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Victalion Grendal Calamity

Name Victalion
Race Tiefling
Gender Male
Nationality @@Nationality@@

Character Information

Born TBD
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Languages Common
Family Castile (Father)
Wicked (Mother)
Affiliations Crown of Oxtrad, Nine Hells. Calamity Bloodline
Faith Demon Lords
Profession Guide, Map maker, Royal Messenger

Physical Description

Height Average
Weight Slim
Skin Pale Red
Eyes Red
Hair Black/Red

A mysterious fellow who has a tight affiliation with the nobles of Oxtrad, nobody is exactly sure how he managed to get so many connections however.
A performing man often in an upbeat showman mood constantly talking louder then he should and showing off his skill with simple magic to any audience he can find. Being with him for any length of time naturally sowes distrust as he is always ducking off on his own for hours without telling anyone what he is up too.

  • character/victalion.1600133672.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 4 years ago
  • (external edit)