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Type: Crossbow, Class: Relic Rarity: Very Rare, Attunement: Required

Properties Stats
Style Ranged
Weight Normal
Range 120ft
Hands 2 Handed1)
Damage 2,D6+2 Piercing
+ 2d4 necrotic
Special Damage is considered Silvered

Arcane Bolstering

  • The weapon is soaked in unknown Arcane energy, while wielding this weapon spell attacks have a +2 to their hit roll and +3 to their damage roll. If a spell deals multiple types of damage (Cold & Lighting) the bonus damage is added to the highest elemental type of damage.

Twisted Barrel

  • This weapon ignores half & 3/4 cover and a prone target dose not incur disadvantage on ranged attacks made with this weapon.

Old Presence

  • This item is considered Defiled/Desecrated and cannot be purified or blessed. bringing this item upon holy ground may incur anger from the gods.

This item is a Relic, Similar to an Artifact but lacks the random Boons/Drawback that an artifact would normally have. Unable to be replicated or destroyed by normal means.

This water logged cross-bow is in terrible shape. Despite its damage it still operates normally. The word Amicus Can be seen engraved into the silver body.

Years and years of being at the mercy of the abyssal ocean has left this crossbow twisted and damaged beyond repair. despite its sad appearance it still operates normally and even offers some boons. logically the crossbow shouldn't be able to load a bolt let alone fire it straight yet it does.
The cross bow seems to be made of Silver and ivory however its terribly water logged with barnacles and some seal life covering its frame. It always seems to be soaked no matter how hard you try to dry it.

Offhand for reload
  • item/amicus_crossbow.txt
  • Last modified: 3 months ago
  • by Cinder