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Sugar Alchemist

LevelProficiency BonusTrifle DiceFeatures
1 +20 Red Cordial
2 +22 Sweet Mixtures
3 +23
4 +24 Ability Score Improvement
5 +35
6 +36
7 +37
8 +38 Ability Score Improvement
9 +49
12+412Ability Score Improvement
16+516Ability Score Improvement
19+619Ability Score Improvement

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per Sugar Alchemist level
  • Hit Points at 1st level: 8 + Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at higher levels: 1d8 (or5) + Constitution modifier per Sugar Alchemist level after 1st


  • Armour: Light Armour
  • Weapons:
  • Tools:
  • Saving Throws:
  • Skills:


  • Shortsword OR any simple weapon
  • Entertainer's Pack OR Diplomat's Pack
  • 2 Daggers
  • 3d4 x 10 gp

At 1st level, you gain the following benefits if you have had sugar in the last 6 hours:

  • You can use Dexterity instead of Strength on checks and savings throws
  • Movement speed increased by 10 ft

Any alchemy recipe you attempt to follow will result in a cake with a random effect. The effect is determined by a dice roll when a creature first eats a slice. The cake has 6 slices in total, after 24 hours the cake becomes stale and inedible.
Random cake effects

At 2nd level you gain the ability to use Trifle dice. You can retrieve the number of trifle dice from your Bag of Sweets equal to your level as per the class table. Trifle dice are restored upon completing a long rest.

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Feature: Sweet Mixtures
As a Sugar Alchemist most of Chaos’s abilities are fueled by Trifle dice.
Chaos can make a trifle dice by mixing a random assortment of her magical bag candy.
To make a trifle dice chaos must have her alchemist supplies and 20 minuets of prep time.

2nd Level: Candy Hoard
Using the science of alchemy and the calories of sugar Chaos is able to create life.
These minions will do anything Chaos demands.

Chaos can use 1 Trifle dice as a bonus action by Chaos to create a random Candy monster based on her Level.
Chaos can have a maximum of 3 candy creatures, which is raised to 5 at level 10

Level 1-3: Low Candy Creations.
Candy Gnome: HP 5, 1 D4
Candy Bat: HP 4, 1 D4

Level 4-9: Mid Candy Creations.
Candy Hound: HP 14, 1 D8
Candy Eagle: HP 10, 1 D10

Level 10-14: High Candy Creations.
Candy Unicorn: HP 30, 1 D12
Candy Spider: HP 22, 2 D8

Level 15-20: Extreme Candy Creations.
Candy Lung Dragon: HP 60, 2 D12
Candy Saber-tooth: HP 48, 3 D10

Chaos can use her action to command all her summoned minions to attack one creature.
Candy minions last 10 minuets

2nd Level: Candy Armada
Chaos can use 1 of her Trifle dice as a bonus action to create an oversized lollipop that she wields as a weapon.

This Lollipop is a bludgeoning weapon and is reinforced with magic so its as hard as steal but as light as candy.
+2 to hit
2 handed
1 D12 Damage + Strength modifier

3rd Level: Cake Boss
Chaos has mastered making her Trifle dice. On Chaos’s first turn in combat She can Use two Trifle dice to make minions or summon a weapon as her bonus action.
It now only takes Chaos half a day to make an alchemy Cake.

6th Level: Sugar Rush
Chaos can now make 2 actions per a turn and can now carry an 1 Additional Trifle dice.
Chaos has gotten real good with Her trifles now and can make a a Trifle dice with an Action in combat if she isn’t pinned, distracted, blinded, frightened or panicked.
Chaos must finish a short or long rest to use this ability again.

10th Level: Long live the Candy
Chaos’s Candy Creations (Minions and Weapons) no longer fade after 10 minutes and remain until Chaos dismisses them, they are defeated or Chaos goes over her maximum number of Minions.

When chaos is targeted for an attack she can use her reaction command to command a minion to take the blow for her.

11th Level: Trifle Bomb
As an Action Chaos can prime one of her Trifle dice to become unstable and toss it like a hand bomb. It dose 2 D10 damage in a 15 ft area of effect.
This ability can only be used once per turn.
Chaos can do this twice before needing to take a short or long rest before using this ability again.

13th Level: Candy Floss Storm
Chaos can use an action and two Trifle dice to cover the surrounding area of 60 feet in a very sticky fairy floss web.
All creatures in range make a Constitution Saving throw. On a fail they are stuck in place and cannot move or attack. They can take an action to try and wiggle free on their turn.
On a success they are not stuck.
All creatures other then Chaos and her minions have reduced speed by 15 ft and all ranged attacks take -4 to hit.
Chaos must finish a long rest before using this ability again.

14th Level: Sugar Wall
As an action or Reaction Chaos can use 1 Trifle dice to create a 15 ft long wall by 15 ft high wall of rock candy.
The wall has 150HP and AC of 19.
Chaos and her Minions can pass through the wall as if it was air.
Chaos must finish a short or long rest before using this ability again.

15th Level: Jaw Breaker
If Chaos has her lollipop equipped and at least 1 Trifle dice she can declare using this ability then use an action to take a hit.
If this swing hits add +10 to the damage.
after that the weapon shatters and becomes unusable.
If Chaos misses the weapon is shattered anyway.
Chaos can do this up to 3 times before needing to take a short or long rest.

17th Level: Candy Artillery

20th Level: overdose

  • homebrew/class/sugar_alchemist.1545011665.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)