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Crew Members

The Captian Delta Decota:
After her adventures on the high seas Delta has decided to start her own sailing adventures, gathering herself a trustworthy (HA) crew of friends new and old she is prepairing for her biggest trip in serch of adventure. armed with her blades and her pact demon Remington she is ready for anything…

First mate Bemin the Fist:
Delta found Bemin in a tavern, it took some time to track him down Delta only had her son's notes and poor description to go off but eventually she did find him and offered him a job on the seas. he must have accepted or he wouldn't be here now.

Fleetfoot Jorgan Foulswipe
Jorgan owes Delta a favour, a huge favour and she has called upon it, quite along stint as part of her crew. Jorgan is in charge of keeping a close ear to the rails of the ship, looking for signs of mutiny or thieves / stowaways. Jorgan also happens to be one of the finest swordsmen Delta has ever met and is her personal sparing partner when the days are slow.

Amber NPC
An odd women, she dosent seem to talk much but she has proven helpful and hard working, Delta recutied her as one of the new crew members.

Maria Seiko
Delta's current escortee, none of the crew other then Jorgan and Bemin know of her true identity, delta has kept her royalty close to her chest, you don't know if any of these new recruits are actually out to betray her.

Maria Secrets

Sai, The watcher
A slave traded to Delta for service, Sai has proven to be an invaluable ally and Delta considers her a friend, but she has never grown out of the slave mindset and hardly ever speaks.

Sai Secrets

Zyllis Decota, The Guard
Delta's Brother in law. Zy has joined Delta in her current adventure for his own reasons but also to spend family time with Delta. out of all his close family Delta is definitely the hardest to track down.

Citizens of Exilis

This guy is sketchy. like real sketchy but truly he is the most kindhearted man you will ever meet, don't judge a book by its cover.
Phillbert is nerby when new arrivals enter the land, all he wishes is to help them understand where they are and wha they need to do to survive.

Lumen monk
The grand Monk of the Sages, the true loyalty of the sage's lie with the grand monk not with the president, they do not agree with all the goverments decisions but they know that conflict is the last thing Exilis needs.

Giovani / president

Fib on foe / vice presidents


your ear to the sky, make friends with Elmer and you will never miss a secret, he vanishs sometimes without warning though you should make sure he is okey evry so often.

Kenz and Greenz
You will find Kenz and Greenz in all the places you would never expect them, always friendly but very clumbsy.


Proffessor Stem

Valour Decota

Player Characters

John Smith:

Robert is a cleric that has been deeply wronged by those who should have been those closest to him, as far as he thinks
Robert's parents died suddenly and although the official report says it was natural Robert knows something sinister was a foot. what concreted his decision is that nothing was left for him in his parents will it all went to his younger brother.
His faith shifted as his clerical studies changed to something darker as her searched for answers.
He ended up on the east coast in a large sailing town where he drunk his nights away, falling deeper into a vicious cycle of violence drugs and isolation.

One particular night Delta had just returned from a voyage and was treating her friends Bemin and Jorgan to an evening of drinks, something about her loud upbeat attitude must have rubbed Robert the wrong way, already pissed he staggered up to Delta giving her a piece of his mind. when a large draconian stood between him and her and pushed him away was when things turned ugly.
the fight was brief and made Delta laugh but for a Cleric 4 sails less then a dingy he was a decent fighter and his vitality was nothing to scuff at.
After Robert had sobered up a bit Delta met with him in private and got to know his story, although he was stubborn at first something about Delta's words must have warmed him up.

Delta offered Robert help in his quest for answers if he joined her crew. being a blood hunter Delta convinced Robert that if anyone could help him find lost secrets it was her.

Robert joined as the ship's medic.


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  • Last modified: 6 years ago
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