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Tao the Enlightened
Name Tao Player Elmer Race HobGoblin Level 01
Alignment Neutral Class Kensai Status Alive
Age Unknown Birth
HP Unknown AC Unknown SPD 30 Init +2
Bonus Passive Perception 13 / Insight 15 Join C3-S01 Leave -
STR 00(+0)
DEX 00(+0)
CON 00(+0)
INT 9(-1)
WIS 00(+0)
CHA 00(+0)
Languages Common
Equipment Proficiencies
HobGoblin Traits
Saving Throws Attack modifiers Unknown Size modifiers Unkown Resilience Unknown
Immunities Unknown Resistance Unkown Size Unknown Weight Unknown
Quirks Unknown
Core Weapon
Name Unknown
Type Sword (1H) 1 Steel, 2 Ebony
Core nil nil
Blade nil nil
Hilt nil nil
  • c3/character/tao_the_enlightened.1551320105.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)