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Teostra Decota

Criminal is such a harsh word, Teo prefers the term proffecinal when talking about his work.
From a young age he was always naturally gifted in the art of thievery which was noticed by the underbelly of Breton known as Black list.
He took a position with them under the guidance of a veteran member who taught him how to hone his skills.
Teo learned not only the ways of the rouge but a few other con artists taught him a few new age tricks suck as the magic to see glimpse of the future and play sweet musical lies can get you in just as easily as sneaking through a window, plus if you get caught its always good to talk your way out.

  • character/decota/teostra/stats.1597734831.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 4 years ago
  • (external edit)