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Hamlet, Village, Town, City, Capital etc.
Hazelpost is the first major settlement most travelers will reach when crossing the border from Reton to Covania.
The population dramatically increases during trade season so most housing here are inns and temporary property.
There is a large camp site for carts to set up.

Most of the town is built into the surrounding rocky terrain. buildings carved into the solid stone. Few buildings have been made differently to this.

Lord/Lady ?
Classification Town
Population Total ~7,000
Demographics ?
Location Cunning Expanse, Covania


Has a higher soldier amount then most towns of similar size. Due to the high influx of forginers traveling through and the chaos brought about by the trade season. Most guards are dressed in disguise or casually as to not warp the atmosphere of the town.



Most reported crime is petty fights between merchants having a disagreement about price. There are also reports of pick pocketers and attempted break ins but most who come to Hazelpost are savvy enough to avoid such crime. Its normally naïve travelers who0 fall victum to a missing coin pouch.

The town square, an old tomb, vast vineyards, pristine beach, etc.

Decota Tails: Rarity Trade & Sale
A well sized two story building near the west entrance of Hazelpost. The ground floor houses the store while the top floor is Ravi and Remington's home


Malice's Blacksmith Forge
A well sized forge run by a Leonin named Malice,

  • town/hazelpost.1697521324.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 8 months ago
  • by Cinder