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Bard:Through self
Cleric:Through deities
Druid:Through nature
Paladin:Through deities
Sorcerer:Through lineage
Warlock:Through patrons
Wizard:Through knowledge

Abjuration:Protection, dispelling, wards, force fields; anything that protects you or seals things away.
Conjuration:Summoning, teleporting, creating stuff out of thin air; anything that makes matter appear.
Divination:Omens, prophecy, detection, sight, talking to things; anything that gets you information.
Enchantment:Telepathy, mind-reading, compulsions, mental or emotional control, some curses; anything that targets a mind.
Evocation:Manipulating fire, light, sound, force, lightning; anything that makes raw energy appear.
Illusion:Phantoms, illusions, cloaking spells, blasts of colour; anything that tries to fool or overwhelm the senses
Necromancy:Undead, energy drain, soul manipulation, resurrection, creating life; anything involving life force, corpses, souls, or the undead.
Transmutation:Transformations, enhancements, some curses; anything that changes the physical properties of an object or creature that already exists.


Magic System

Raw Power
This system expands upon the Variant: Spell Points rules found in the 5th edition Dungeon Master’s Guide (pages 288/289). The basics of the Raw Power system are as follows:

  • Characters may cast any spell from their list of spells at any time, regardless of level.
  • Spell Points replace Spell Slots as the resources used by casters, and provide a safe way to cast spells.
  • A spellcaster’s Prowess determines the level at which spells may be cast using spell points.
  • Spells cast at a level higher than a spellcaster’s Prowess must be Channelled. Channelled spells take longer to cast, and risk causing Drain.

By using these rules, players are allowed more freedom of choice at the cost of more complexity. The individual mechanics are described in more detail in the sections that follow.

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