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Annabell Welington's Inventory & Stats


Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Background
War Caster: LV4
Shield Training: LV8
Feat: LV8
Feat: LV8


Common Sight:1) Yes
Passive Perception: 16
Dark Vision: 60ft
True Sight: 0ft
Tremor Sense: 0ft
Blind Sight: 0ft


Slot 1:
Slot 2:
Slot 3:


Walking 30ft
Swimming 15ft
Climbing 15ft
Flying 00ft


Platinum Gold Silver Copper
0 118 6 0
Occupation Occupation
Income Lifestyle
+0 GpD -0GpD
Other Expences/Income
-5 Gold Rations and Ballbearings
-24 Gold Silvered Swords + Tip
-1 on bottles of booze
-700 Dawn spell scroll
-2 Cheep cloaks
-3 Gold Room
+25 Gold, Grave Keeper Job
-2 Silver for Hairbrush, Hygiene items
-15 silver for Bath and professionally armor clean
+30 Gold, looted from Imari's house
+50 Gold, Wizard's Job
+50 Gold, Beldreeze
-15 Silver, Bathhouse
-90 Gold, Balder's tower spell
-7 Silver, nice meal
-1 Gold, Nice tavern
-50 Gold, Church Donation

GpD = Gold per Day

Location Item Stats
Head Empty Long flowing hair as white as snow, how she keeps it all neat, tidy and clean on a daily basis is a mystery. Magic must be involved
Cloak Traveling Cloak A sturdy cloak to protect against weather and prying eyes. helps cover Annabell's more controversial features
Clothes Fine Noble attire Elegant and Practical, The royal colors compliment this otherwise rustic sturdy outfit, custom made it seems, for Annabell's “Blusterous” figure
Armour Full Plate +1 AC=19
Well crafted full plate armor detailed in the Oxtrad colors. enchanted with magical properties to strengthen the metal. it is a suitable uniform for any noble knight.
Weapon Ethereal Long Sword A noble slender blade made of ethereal energy, Tho it looks the part the wounds it leaves are that of a normal silvered Longsword, Draconic words mark along the blade. The blade now bound to its owner never to leave her side even in death, Through further rituals it may be altered.
Shield/Ammo/Offhand Shield
Form Carry Capacity Lift, Push, Pull Capacity Equipped Load
Elven Form 270ibs \ 122kg 540ibs \ 245kg 000Ibs
Dragon Form 405ibs \ 184kg 810ibs \ 367kg 000Ibs

Consumables & Useful Items

Item Name Details
Ball Bearings
Rations 12
Torch 9
Hemp Rope 50ft
more Rope 20ft

Special Items

Name Detail
Backpack Carries 1 cubic foot / 30ibs of items
Bedroll Simple Bedding, Annabell uses it when there is no other option.
Medicine Kit (10/10) A kit of tools ready to treat wounds, used to stabilize a creature without a skill check. Has limited uses
Various Books on Arcana & Machine life
TinderBox Simple Tinder box used for lighting firers
Common Healing Potion x3
Coin Pouch Holds Annabell's current wealth
Water Skin Simple water skin with 'Anna' written on it.

Misc Items

Item Detail
Magic Safe haven Wand Unidentified
Annabell's Note-Book
Druid Homecall Stone A smooth stone with fait arcane wrighting. Within the Marsh, walk uninterupted, straight and true. A full hour must pass and a door will present itself. bewear. Enter the door and do not look. straight and true ignore the temptation. then simply walk out backwards
Attack Hit Damage
Silvered Long Sword 1D20+7 1d8+4
Unarmed Attack 1D20+4 1d4+4
Spell Casting
Toll the Dead +6 2d8 Necro
2d12 Necro2)
Chill Touch +6 2d8 Necro
Can't Heal
Ray of Frost +6 2D8 Cold
-10ft from Target
Core Saves
STR +4 DEX -1 CON +4
INT +6 WIS +6 CHA -2
Spell Slots
1st 4/4 2nd 3/3 3rd 3/3
4th 1/1 5th 0 6th 0
7th 0 8th 0 9th 0

Spell/Ability Modifier
Ability: Wisdom
Save DC Modifier
14 6
Ability: Intelligence
Save DC Modifier
14 6

Skill Saves
Acrobatics -1
Medicine +6
Animal Handling +3
Nature +3
Arcana +6
Perception +6
Athletics +4
Performance -2
Deception -2
Persuasion -2
History +6
Religion +6
Insight3) +3
Sleight of Hand -1
Intimidation -2
Stealth4) -1
Investigation5) +3
Survival +3
Passive Ability Stat Source
Feat: Draconic Healing Spellcasting Background
Dark Vision Vision Species
Fey Ancestry Saving Throws Species
Trance Sleep Species
Keen Sense Skill Species
Incisive Sense Skill Species
Cling to Life Death Save Species
Revenance Monster Type Species
Feat: Warcaster Concentration & Spellcasting Lv4 Cleric
Ability Name Stat Source
Active Ability Description Action Usage/Recovery Source
Blessings of the Moon-Weaver Innate Spellcasting Spell-Casting See Details Species
Unsettling Presence Special effect Action 1 per rest Species
Feat: Protective Wings AC Reaction Uses = Proficiency Background
Wrath of the Storm Reaction Attack Reaction Equal to WIS Modifier LV1 Cleric
Channel Divinity Resource Various 1 per Short Rest Lv2 Cleric
Turn Undead Channel Divinity Action/Bonus/Reaction 1 Divinity Use Lv2 Cleric
Destructive Wrath Channel Divinity No Action 1 Divinity Use Lv2 Cleric
Arcane Recovery Spell Slots Short Rest 1 Per Day Lv1 Wizard
Awakened Spellbook Spellcasting Ignition No Limit Lv2 Wizard
Name Stat Action/Bonus/Reaction 1 per rest Racial

Short Description of Background

Skill Proficiencies

  • Skill
  • Skill

Languages And/Or Tools

  • Common
  • Violin

Equipment (If Any)

  • E
  • E

Featured: Gift of the Metallic Dragon

Feat: Gift of the Metallic Dragon Source: Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
You’ve manifested some of the power of metallic dragons, granting you the following benefits:

  • Draconic Healing
    You learn the Cure Wounds spell. You can cast this spell without expending a spell slot. Once you cast this spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast this spell using spell slots you have. The spell’s spellcasting ability is Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma when you cast it with this feat (choose when you gain the feat).
  • Protective Wings
    You can manifest protective wings that can shield you or others. When you or another creature you can see within 5 feet of you is hit by an attack roll, you can use your reaction to manifest spectral wings from your back for a moment. You grant a bonus to the target’s AC equal to your proficiency bonus against that attack roll, potentially causing it to miss. You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Ascension of Narkul: Annabell's Path

epic spell rollplay
Though i walk through the darkness of death and frost, may this light shine as the Gods receive their Hyms, i call upon the morning light, Turn the horizon and bath my foe in the blinding brilliance of Dawn

Standard eye sight
If Target is not at Max HP
3) , 5)
  • character/annabell/stats.1706929611.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 13 months ago
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