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Teostra Decota

Teostra Luna Decota, The fortune Thief
Mischievous , Sneaky, Deadly

Class: Fortune Thief (Rouge, Bard, Wizard, Monk)
Race: Tabaxiling (Half-Breed)
Nationality: Retonite

Character Information

Background: Criminal
Born: 1st Thursday, Raindown
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Languages: Common, Infernal, Orcish, Thief's Cant
Tools: Thief's Tools
Gear: Light Armour, Simple Weapons, Crossbows, Longbows, Rapiers, Shortswords
Saves: Dexterity, Intelligence
Profession: Thief, Assassin
Affiliation: Blacklist
Decota Bloodline

Physical Description

Height: 3.9ft \ 119cm (Small)
Weight: 121lbs \ 55kg
Complexion: Ash Grey
Eyes: Yellow/Black
Hair: Blue
Gender: Male


Marital Status: Single
Parents: (Father)Jellal , (Mother)Delta
Siblings: (Sister)Chaos , (Sister)Lilith


Level 13
HealthArmor ClassP.Perception
Saving Throws
+0 Medicine
Animal Handling
+0 Nature
+0 Perception EX
+0 Performance
+0 Persuasion
+0 Religion
+0 Sleight of Hand EX
+0 Stealth EX
Investigation EX
+0 Survival

Feats & Ability Score Improvments

LV 4 Rouge Sharpshooter
LV 4 Monk: Lucky
LV 8 Rouge: Observant
LV 10 Rouge:

Prepared Spells

Save DCModifier
1st lvl Spells:
2nd lvl Spells:
3rd lvl Spells:

Spell Slots

1st lvl2nd lvl3rd lvl
4th lvl5th lvl6th lvl
7th lvl8th lvl9th lvl

Ever since he was young Teo has always been good at making trouble. His first game of hide and seek even as a youngling showed he had great natual talent in the art of stelth, stealing treats from the kitchen and getting into places his parents couldn't follow.
Teo enjoys the thrill of the heist, bagging precious items and making it out completely unnoticed. Outside of the public eye he is normally seen with his Ooze Hound named Gaze, a creature he found stalking his family home during one the night while he was playing with his siblings. With the help of his mother Teo managed to befriend the creature and they have been together ever since.
Teo isn't very strong and is prone to getting sick easily, causing him to develop a habbit of keeping clean. Teo is terrified of monsterious creatures such as Hydras or Beholders and cannot stand going through magic portals much like his mother. Creatures are much harder to predict and read then humanoids.

Teo is at a glance, an easy going young man with an eye for shiny objects and loves a good bar story. He loves to show off and bet on things including gambling, Winning many games due to his quick sneaky paws.
he has a strong since of loyalty to friends and a strong desire to make people he dislikes suffer. Often getting into sticky situations he has learned how to get out of them with a few kind words. Teo treats people very different depending on how much he likes them but always says exactly what he needs to say to not get into trouble or when in trouble to get out of it. Teo doesn't make small talk, if Teo strikes up a convocation you can bet its to gain something, information, a coin purse or something more sinister.
Teo is always planning his next score and people he has grown a relationship with will normally be let in on his activity often as a way of bragging but more so if things go south his friends can vouch for him….hopefully.
Teo is always on the lookout for good hiest opportunities and normally spends his nights working. Making him sleep long into the day.
Teo isn't a fan of getting involved with situations much bigger then him unless its starting the situation.

Due to Teo’s nature it normally takes some convincing to make new friends.
Teo has a habit of keeping very clean and not consuming things that may be spoiled or soiled for risk of sickness. A bit of a germaphope he steers clear away from signs of sickness by other creatures and avoids getting dirty as much as possible. Bits of mould on bread or bruises on fruit means the entire item is contaminated and will not eat it.
it’s part of the reason he rarely gets up close and personal to his targets as blood stains are very troublesome especially on his fur.
he will often cast magic to check for posion or diseases.
Teo is absolutely terrified of monstrosities such as beholders, hydras and other similar creatures with the inability to be reasoned with, he would prefer a dragon over a terasque any day of the week because with the dragon he could maybe talk his way out of being eaten.
Magical transportation is another thing Teo refuses to have any part of. Unless otherwise forced or convinced he will steer clear away from portals of any kind.

Teo's Best Pal Gaze
Gaze is the name given to a young ooze hound found stalking the family home of Decota when Teo was only a few years old. Teo's childish innocence caught the young monster off guard and forged a bond between the two right then and there.
With the help of his mother Teo learned to tame, train and bond further with the Ooze bound until it was part of the family. Teo's father named it Gaze as it didn't have eyes and it stuck.

