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Curse of sams

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A Doctor, A Leonti and a Kenku walk into a bar.
It sounds like the start of a joke but instead it is the start of our story.
Our Heroes in question:

Dorian Kreese, A human workaholic currently dee into his studies and the University of Magic He has been forced to take some leave due to the massive amount he has accumulated over the years, convinced “its a opportunity to study abroad”
With almost no social skills and extremally concerned on the cleanliness of anything he touches, Dorian Is a hard person to interact with on the best of days.
a skilled artificer makes him a valuable asset to the team, and he hopes to become stronger during his adventure but its well know he only wishes to return to his office and books.
A lack of direction more or less lead him to this small town at a mountains base, a promise of rare information lead him to working with the rest of the party.

Quill, Kenku are known for mimicking others voices and not being able to fly, Quill is no exception, Quill isn't very exceptional at anything really and that's what makes him long to be better.
An Author in the making with big dreams to get his name out there on a published book. its hard to write with feathers for fingers but Quill is determined.
Aside from the big Dreams of publishing novels, he is a skilled ranger. spending a lot of his time in the forests of his home city. he has journeyed far and still has a longer journey to go, getting the story for his book, what was meant to be a small job in a layover town may yet turn into his greatest story ever.

Teostra Hazzak, when he was young he spent much of his life on the wrong side of the law, Grown up now with a family of his own he has taken one last journey to find the perfect engamnet item for his (hopefully) soon to be wife. with two kids and a 3rd on the way Teo can't afford to be out on adventures for much longer

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  • Last modified: 20 months ago
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