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Raishin hails from the mountain tops of the fiery borderlands. She lives alone in the ruins of nabilhime.
Corrupted Ki has given her unique features such as horns and patches of scales.

Goliaths are rare in Mor-Thir, only small tribes seem to exsist wuthin the highest mountain ranges. Most Goliath seen in the towns and cities are normally wanderers from lands beyond the horizen.

Physical Apperance

  • Ability Score:
    Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
  • Lifespan:
    Goliaths have lifespans comparable to humans. They enter adulthood in their late teens and usually live less than a century.
  • Alignment:
    Goliath society, with its clear roles and tasks, has a strong lawful bent. The goliath sense of fairness, balanced with an emphasis on self-sufficiency and personal accountability, pushes them toward neutrality.
  • Size:
    Goliaths are between 7 and 8 feet tall and weigh between 280 and 340 pounds. Your size is Medium.
  • Speed:
    Your base walking speed is 30ft
  • Languages:
    You can speak, read, and write Common and Giant.
  • Natural Athlete
    You have proficiency in the Athletics skill.
  • Powerful Build
    You count as one size larger for the following tasks
    • Determining carrying capacity
    • being shoved, grappled or tackled
    • Shoving, grapling or tackling another creature
    • determining lift, push & drag capacity
  • Stone's Endurance
    You can focus yourself to occasionally shrug off injury. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to roll a d12. Add your Constitution modifier to the number rolled, and reduce the damage by that total. After you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
  • Mountain Born
    You’re acclimated to high altitude, including elevations above 20,000 feet. You’re also naturally adapted to cold climates.
  • You have a resistance to cold damage
  • character/raishin/race.1672182321.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2 years ago
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