Title Detail
Type Forge
Sub-Type House
Service Blacksmithing & Leatherwork
Location Hazelpost
Region Cunning Expanse
Owner Malice
Guests/Employees ?

A Sturdy well built forge, a bit too well built for a new smith. It seems he had some finacial assistance building this forge in Hazelpost but thats just gossip.

Malice is the owner and runs most of the work. He has two assistance named Gabe and Gammin who do most of the apprentice work.

The building boasts a huge arcane forge able to get hot enough to allow work with high end materials and magic. Malice is mostly self taught in these practices of smithing.

Located in the South Eastern section of Hazelpost. Within viewing distance of the Oasisi


Services Provided Cost Extra
Item 00 Gold Detail
Service 00 Gold Service



  • location/malice_forge.txt
  • Last modified: 9 months ago
  • by Ida