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teostra 's Backpack and equipment contents

Platinum: 300
Gold: 1624
Silver: 65
Copper: 120

Neck: Cloak of protection
Chest: Enchanted Studded Leather Armour
Ring 1: Water Walking
Ring 2:
Waist: The Sin's Cloak
Feet: Elvenkind

Main Weapon: Necrotic Enchanted Long Bow
Wand: Fireballs
Wand: Snowballs

-32 Arrows (1)
-5 Rations
-10 Torches (2)
-50ft of Hemp Rope (1)

-1 Gold Bracket with Gems 25G
-2 Gold Brackets with large gems 50G

-Far Realm (1)
-Thieves Tools (1)
-Poisoner's Kit (1)
-Heart of Cinnamon (1)
-2 immovable Rod (1)
-Hand of Narkul

-Rapier (1)
-Bed Roll (1)
-Mess kit (1)
-Tinder Box (1)
-Water skin (1)

Starting Money
-Copper: 100
-Silver: 0
-Gold: 60

Starting Backpack Contents
-Thievs Tools
-Poisioners Kit
- Explores pack
a Backpack
a Bedroll
a Mess kit
a Tinderbox
10 torches
10 days of Rations
a Waterskin
50 feet of Hempen rope

- Leather Armour
- Shortbow
- 20 Arrows

  • character/teo/backpack.1554460698.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • (external edit)