Valour Stem

Name Valour Stem
Race Arch-Fey
Gender Female
Nationality Fey-Wild

Character Information

Class ?
Born ?
Alignment ?
Affiliations Palace of Vrugbaar
Faith Arch-Fey Patron
ProfessionAdventurer (???-???)

Physical Description

Height: 188cm \ 6.1ft
Weight: 94kg \ 207ibs
Size: Medium (1×1)
Skin: Very pale blue
Eye: Purple
Hair: Purple
Details: Battle Scars
Pointy ears
Fey Wings


Partner: Kazrai Stem
Children: Cinder Stem
Valour & Kazrai's Children
Siblings: -


(Class A 0)
(Class B 0)
Ability Scores
Saving Throws
Acrobatics (Dex) +0 Medicine (Wis) +0
Animal Handling (Wis) +0 Nature (Int) +0
Arcana (Int) +0 Perception (Wis) +0
Athletics (Str) +0 Performance (Cha) +0
Deception (Cha) +0 Persuasion (Cha) +0
History (Int) +0 Religion (Int) +0
Insight (Wis) +0 Sleight of Hand (Dex) +0
Intimidation (Cha) +0 Stealth (Dex) +0
Investigation (Int) +0 Survival (Wis) +0


Save DCModifier
CantripsSpell 1
Spell 2
1st lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
2nd lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
3rd lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
4th lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
5th lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
6th lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
7th lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
8th lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
9th lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2

Spell Slots

1st lvl2nd lvl3rd lvl
4th lvl5th lvl6th lvl
7th lvl8th lvl9th lvl

The Arch-Fey Pateron appearing as A tall toned High-Elf. Normally shirtless with a captains jacket hanging off his shoulders. an eye patch covering his right eye. Large dragon-fly like wings lay dormant off his back. .
As the Arch-Fey Patron Valour is very well off. His domain in the Feywild Mistaken by most as The palace of hearts Desires, However Valour calls it NAME

Valour is a stern and demanding man. Expecting those around him to meet a certain level of elegance and decency. This includes his children and wife, Kazrai. Ironically he dose not hold himself to these standards being a bit more loose with his own appearance and behavior. His desire for God-Hood stems from simple greed. To simple become a God among these worlds is the story he wants written.
despite this impression to onlookers it should not be mistaken, Valour cares deeply for his family despite the distance he forces between them. Looking to make them as happy nd comfortable as he can with his power and wealth he showers them in the comforts of life.
He enjoys a drink and is obsessive about writing notes. normally recording conversations as if he is a reporter. His study both at ome and on his ship is a mess of ink and paper.

Between sailing the Astral sea, Exploring new dimensions, satisfying his fathering duties and making appearances as Arch-Fey to his loyal warlock followers. Valour is also a part-time teacher at one of the most well known schools of magic located in Uthasil .
Father to over forty children but his duties as father he leaves rather neglected. Most of his time away from home parenting is left to Kazrai and various servants he has employed.

As a Patron, Valour's loyal Warlocks pledge their services to him in an exchange. For every year they intend to used the Arch-Fey's browed power they are to spend a year of service upon Valour's ship as a crew member. This is normally decided before the powers are loaned and if the Warlock were to die prematurely they still need to service the agreed upon years of service. Souls joining the crew are given new bodies as the old ones are normally to old or may have been destroyed or lost.
Once their service has been complete the Soul is set free from there they may move to the afterlife, try to return or simple remain as a member of Valour's crew.

SHIP NAME. A modified Spell-Jammer Ship capable of inter dimensional travel. It was handed down to Valour from the previous Arch-Fey Patron. Its larger than most holding ample room for a large crew, supplies and treasure. Equipped with all the necessary equipment needed for interdimensional travel including an Oracle Map and capable weaponry.
The captain's quarters has a special 2-way dimensional Mirror installed, Allowing those attuned to it to step through and appear to a paired mirror and vise versa. Valour uses this to see Kazrai and his children from wherever in the Multiverse he ends up.

Valour was once a simple scribe, a follower of the Arch-fey then he was their humble servant, recording the worlds happenings, Delivering secrets.

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  • Last modified: 6 weeks ago
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