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Decota Family

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Rainfang Family

Family Tree

Family Origin

Family Member Summery

Family Time Line


The Sin's Cloak

Cause i have a hard time keeping track of all the trash i make

To DO List
Proffessor Stem's Class and Stats (Warlock of the deep, Wizard of water, storms etc)
Oraphell's Class and Stats (Undying warlock, Sorcer of lightning and Gravity/force based magic)
Delta's Class and stats (1 spare Level, Stat optimization)
Calamity: Re write origin story, re Write personality add stats and Class abilities (Sorcerer of Fire and destruction/War mage? Unarmed barbarian or monk?)
Zyllis: Optimise stats,
Welington; Creat Page, Write origin and personality, Roll stats, creat DRacolitch, Weapons, SPells Class (Cleric and maybe Paladin? oathbreaker? or Wizard class from character fusion during origin)
Teo: Optimise stats, Optimise class, build super sneaky like, Rework Gaze, Artifiser?
Galatea: Stats, Optimise CLass (Fighter monk?) build personality and Story
Iblee: SCRAP

  • character/decota/family.1584335833.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • (external edit)