Moonlight Theory

With the official introduction of other entier systems/ dimensions into the cannon lore it had me thinking about an idea,
Alternative versions of characters .

Inspired by Epic7, These Moonloght characters are designed with the regular character as a base. Then those themes or ideas are flipped or remixed to be something new but familiar.
What If Scenarios, Origins and plot relevant to their home dimension. The dubbed ‘Moonlight’ is no real reason aside from it sounding nice.

These characters will be meant for other systems/worlds including Ganynum and Vasloria. However while there are here they are still just ideas in the planning stage and are subject to change or being completely scrapped.

Moonlight variants of characters share little in terms of lore, they may have similar personality traits and maybe share a name with the tag ‘ML’ (Moonlight) but family, lovers and other major or minor lore the regular characters may have had in Felwind will either be heavily altered with similar theming or changed completely to suite a new world depending on the situation.

These alternate are seperate characters, so in theory they could physically interact with their regular counterparts with no time space issues. Such as a parallel version may interact

It should be noted non of these are cannon, there are all ideas that i am just writing down out of my head for reference.

  • Orphell - Gorephell
  • Elisia - Felisia
  • Iblee - Riblee
  • Livion - Divion
  • Sharphina - Lachina
  • Teo - Folgo
  • Lidica - Ridica
  • Raishin - Dai-Lin
  • Ravi - Bahvi
  • Cinder - Sinder
  • Annabell - Vandergrell
  • Maple -
  • Ozrelia -
  • Galatea - Zalteria
  • Honoshin - Sonoyin
  • Rozellena -

Gorephell the Bedlam Beast

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Orphell the Oblex

  • Moonlight orphell will be a diffrent kind of monster ooze. instead of an Oblex she will be a Beast of Bedlam. They typically reside in a chaotic realm which for Felwind is Pandamonium .
    More of a black and orange tar like ooze with a semi complete Skeleton within the mass, really lean into those monster vibes. Her origins like most chaos beasts she was the victum of another beast of bedlam attack and was turned into a chaos beast, eventually become a bedlam beast herself
  • Partner to Be
  • A Partner for Ellpor must be

Shkellan, Dream Serpent, Felisia

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Elisia Kindread

  • Felisia compared to Elisia physically is a gigantic chubby serpent with a few extra eyes and brilliant patterns. She will also ow a mystical library but rather than dedicate it to fate it is dedicated to lost knowledge and dreams.
    She has a pair of Lesser beholder servants under her complete control, in the shape of giant hands with a giant eye in the palm and smaller eyes at the ends of the fingers.
    Felisisa is far more obsessive wit her library and the pursuit of rare magic. being far more isolated. in a constant tug of war i her mind between working and satisfying her indulgent desires.

Magalieen Crystalin, Forgotten Queen

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Sharphina

  • Moonlight Sharphina i think is a Polder species, probably a long forgotten lineage of royalty or something similar she declares herself a princess/Queen of a nation thats either long forgotten or never exsisted at all,
    She has quite the magic power and maybe a small following of other polders who believe she is some ‘chosen one’ or believe she is the rightful ruler of the land. She has a collection of artefact armaments that act as a set, ancient weapons from a forgotten age. I think her design would be similar to a lalafell from FF14 but a bit more mature looking.

Zigfried, Soul Smith

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Teo Hazzak

  • Moonlight Teo went a diffrent direction, Rather he opted for more daring heists leading him to get a few cursed items he was not prepared for, turning him into a beast of sort, some Orc/Wolf hybrid.
    He is quite the dominant presence and is very selfish, picking fights with those smaller and is quite the animal in bed. He has a soft spot for the ladies putting on his best behavious when he finds ones that intrests him.
    with his brutish vibe he normally raids supplies along merchant routes or is hired to protect said merchants from ‘himself’ other bandits.
    Has a rare ability for Soul Smithing, the act of putting souls into items creating powerful weapons or other sentient gear.
  • Partnet: Regular Anaise