Day to Day of Teo
After the events of Pinga's monistary, Today Teo lives with his siter Chaos up near the capital of Reton, Chaos mannaged to fall with child due to some drunken mishaps and Teo has been otherwise delegated as 'Best Uncle ever“ promising to help Chaos raise and take care of her child when it is born, Until then Teo and Chaos live hapily together with the constant sibling misshas to be expexted. Teo's work with Blacklist never finishes however he is working on a more long term plan for him, his sister and soon to be niece/nephew. The capital seemes ironicly the safest place right now but they still law low.
Chaos has her study and bakery to keep the days ticking by. Her store is small but full of heart and very popular if a little niche.
Teo's work has become much more profeccinal due to the current situation moving away from smaller single hiests to much longer planned full group large hiests but he knows the time to move on is coming up sooner then expexted.
The idea has crossed his mind that he could use his skills with the law rather then against it with spy or assassination work, or maybe there is a corrupt higher up in need for his talents…there is still the offer from the duke to consider.

Criminal is such a harsh word, Teo prefers the term proffecinal when talking about his work.
From a young age he was always naturally gifted in the art of thievery which was noticed by the underbelly of reton known as Black list.
He took a position with them under the guidance of a veteran member who taught him how to hone his skills.
Teo learned not only the ways of the rouge but a few other con artists taught him a few new age tricks such as the magic to see glimpse of the future and play sweet musical lies can get you in just as easily as sneaking through a window, plus if you get caught its always good to talk your way out.

Criminal Specialty
There are many kinds of criminals, and within Blacklist, individual members have particular specialties. Even criminals who operate outside of such organizations have strong preferences for certain kinds of crimes over others.
Teo prefers to work as a classic thief. Under the cover of darkness sneaking into places and stealing shiny objects us what he is know for and what he is best at. However something that he doesn't like to admit but he is also very good at assassination but very rarely takes those types of jobs and charges an extrodanary high amount of coin and details for taking such jobs. Especially after the first one he did.

Things are bound to go wrong, its the higher powers way of making sure we don't get stagnent…at least thats what the wizard once told me. but i am prepared. i make sure things don't go wrong and if they do i always have a plan B and C waiting. No matter what may come my way i am ready for it. Even if that plan involes running as fast and as far away from the problem as i can its still something i have planned for.

I can't help but scout out any new town or city i go to, im always looking for something valuble, it the way i make a living and its always a thrill to pull off. i don't ever feel guilty about taking things, my targets are normally the better off and can afford to loose. i consider it a challange and if i pass thier challange then i have earned whatever i take. thats why i swear not to be seen.

Friends are much more valuble then enemies anyone woth a brain could understand that, and the higher up your friends are the more stuff i can get away with. it also means more work for me in the long term. job security is important. Frienda re also nice to have around. anyone else can take a long walk off a short cliff for all i care.

Its bad practice to steal from other thieves…unless that thief is a jerk or just bad at thier job, then its fair game. That is something the people at Blacklist taight me.

My ill-gotten gains go to support my family.

I will become the greatest thief that ever lived

I turn tail and run when things look bad

Teo's Hideout


RUne markings,
Sneaky sneaking
DRagon in the making?

Characters origin of what lead them to the present day.

How they got their class.
Plot points that the DM can expand upon if done right.
Mystery giving your characters goals, fears and desires depth

Teo was the 3rd born to parents Delta & Jellal Decota. Sharing similar features and colouring to his father but on a much smaller scale. Teo grey up in a very family based home in the forrests of XXX. There was very little contact with other people during his childhood. He remebered he wasnt allowed outside unless someone was with him, side effects of the war.
Teo was always prone to illness and he didn't like being sick at all. this developed habits early on of contantly keeping clean and treating any anomilies in food such as bruises on fruit or specks of mould as true evil and refused to eat much wohtou thorully checking it.
As the years went on and things calmed down Teo and his siblings were given much more freedom to explore the land and were taken on trips to nerby towns and cities. This is where Teo commited his first steal. a precious stone left on the table top of a wears stall. Teo saw an oppitunity and took it. The rush of thievery had hooked him and he was addicted stright away. He had alwasy been good at stealing treats from the pantry or hiding when trying to be found but this was the first time he had actually done something that would be considered a crime.

From that point on Teo begun to hone his skills. Always going out late at night to make a score. Only small things, fruit, supplies other things needed at home, he was cautious and carful and hightly talanted. as he grew older his hiests grew bolder and he eventually caught the attention of Blacklist.
They invited him in and showed him the possibilities he could achive with thier help, without much convincing he agreeed.
His time in Blacklist taught him many things. Thievery didn't have to be done under cloak and shadow, it could be done with but words and performance. The Bard collage of satier happily accepted him into thier ranks if but for a short time. Just enough for Teo to learn new ways of conducting crime. It was here he met a crazy wizard, an expert in Divination although he never was willing to teach Teo proper;y, the books and notes he stole was enough to push Teo to at least an apprentice wizard, learning just enough to have an edge with the more risky situations.

Teo now an esteemed member working his way up the ranks of Blacklist they are always watching and Teo is always looking to impress.

Characters origin of what lead them to the present day.

How they got their class.
Plot points that the DM can expand upon if done right.
Mystery giving your characters goals, fears and desires depth

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  • Last modified: 4 years ago
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