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Rarity Trade & Sale

Title Detail
Type Retail Store
Sub-Type House
Service Magic item Retail
Magic item commision
Location Hazelpost
Region Cunning Expanse
Owner Ravi Decota
Guests/Employees Jellal Decota (Employee)

The store is Equivalent to a 5 Bedroom house. Plenty of floor space on the ground level, filled with display cases and simple store furniture.
2 rooms are attached to the ground floor as well as a kitchen around back, out of site from visitors.
the rooms are used for bulk stock while the other is a private meeting room.

Ground floor has a set of stairs to go down into the basement or up into the 1st floor, where Ravi's home is mostly located, bedroom, bathroom and recreational area.

The store is located in Hazelpost, a very large seasonal city with some of the highest foot traffic in the land being the first settlement on the border between Reton and Corvia.

Its a nice store with just the right amount of design to capture passers by attention but most of the customers learn of this shop by word of mouth.

Services Provided Cost Extra
Item 00 Gold What i got
Service 00 Gold What you need


The store stocks basic to very high quality magic items, things from basic Enchanted weapons to some legendary artifacts.
The store also stocks rare treasure items and hard to find alchemy/ spell ingredients as well as a selection of potions found of crafted by a local alchemist, friends with the Store's owner Ravi.

Stock is stacked during the off months and refreshed every two days during the on months.


The owner of the store Ravi spends the off months adventuring around the land, Dungeon diving for any shiny item she can find. These items are stored and eventually placed in the basement of her shop.
The store is heavily guarded by watchful eyes
Word gets around that Ravi will hunt down and publicly execute anyone foolish enough to try and steal from her. It keeps a majority of thieves at bay but some still get through and Ravi has the greatest skills to be able to track find and kill any prey.

During the on months the store is open 5 days a week, Ravi spending 2 days while the store is closed to Dungeon dive into the local Shift ruins. A magical place that moves on its own. The items there are not the rarest but are enough to keep stock topped up.

More VIP customers can come and request specific items for Ravi to track down.
these custom orders come at a high price but its with Ravi's guarantee or they get the item for half price.
Orders are taken during the on months with a small service fee to take Ravi's attention away from the ground floor.
and official hunting doesn't start till the off months, Ravi has until the store opens again to find these items. A maximum of 5 of these special orders can be taken at a time.

  • location/decota_tales.1696304480.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 18 months ago
  • by Cinder