Talia and the Twins

Entry 2: The Night

Entry 1: The Expedition | Home | Entry 3: The Knight

Galparin, Merlan, Curt gathered around the low flames as Talia served them stew and, much to everyone’s delight, revealed some bread she’d had baked earlier in the embers. The smell and silence filled their whole campsite as they all enjoyed the supper.

Breaking the quiet, Curt spoke up. “You’ve done it again Talia.”

“Agreed.” Merlan nodded

Galparin remained. Distracted by something in the dark. “Rohmel, Chasianna, thought you said wouldn’t be back for a few more hours.”

Heads turned to look where Galparin was looking. Out of the shadows emerged Chasianna. The elven ranger rose a finger to her lips then ushered everyone to get low and away from light. Everyone followed her signals, grouping between the two sleeping tents. She spoke in a hushed voice. “Bandits got Rohmel. If they haven’t bandaged her she’s bled out by now.”

“Shit, I’m sorry Chasie.” Galparin rested a hand on her shoulder. “They follow you?”

“No, but won’t take them long to find camp. I counted four, no range, all close combat.”

Galparin pointed to Merlan and Talia, “You two, find a weapon and hide, hide good.” Turning back to Curt and Chasianna “Know you’re not a fighter, but tonight you’ll have to be. Chasie, get an overlook.”

All nodded in agreement except for Merlan, “Dad, we all had combat training before setting out.”

“Training and real fighting is very different. This is survival, only fight if necessary.” Galparin spun Merlan around. “Now go, grab something and stay away.”

The fighting was over in moments. Priest Curt Arturo kneeled in a slump and headless. Ranger of the Rise, Chasianna had her legs broken before her neck snapped. One of the bandits lay prone, eyes wide and unblinking, with an arrow through his neck. Another sat by the kitchen, working to close his gut wound. He hoarsely shouted out to the campfire, “Can ya kill the halfies already?”

“Patience brother.” The burlier of the three remaining walked circles around Galparin who was nursing a similar wound without supplies, and Merlan who’d been tied up next to his father. While studying one of the unique swords, the bandit briefly turned to Merlan. “Decent sword work kid, got my friend there good.”

“He got lucky!” A sputtering called out.

“Six beds boss.” The third bandit emerged from the historian’s tent.

“Thanks.” Still pacing around, he turned back to Galparin and Merlan, “Now we ‘uncivilised’ folk might not be as educated as yourselves, but let’s do some math, we’ve got you two halfies, the ranger, and the holyman, makes four, and assuming the gal we got before was with ya camp, makes five. So if my math is right makes me wonder where number six is at?”

Merlan without looking up from the ground muttered “Dunno.”

“Dunno? That’s a shame. So heres the deal, for your generous donation we’ll leave one of you alive an seeings you ‘dunno’ where six is at makes it easy to choose who lives.” He stops pacing and takes a knee by Galparin. “Hells, we’re so nice if you remember where six is at we’ll leave your pops with some herbs and salves.”


“Hmm. You really sure?” The bandit stood up and began sticking the end of the infernal sword into Galparin’s wound, forcing him to wince and curl in pain.


Holding the sword in place no deeper or moving out. “I see you know where six is in your eyes. Last chance.” He twisted the sword. A cry of pain echoes through the dark valley.

“I don’t know.” Lied Merlan.

“Choice made.” The sword plunged deep. Silence. “Rog, he’s yours.”

With those words and action, reality snapped in for Merlan. The wounded bandit, Rog, stood from his chair, while producing a pair of knuckle dusters and a wicked smile. Merlan leapt to his feet but only made a few steps before the rope around his hands pulled him back.

“Time for that is long gone.” Rog coughed out.

Two gut punches in and Merlan was back on the ground, Rog climbing onto Merlan’s smaller frame. He threw punches into the half-elf’s face. A scurry caught the attention of the other two bandits. Talia running toward Merlan’s aid but was too slow. The burly boss caught her shirt and bringing her into a headlock.

“Ah ah, he made his choice. You get to see tomorrow’s light.” The boss threw Talia to the ground. “Stay there and behave, we’ll watch the show together. After me and my friends will thank you for your gifts to us, take all your hard work and leave you alone.”

Entry 1: The Expedition | Home | Entry 3: The Knight