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Zyllis suffered a crule terrible fate.

“Hurry Zyllis, We need to leave, now!”

Those words still haunt your dreams at night. When everyone was fleeing Phlan, you choose to stay. Whether out of an emotional attachment, or pursuit of riches, you made the decision that would affect the rest of your life.

The Invasion of your home land came without warning and Zyllis's town was on the front line.
Zyllis was was 6 when it happened, his family slaughtered in the initial invasion. alone he learned that life was cruel, he watched as his once proud city was brought to beggar infested ruins. forigne soldiers marched the streets spitting on the once noble citizens that now line the streets.
Zyllis didn't give up so easily a burring revenge kept his soul striving for survival. he ran food and information trafficking to the small underground resistance in exchange for warm meals and safe places to sleep.
Food became scarcer for those without connections and to stay alive you bartered information to any interested party with food or gold to spare. Zyllis was good at what he did, and thought that maybe things could be better.
That changed when you were captured by the Tears of Virulence, the soldiers of Vorgansharax, the Maimed Virulence, for selling secrets to those bent on overthrowing the dragon. They locked you in the cells of Stojanow Gate. The first weeks you hoped to stay alive. As the weeks turned into months, and the interrogations continued you began to pray for death.

Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Perception Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set, thieves' tools Equipment: A small knife, a set of common clothes, a trinket from the life you stayed behind to defend, a belt pouch with 10 gp Lifestyle: Poor Feature: Ex-Convict The knowledge gained during your incarceration lets you gain insight into local guards and jailors. You know which will accept bribes, or look the other way for you. You can also seek shelter for yourself from authorities with other criminals in the area.

I go out of my way to frustrate or anger those in power.

I always plan everything out. The one time I let others plan things it did not end well for me.

I use any means to get information I need; I have been well taught.

My torturer survived the attack that set me free, I will find him/her.

Survival is worth more than friendship.

  • character/zyllis/personality_story.1550122678.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
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