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Ray's Apple Farm

Title Detail
Type Farm
Sub-Type House
Service Apple related Provisions
Location South of Whitkin
Region Greyhawk Forrest
Owner Ray Moonloaf
Guests/Employees Maple

A charming little farm a few hours south of Whitkin Run by a Canid warrior by the name of Ray

The farm has a orchid of apple trees as well as a few chickens and vegetable garden. A small robust house sits on the land home to Ray.
A smaller Granny flat a few steps away for her guest.
Ray's house is built to her size, A small creature those of medium size will struggle getting in and moving around while anyone larger is stuck outside.

The apple trees have various scaffolding built around them allowing ease of access by Ray. Most apples are picked with magic but manual picking works too.

The farm is almost always selling apples even in the off seasons, only during the cold months when it snows is the farm closed to the public.

Services Provided Cost Extra
Bag of Ravi Red Apples 00 Gold A Bag of 12 ripe and ready to eat apples, this species only found here at Ray's Orchard, The Apples are sickly sweet and crisp, They even have a tiny bit of spicy kick.
Ravi Red Apple Pie 00 Gold Baked on the day, orders must be placed ahead of time. Pies are paw-made during the morning. The apple peal is grated into the crust while the apples themselves are either diced or sliced depending on Ray's mood. The seeds of the apples are saved for personal use.
Apple Juice 00 Gold Freshly made cloudy apple juice, This item is seasonal only available some months of the year.
Ray's Crimson Apple Cider 00 Gold This Sickly sweet apple cider is brewed locally in Grey-hawk. A small apple orchard just outside Whitkin. Supply is very limited and not available to the public. Its only available seasonally. Its red in colour appearing as a transparent wine but smells of fresh cut apples. with a hint of nutmeg, cinnamon and carrot juice. Only for those with a heavy sweet tooth.

Sells Apples by the bag.

Sells Apples in the Fey-Wilds once a month.

Has hired bodyguard living on the farm.

  • location/ray_farm.1696819273.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 8 months ago
  • by Cinder