Davilok, Perfumer Hag

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Lidica

  • Like her normal self Moonlight lidica was caught in a strange workd, though not the Feywild, some Dreamscape dimention not really known, Here she was subjected to all manor of taboo pleasures that she had to resist, but the mortal will is only so strong. Those desires gave way to change and by the time she managed to escaoe the dreamscape she was a true mutated monster.
    i have drawn Davilok a few tikes before trying to nail down a design but now using her as a Moonlight Variant i feel like anothe change is in order, will play around with another drider themed design getting insperation from the monster hunter spiders.

Auronna, Dragon Bride

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Raishin Uvasteen

  • Almost a 180, Moonlight Raishin is a typical fantasy beauty, Giant and dragon offspring but her life become one of worship, with more cool colour themes and anfar more posh stance, though get on her bad side and you will see her rage is even more terrifying than the normal raishin. I would say she is taller than normal Raishin but no where near as muscular, A prized daughter who is being sold off to the highest bidder husbaned in order to make strong healthy children to continue the famaly name.

Elanor, The Indulgent Minotaur

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Ravi Decota

  • My Idea for Moonlight ravi is far more indulgent. Here werebeast form of a Minotaur/Bovid creature has become permanent her new form making a change in lifestyle a must becoming a full time merchant, with aims to be a humble helper, hospitality, and service ahe offers. Her dark temptations for behind close doors , and still able to fight just not as quick as she once was, A coffe shop, a bakery, a nurse, a 'performer' she keeps arguably even more busy.

Moonlight Alternate

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Cinder Stem

  • Bio Enginiered Ceslestial, fallen to mortal
  • Partner: Moonlight Malice

Moonlight Alternate

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Annabell Welington

  • My idea for Moonlight Annabell was a undead dragon or phantom who is cursed to stay out at sea. unable to walk on the mainland,
  • Partner: Moonlight Valour


Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Iblee Lonestar

  • Ideas, Flower growing out of one eye and covering that side of face, Also has multidimensional travel but has control over it. Requium Roanna inspo

Moonlight Alternate

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Livion

  • My idea for moonlight Livion is to double down on the alien virus theme, making her a alien brood mother creature, a source of monsters to plague the land with. less active, more dangerous.

Moonlight Alternate

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Base Character: Maple

Filabean, Gunslinger

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Ozrellia Lockheart

  • A smaller more passionate version of Ozrelia using the design of Filabean but as a Kenku rather than Aaracokra. And she has a thing for guns now.
  • Partner: Regular Snappy

Folgo Yonari

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Honoshin Yonari

  • A take on Honoshin if he never was taken to the Feywild, grow up as a strong swordsman. who probably still ha some feminine traits.

Zemnie Lonestar

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Galatea Decota

  • My idea for an Alternate Galatea is a Thei-Kreen Moth man who has a thing fir performance and books. He will be the Son to Iblee and Velvin.
  • Partnet: Moonlight Xelor

Brigznier, Gambeler

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Rozelena Placiaurix

Moonlight Alternate

Moonlight Alternate

Quick Overview

  • Moonlight Orphell rather than an Oblex from D&D she is a quantity of S.Y.R.U.P-M. A single sentient Artificial Intelligence made from millions of Micro-bots in a vast mixture of liquid similar to ooze or sludge.
    These AI are normally used to run massive computing systems, acting as the Operating system, Admin and liquid cooling for mega computers.
    They are always online, Making their personalities vary greatly depending on the online content they are typically exposed too.
    Although mostly friendly thier mechanics/biology is actively harmful to most organic life. Powered by Uraniam their bodies give off large amounts of radiation, The containers and systems they are kept in block this radiation but exposure to them unconfined can lead to severe radiation poising or death.
  • character/sammoonlight.txt
  • Last modified: 15 hours ago
  • by Cinder