fathomable state. A coma of eternity that this entity will never truly wake from. 
-//The Crawler// \\ 
-Again? you want me to tell you about his foul being? \\ The Crawler... it resides at the center of infinity it has never come into what we call the physical idea of reality. the crawler existent in the depths of creation's subconscious. Suffering, pain, a great maw of ending torment. a head of dread pulled beyond the idea of sight as a scream that shatters sanity and soul alike. \\ endless red sky of finite dread that you are set free to, leave behind the idea of hope and happiness as its swallowed by all fear, prime terror, raw dread. \\ what remains of a mortal figure twisted by the very idea of negative ideals rises before you, the maw with human blunt teethe and a warm darkness down it swallows. \\ It crawls through ideals subconscious, always waiting for never touching your mind. \\ People that claim to have seen this Old god become unhinged from the very fabric of reality. first their mind, then body, then soul as its dissolved and spread thought all ideas of reality, Imagine, yourself split into countless more, all suffering the raw dread of the crawler for all eternity. \\ 
-**Alignment:** True Neutral \\ 
-**Domain:** The lakes between Dimensions \\ 
-**Symbol:**  Human Teeth slightly open \\ 
-**Primary Followers:** Followers of the Crawler \\ 
-**Notable Followers:** [[character:decota:valefor|Valefor]]  \\ 
-//The Harvester// \\ 
-Description \\ 
-**Alignment:** True Neutral \\ 
-**Domain:** The lakes between Dimensions \\ 
-**Symbol:** Many bodies hung upside down \\ 
-**Primary Followers:** Nil \\ 
-**Notable Followers:** [[character:decota:family|The Decota Family]]  \\ 
-[[item:cloak:The Sin's Cloak]] \\ 
-A ancient and powerful relic said to be cut from Nyala's very body. when the time is right those who are worthy that wear this ancient item will be protected by //The Red Sin// A phantom of the true Nyala but a fraction of god is more power then a mortal will ever need. 
-//Daughter to All// \\ 
-// As one goes silent a new born takes its place, Still born after the watcher had left us. it crawled out of its mother's womb screaming and crying, in a land twisted by events it set out to wake that should not be woken as to set what was once taken.// \\ 
-**Alignment:** True Neutral \\ 
-**Domain:** The lakes between Dimensions \\ 
-**Symbol:**  Nil \\ 
-**Primary Followers:** Nil \\ 
-**Notable Followers:** \\ 
-====Thy Who Shall Remain Nameless==== 
-A sea of the deepest shapeless black, host to the void of lost, Orbs of vision lie in the center of something darker than black. a bottomless sea, a bottomless curse, a form of everything that once was and can be. \\ 
-**Alignment:**  \\ 
-**Domain:** Stripped of the right \\ 
-**Symbol:** Previous Host: A Nameless Hero, Current Host: Parker Knight  \\ 
-**Primary Followers:** None are Allowed \\ 
-**Notable Followers:** None are Allowed  \\ 
-**Prophecy** \\ //Thoughts speak of a flute played by 5 maidens will wake Thy all womb and erase everything we know.// 
-//Thy all Womb// \\ 
-Logic dose not contain what we are trying to create with words. The idea that our thought of reality is just the dream of a being so high above our understanding of eternity it has driven most beings mad just trying to understand it. Thy all womb at the center of oblivion and eternity May it never wake from whatever justice of slumber it is currently in.\\ 
-**Alignment:** True Neutral  \\ 
-**Domain:** The Very idea of existence \\ 
-**Symbol:** A Broken Infinity Symbol \\ 
-**Primary Followers:** None \\ 
-**Notable Followers:** \\ 
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  • Last modified: 5 years ago
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